Tennis 板


Breaking down the Aussie Open draw Posted: Friday January 10, 2003 5:52 PM Sports Illustrated senior writer Jon Wertheim peers into his crystal ball to reveal the fate of the top 16 men's and women's seeds for the Australian Open. Scroll down to see the first-round matches you shouldn't miss, some darkhorse candidates to advance to Week 2, and his championship predictions. WOMEN'S REPORT 1. Serena Williams: It's awfully hard to pick against a player who hasn't lost a Grand Slam match since 2001. Plus, unlike her sister, Serena looks to be in form. 2. Venus Williams: For a player who has never been at her best Down Under and who hasn't played much since last summer, it's perplexing that she didn't enter a tuneup. If she stays healthy, we're looking at our fourth straight all-Williams final -- but there's a nagging feeling here that her body won't hold up. 3. Jennifer Capriati: Haven't heard much from the Capster lately. Two-time defending champ has history on her side, but she hasn't won a solitary title since Melbourne 2002 and it has been more than a year since she's beaten either Williams. 4. Kim Clijsters: Can she build on her command performance in Los Angeles? "Aussie Kim" will get special dispensation from fans by dint of her relationship with Lleyton Hewitt. 5. Justine Henin-Hardenne: Newly betrothed but faced with same old predicament: Does her slight physical stature prevent her from upending the Big Babes? 6. Monica Seles: A new coach and her reportedly improved fitness are sources of optimism. But is former A.O. champ really capable of winning seven straight matches against the best and brightest? 7. Daniela Hantuchova: Ready for a breakout. Her draw certainly looks to be a willing accomplice. 8. Anastasia Myskina: Awfully benign draw ought to ensure that Russian lives up to her seeding. 9. Lindsay Davenport: Like Seles, she is with a new coach. If her game isn't too rusty, 2000 A.O. champ ought to reach quarters, at least. 10. Chanda Rubin: Former semifinalist will cruise into second week. But run will end against either Myskina or Clijsters. 11. Magdalena Maleeva: It says here she loses to Marion Bartoli in her first match. 12. Patty Schnyder: Lots of talent. If she keeps her head, she ought to square off in Round 4 against Hantuchova. 13. Silvia Farina Elia: Faces countrywoman Flavia Pennetta in first round. Evergreen Italienne tends to underachieve at Slams. 14. Anna Pistolesi: Can we sign a petition to reinstate "Smashnova"? Not a lot of weapons, but superior speed and conditioning should serve her well. 15. Alexandra Stevenson: Never summoned her best tennis at Slams in 2002, but the draw deities certainly smiled on her. 16. Nathalie Dechy: Won a tuneup and is a credible darkhorse, but still doesn't strike fear in Big Babes. LOWER SEEDS WORTH WATCHING 17. Elena Dementieva: Has been in a two-year funk, but still capable of some quality tennis. 18. Eleni Daniilidou: The Paradorn Srichaphan of the women's tour. A hot commodity with ample power and fun, flashy game. 20. Elena Bovina: The tower of power. The tallest player on tour (6-foot-2 1/2) will be in the top 10 by year's end. 25. Meghann Shaughnessy: After a dismal 2002, the hard-working Phoenician is off to a hot start. 27. Lisa Raymond: As always, the faster the court plays the better she'll fare. DANGEROUS FLOATERS Tathiana Garbin: Athletic Italian rarely beats the big guns, but makes them work . Alicia Molik: Australian won her first career title two weeks ago. Laura Granville: Has a competitive resolve to match her strong game. Marion Bartoli: Remember the name. FIRST-ROUND MATCHES TO WATCH Henrieta Nagyova vs. Anna Kournikova: Anna factor aside, these are two of the top five or so unseeded players. Dinara Safina vs. No. 32 Katarina Srebotnik: Marat Safin's li'l sis will take out a seed off the bat. Stevenson vs. Elena Baltacha: Two of the harder servers in women's tennis. Stephanie Foretz vs. Evgenia Koulikovskaya: You've never seen a style like Koulikovskaya's. Trust me. No. 19 Amanda Coetzer vs. Barbara Schett: Two former top-10ers meet early. PREDICTIONS Semifinals: Serena Williams vs. Clijsters, Davenport vs. Hantuchova Final: Williams vs. Hantuchova Champion: Williams -- 我们问她"假如"让她选的话,她比较想让谁赢温布顿,她或Lleyton?想了三秒後她回答: 'rather Lleyton, I don't like to see him unhappy...' 而当问到在法网时最困难的选择是什麽时,她毫不迟疑的回答: 'the decision of not playing doubles with Lleyton.' .....Whoever says something like this must be deeply in love..... --

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