Tennis 板


疑似这一部: Pat and Mike (1952) 或是Players (1979) 网球电影: Hard, Fast and Beautiful (1951)… Claire Trevor, Sally Forrest, Carleton Young, Robert Clarke, Kenneth Patterson. Dominant mother pushes gifted daughter to be the best tennis player in the world. Worth seeing for the premise but could've been done better. Ida Lupino (who also directed) and Robert Ryan have cameos. Adapted from a John R. Tunis story. Pat and Mike (1952)… Katharine Hepburn, Spencer Tracy, Aldo Ray, William Ching, Jim Backus, Carl Switzer, Chuck Connors. Comedy about a sensational female athlete is managed by a hard-nosed sports promoter. Based on the Ruth Gordon/Garson Kanin Oscar-nominated screenplay. Babe Didrikson and Betty Hicks among others have cameos. Little Mo (1978)… Glynnis O'Connor, Michael Lerned, Anne Baxter, Claude Akins, Martin Milner, Anne Francis, Leslie Nielson. TV-movie about teenage tennis star Maureen Connolly's battle with cancer. Moving story but not much action on the courts. Players (1979)… Ali McGraw, Dean-Paul Martin, Maximilian Schell, Pancho Gonzalez, Steve Guttenberg, Melissa Prophet. Tennis pro falls for two women and has to choose between them while playing at Wimbledon. Told in flashbacks, the story is of a rags-to-riches career of Dean-Paul Martin. The script is so poor that even excellent production, cast and tennis scenes can't help it. A long list of tennis pros including John McInroe and Dennis Ralston appear as themselves. Racquet (1979)… Bert Convy, Edie Adams, Lynda Day George, Phil Silvers, Bobby Riggs, Susan Tyrell, Bruce Kimmel. Beverly Hills tennis pro frolics with the ladies and tries to raise money for his business. Bjorn Borg appears as himself. Pass again. Spring Fever (1983)… Susan Anton, Frank Converse, Jessica Walter, Stephen Young, Carling Bassett. Below average story of young tennis player on and off the court during the women's tennis finals. Nothing special here. Second Serve (1986)… Vanessa Redgrave, Martin Balsam, William Russ, Alice Krige, Kerrie Keane, Reni Santoni, Louise Fletcher, Nina Van Pallandt, Jeff Corey. Pretty good account of transsexual tennis pro Renee Richards. Redgrave convincingly plays both sides of the average male tennis star who has an operation and tries to play on the female tour. TV-movie is based on Richards' autobiography. Jocks (1987)… Scott Strader, Mariska Hargitay, R.G. Armstrong, Richard Roundtree, Perry Lang, Christopher Lee, Donald Gibb, Stoney Jackson, Katherine Kelly Lang, Adam Mills, Trinidad Silva, Tom Shadyac, Christopher Murphy. Coach Bettlebom takes a rag-tag college tennis team to Las Vegas for a tournament. Forgettable teen comedy. Good tennis scenes though. Nobody’s Perfect (1989)… Chad Lowe, Gail O'Grady, Patrick Breen, Kim Flowers, Eric Bruskotter, Carmen More, Todd Schaefer, Annie Korzen, Mariann Aalda. A college freshman tennis player falls in love with a female a tennis player and gets kicked off the tennis team when she rejects him. Break (1995)… Martin Sheen, Rae Dawn Chong, Vincent Van Patten, Valerie Perrine. A banned tennis pro must coach a teenager in order to make good on a gambling debt. ESPN tennis commentators Fred Stolle and Cliff Drysdale appear as themselves. [Van Patten, who also co-wrote the script, is a former tennis pro.] -- Escude, a brilliant escapologist. --

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◆ From:
1F:→ ouch:网球版最终情报头子,人称刀子脸Nicolas!:P 推 12/19
2F:→ Escude:职业病啦 呵呵 推 12/19
3F:→ esnique:喔喔~狂推啊!(版大真是越来越搞笑罗:P) 推 12/19

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