Tennis 板


『休』得胡言,开『伊』面 The Trouble with Lleyton For a twenty-one-year-old, Lleyton Hewitt has made some impressive achievements: the young Australian has already attained Wimbledon and U.S. Open titles and the distinction of being the youngest number-one-ranked tennis player in history. Less impressive, though just as memorable, have been his on-court outbursts.  就年仅二十一岁的人来说,李顿.休伊特已缔造了好几项令人钦佩的成就: 这位澳洲年轻小夥子曾赢得温布顿和美国公开赛冠军,荣膺网球史上最年轻世 界第一的殊荣。比较令人不敢恭维又着实教人难忘的,则是他球场上火爆的行径。 Hewitt gloriously won his first professional title in his hometown, Adelaide, in 1998. Two years later, however, at the home crowd were jeering him because he had branded them "stupid" for cheering hes opponent; at the 2001 French Open, he offended disabled people when he called the chair umpire "a spastic."  1998年,休伊特在老家阿德莱得光荣拿下首座职业赛冠军。然而事隔两年, 在同一赛事上,他却遭到家乡父老不断揶揄,因为他曾在他们为对手打气时, 污辱他们是「笨蛋」;在2001年的法国公开赛,他叫坐在高脚椅上的主审「残废」 ,因而冒犯了残障人士。 But Hewitt's most controversial moment came during the 2001 U.S. Open, when, upset with one particular linesman's calls against him, he loudly suggested the chair umpire look at "the similarity." To most observers, the only apparent similarity was that the linesman and Hewitt's opponent, James Blake, were both black.  但休伊特引发最大争议的一刻莫过於2001年的美国公开赛,当时,他对某名线审 几次判他违例大感不满,遂大声地叫主审看看「他们相似的地方」。对所有旁观者 来说,线审和休伊特的对手詹姆斯.布雷克只有一个明显的相似之处:都是黑人。 Hewitt claimed that his remarks weren't racially loaded, that the similarity he was referring to was between the bad calls and the end at which they were continuously being made-not the most articulate player on the circuit, it's a good thing that, these days, Lleyton lets his racket do more of the talking.  休伊特辩称他的言论未含种族色彩,他所说的相似,指的是「这些烂判决」和「 频频吹出烂判决的端线裁判」之间的关系──既然不是网坛顶尖能言善道的选手, 最近休伊特大多以球拍代替本尊发言,未尝不是一件好事。 The Road Ahead Lleyton Hewitt's next tennis challenge is the Australian Open. Curiously, the Rebound Ace surface, which Hewitt considers to be to his advantage, is where he has recorded some of his worst tournament results. Last year, an illness-stricken Hewitt was knocked out in the first round. But this time around , things are sure to be different for the fit-and-on-form world number one.  李顿.休伊特下一场网球挑战是澳洲公开赛。匪夷所思的是,在这座休伊特认为 对自己有利的Rebound Ace橡胶硬地球场中,他却留下好几次最难堪的记录。去年, 病魔缠身的休伊特在第一轮就被淘汰出局。但是,今年此时,世界第一健康无虞全 力出击,局面定会改观。 At just 175 centimeters tall, Hewitt bases his game around a magnificent service return, rather than the serve and volley of players such as Pete Sampras and Marat Safin. Like the scurrying baseliner Andre Agassi, Hewitt enables him to chase down balls that many players wouldn't even consider attempting to reach. This is what makes him such an exciting player to watch and why he was garnered such high praise from past tennis champions.  身高仅175公分的休伊特,比赛中以绝佳的接发球来与对手周旋,而非采用山普 拉斯与沙芬等选手的发球上网。休伊特与脚步迅捷的底线型选手阿格西相仿,拥有不 可思议地场上速度,让他救得到许多选手根本不会想去碰的球。这点造就他成为一名 令观众兴奋的选手,也是他之所以得到历任世界冠军高度赞赏的原因。 Tennis legend Billie Jean King said that, for a little guy, he's incredible; in the eyes of John McEnroe, Hewitt is a " one-on-a-million guy," a player who figures out ways to win and play with "unbelievable intensity." This January, many will be watching to see if the electrifying Australian will finally figure out a way to claim his first major title on home soil.  网坛传奇人物金恩夫人曾说,就小个子而言,他真是不可思议;在约翰.马克安诺 的眼中,休伊特是个「难得一见的好小子」,一名会想尽办法赢球、球风「强悍得难 以置信」的选手。今年一月,许多人正等着看这位冲击力十足的澳洲小子,是否终能 找出办法,夺下他在祖国的首座大满贯冠军。 ─by Colin Gread 资料来源:实用空中美语2003元月号/Day8.Day9 -- 阻隔台南与台北的必然不是北回归线 而是赤道!是赤道! 要不,十二月中哪来这麽热的鬼天气 --

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◆ From:
1F:→ Escude:我记得以前的空英有一篇Sampras... 推 12/18
2F:→ establish:哎,Safin不算是发球上网选手,虽然他会点 推 12/18
3F:→ rockroddick:establish严肃了喔,空中美语练英文用地;)꜠推 12/18
4F:→ establish:呵嘿哈,这是直觉反应嘛:p而且空英是很重 推 12/19
5F:→ establish:要的英文教材…是网球的推广的利器(口胡) 推 12/19
6F:→ morsten:我有一本"实用空中美语"的有一篇有关网球 推 12/20
7F:→ morsten:的文章,谈到网球的发源,and当时的球王老山 推 12/20
8F:→ youtwo:应该是one-in-a-million喔... 推140.112.216.120 12/20

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