Tennis 板


Annacone Says Sampras Decision On Future Will Come Next Week 教练Paul说Sampras将在下周决定未来 [December 13, 2002, Richard Pagliaro] Pete Sampras spent September scripting a storybook revival to his remarkable career when he snapped a two-year title drought by capturing the U.S. Open title. Next week, the 14-time Grand Slam champion will decide whether he plans to add another chapter to his success story or close the book on one of the greatest careers in tennis history. Pete Sampras将在下周决定继续他继拿下第14座大满贯的职业生涯、或者以一个故事般的 结局作为结尾。(上次说是11月要决定…很犹豫不定哪…) Sampras's coach, Paul Annacone, said yesterday he has urged the five-time U.S. Open champion to resume his career and is convinced Sampras can claim another Slam. 他的教练Paul Annacone说他鼓励Samprsa继续寻找另一个大满贯:「我真的很希望他决定 明年继续比赛。我将尽可能地鼓励他复出因为我十分确信他仍至少有一个大满贯的机会。 但问题在於他愿意作出牺牲吗?(大概是指家庭吧) "I really hope he decides to play next year," Annacone said. I'm doing all I can to push him to come back because I'm convinced he has it in him to win a few more Slams. But the question is whether he wants to make the sacrifices.? The 31-year-old Sampras and wife Bridgette Wilson-Sampras became first time parents last month with the birth of son Christian Charles Sampras. 31岁的Sampras与他的妻子wilson上个月刚刚有了第一个宝宝。虽然自美网赛後Sampras就 没有再比赛,但Annacone说他仍持续地进行训练以保有职业竞争力。Annacone说Sampras还 未决定要继续职业生涯或者退休,他并且期望他在下星期决定。(哇~~Annacone真是厉害… 看来他真的很了解Sampras,要嘛快决定,不然就来不及了~推他一把)「现在是一半一半的 机率,悬而未决,Pete这两个月来都有持续练习,他并未真的断掉网球训练,所以他仍保 有一定体能状态。但如果他要参加澳网,他必须提升到另一层次」Annacone说。 Though Sampras has not played a match since scoring a 6-3, 6-4, 5-7, 6-4 triumph over Andre Agassi in the U.S. Open final, Annacone says he has continued training and is clearly capable of a career rebirth. Annacone said Sampras remains undecided about resuming his career or retiring and expects Sampras to make a final decision next week. "Right now, it's up in the air. It's 50-50,"Annacone said. "Pete has been practicing the last two months. He never really stopped playing after winning the Open. He's really fit physically. But if he decides to go to Australia, he needs to pick it up another notch." In one of the few extended interviews Sampras has given since his U.S. Open victory, he told Tennis Week writer Steve Flink, he was weighing several factors in contemplating his future. 美网赛後Pete在接受网球周刊的记者Steve Flink的访问时说,他衡量七个要素以沉思他 的未来。不像过去的赛季,Sampras背负着长期的冠军荒重担,在2003年假如Pete继续比赛 的话,他的压力将减少许多。「那是没有什麽可输的~对我而言,假如明年我继续比赛的话 ,我将不会有今年如此重的压力。而假若我决定退休,我也只是打开我人生的另一页而巳 」 Unlike the past season, where Sampras bore the burden of trying to snap one of the longest championship droughts of his career, a return to tennis in 2003 would see Sampras playing under far less pressure than he's felt in the recent past. "It is a no-lose situation for me," Sampras said in the interview. "If I play next year, I won't have the same pressures I had this year. If I decide to stop I will just enjoy the next chapter of my life." In an era where athletic arrogance and trash talking has become commonplace in many sports, Sampras remains a quiet player who has always preferred to let his performance speak louder than his post-match press conferences. Yet beneath his sometimes stoic exterior, Sampras is a fiercely proud player who was deeply disappointed by critics who tried to turn him into a human pinata with repeated shots ranging from Greg Rusedski's claim that he had lost a step to those who constantly called for his retirement. Sampras concedes that silencing the skeptics with his U.S. Open triumph provided one of the most satisfying moments of his career. 在体育界流行傲慢自大与垃圾言论巳变得稀松平常的今天(好重的用语b),Sampras倾向 作个安静的竞赛者,用他的表现说话而不是诉诸於世俗言论。在他深深地受到舆论批评 的困扰,他对於那些怀疑者所说的话保持沉默~那些人想把他推到心理的深渊(?),持续 攻击他如Rusedski的言论:他的速度巳经慢了一步半、该退休了,他提供了最令人满意的职 业生涯时刻~美网的胜利。 「我只是想赢得另一个冠军,实现它对我而言是很重要的。赢得美网不是我生涯最重大的 胜利,但它是非常重要的。人们心中的人选并非是我。但我觉得很无辜,过去一年内每个 时刻提到我的名字都是非常负面且消极的~来自Becker还有其他人们。对我而言那只是我用 我的球拍作了什麽,能够丢掉这些包袱感觉真的很好,从心理层次来说。」 "I just wanted to win another major, to prove it most importantly to myself, " Sampras said. "Winning the U.S. Open was not the biggest win of my career, but it was the most important. Putting people in their place is not really me. But I feel very vindicated because every time my name came up in the past year, it was all very negative, from Boris Becker and others. And in my own way, just with what I did with my racquet, I was able to throw a lot of egg around. That felt really good from a human side." While the seven-time Wimbledon winner contemplates retirement, he admits the desire to erase the memory of his second-round Wimbledon loss at the hands of journeyman George Bastl on Court 2, the infamous Graveyard of Champions, is a compelling reason why he may extend his career at least one more year. "I always think about going back to Wimbledon," Sampras said. "There is no guarantee I would win there, but I would be able to end my time there on a more positive note." 当七届温布顿冠军谈及退休,他承认对於在温布顿第二轮在第二球场败给George是个很 大的理由、使他有可能至少再延续一年的职业生涯,让他有着想消除这个记忆的慾望。 。(打击太大bb)Sampras应该决定再打一次温布顿?不论他选择退休与否,他巳经确保自己 在网史上有突出的地位。 Should Sampras decide to play Wimbledon one more time, it is likely he would want to defend his U.S. Open title two months later. Regardless of whether Sampras retires or not, he has already secured a prominent place in tennis history as one of the game's all-time greats. "The reality is that I have done really well," Sampras said. "I think this last U.S. Open showed a lot about who I am. More than just playing the game, this was about being 31 and still wanting to do it when people didn't believe in me. You always dream about how you might stop and the storybook ending at the Open a month ago could be it. But I just don't know. It's still up in the air." 「事实上我巳经作得相当好了,我想美网巳经展现了我是谁。那代表了一个31岁的人还能 作到,当人们不再相信我。你总是梦想着自己能够以一个像在美网时那故事般的结局停下 脚步。但我真的不知道,仍然悬而未决。」 -- 努力赚钱 然後赌钱 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:→ krajicek:看来我也可算是了解他的人,大概都猜对 推 12/18
2F:→ krajicek:他美网之後的动向:p 推 12/18
3F:→ establish:克兄强啊:p 推 12/18
4F:→ ouch:能成为他的天敌,当然要够了解他罗 :P 推 12/18

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