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Agassi对上Moya 在第二盘主审数度改判关键时刻的极度争议球 结果都对Agassi不利 Agassi在场上非常错愕 一反近来内敛的常态 上前跟裁判理论并语出four-letter word 以下是赛後的访谈 November 1, 2002 THE MODERATOR: First question for Andre, please. Q. Do you have certain mixed emotions at the end of that match? You played some great tennis, but things didn't go the way you or other people expected them to go? ANDRE AGASSI: I don't know exactly what you mean as far as ?? you mean as far as the result? Q. No, the line calls. ANDRE AGASSI: It's ?? I mean, listen, Carlos played better than I did today. He won that match, end of story. But that doesn't mean you don't have frustrations with how some of the umpiring goes. I mean, line calls, you're going to get some, you're going to not get some. But when an umpire makes a decision three times to overrule first serves, two of them at 30-all, I just think it's bad judgment and it's horrible for the match. It just interferes with it. Because he thinks he's right, because he thinks he sees it, he has the power to change the course of any given stage of the match. I just fundamentally struggle with that. Q. Physically, you were not 100 percent, no? ANDRE AGASSI: No, I'm just fine. I was fine. I was plenty physical enough to play better and win, but I didn't do it. He played better than I did. Q. You say you're okay physically. Is there anything you've got to sort of take care of or nurse before Shanghai? You were saying last night you were a little bit concerned. ANDRE AGASSI: Yeah, and I think I'll be fine. I'll be certainly 100 percent by then. But every player out here feels something at any given time. So to sort of focus on that would be, I think, unfair to Carlos and the way he played today. But I'll be heading back and I'll take care of the little kinks that come and go, and I should be ready to go. Q. Do we have a good chance to see you again in Bercy? ANDRE AGASSI: (Smiling). As long as you have the tournament here, it's the place to be. Q. Was what happened today possibly isolated? Or is it something that happens more frequently with umpires wanting to get in the match themselves, in your opinion? ANDRE AGASSI: No, I think it's pretty arbitrary. You never know what you're going to get. It's a mixed bag. You get umpires that go out there and have a great day in the chair; other days where they're like me and they have bad days. So you don't know what you get. That's the frustrating part about it. They're convinced they see it. We sit here and watch balls hit to us all day long at 100-and-whatever miles an hour. You hit a serve that you feel catches the line, their responsibility is to be 100 percent sure, and he's convinced he's 100 percent sure. What can you do except sit there and be at their mercy to randomly decide when they're going to do that. I'd just as soon let the calls play all the time. Q. Never overrule, you mean? ANDRE AGASSI: Yeah, you're going to get bad calls. Calls are going to be questionable all day. To take some of the questionable calls and change them and not others... He hit a forehand in the last game that I thought missed. Q. It was way out. ANDRE AGASSI: They showed it? It was out? Q. I saw it. I was on the baseline. ANDRE AGASSI: Yeah, I mean, the ball was out. That was for me to get back in the match 5-all. No overrule, okay. I can understand somebody not feeling like they saw it clear. But to say you see clear and for it to be questionable is... I can live with the calls being played, but it's hard to live with somebody deciding to change the course of a match - one person. Q. You were complimentary about Carlos playing so well today. Did what he did, in your opinion, wreck the match or change the match or ruin the match or spoil the match? ANDRE AGASSI: No, I mean, I got frustrated. I got upset. That's part of competition. I felt like I was competing hard and I didn't let it affect the rest of my play. Carlos still had to beat the best that I had today, and he did that. It always helps when you get the calls. But today, a couple went either way. So it wasn't a function of that. I didn't let the frustration affect the way I played. If anything, I felt like it helped me dig in a little bit more and made me turn it into more of a match. But I didn't quite have the same goods he did. Q. It's a long time since you've actually got so upset with an umpire. ANDRE AGASSI: No, it hasn't been that long (laughter). It really hasn't (smiling). But I'm glad you didn't see the last one then. Q. I was going to ask, when was the last time you got that upset on a tennis court? ANDRE AGASSI: Washington. It was a complete debacle on the court. Q. Could you give us any more details than that? ANDRE AGASSI: (Laughing). I don't think it's something worth harping on, but I felt like the umpire was way out of line, and I responded by being just as out of line. Q. The last time you played Carlos at Roland Garros, it was a similar sort of first set. Then you started to come back at him the way you did. Did you have any memories of that match when you were coming back? ANDRE AGASSI: It's the only time you've played, so you do think about it . Because you think about it from a technical standpoint - what happened at the start of that match, what happened towards the end of that match . I mean, in the one we played in Paris, at Roland Garros. So I was aware of it from a fundamental tactical standpoint. Today, I kept sort of trying to impose my shots, but I wasn't coming up with it. He was dictating play a little more often than I would have wanted him to. When I did have control of the point, there was a few times that I let him get away with a few shots that I should have taken care of. But then he stepped it up. The game he broke me in the second set, I'm serving 40-15, he came up with three backhand winners at the line out of nowhere. That's sort of where you have to tip your hat and say, "It's too good." But I thought about that match from the standpoint of what I needed to do today, and he didn't let me do it. Q. Sorry to go back to the subject, but I have never seen a chair umpire overruling so much. Usually, to overrule is an exception and it comes perhaps twice, three times the most in a match. Today, it was... ANDRE AGASSI: Five times. Q. the other umpires didn't exist. ANDRE AGASSI: I agree. I mean, I think it's a tough habit. Because once you start, you sort of - you almost are obligated to continue. He started early (laughter). So he had a long ways to go. I was trying to tell him, "Just stop. Every time you think about overruling, just punch yourself in the stomach. And don't do it." Didn't get the message through. (五次改判中有一球Moya把球打出底线 但被判好球 Agassi猜错方向想跑回去救救不到 但有眼睁睁的看到球被打出去 as least he thinks so 等被叫好球时Agassi不可置信 对着主审说"You're f**cking mad!) Q. At the end you shook hands with him and you appeared to make some pertinent remark. ANDRE AGASSI: Yeah. Q. Can you tell us what it was. ANDRE AGASSI: Yeah, I thought he did a pathetic job. I mean... I hope I always speak my mind. I hope I always hold judgment, which probably didn't - but, again, I think those - it's part of the game. It's part of competition. It's part of the intensity and the spirit that's going on out there. That's the way it goes sometimes. Q. Andre, the crowd is always sort of an additional judge, and they knew the truth. They were supporting you and booing the chair umpire most of the time, no? ANDRE AGASSI: Yeah. Listen, I get a lot of support here. I'm very appreciative of it. I don't always know if that's the fairest indication of what's going on, but certainly one that I try to pay attention to. I felt like there was some, you know, tough - a couple tough situations out there. But the good news is it didn't affect the match. I felt the times that he did sort of overrule - he overruled one forehand, a swinging volley that I hit, that he said was way out. He was surprised she missed it. I didn't actually watch it bounce. It left my racquet and I assumed I made it. So because I didn't see it bounce, I wasn't - so I could have got back in the game there. And maybe the serve out wide that he overruled that I thought came right off the line, I ended up winning the game anyhow. So the match wasn't affected by it beyond it being upsetting. (Agassi赛後仍称主审过度overrule并没有影响到他 除了很令人沮丧之外他也尽力马上把心态调到正常 像一球主审判Agassi发球出界 他最後还是拿下那局 并一边走向主审一边直直的看着他握拳喊"Yes! Yes!"很多次 到了主审面前他把剩下一颗网球用力往地上砸 球弹起跳的老高...) Q. Except for the last one, when it would have been 5-all. ANDRE AGASSI: I would have asked him to overrule then. I'll never ask an umpire to get involved. That's two guys out there and a lot of people trying to make calls. So let the calls play. So... But then when they start, it's hard not to want it or to expect it. Q. Considering the race, how does this loss affect you? ANDRE AGASSI: I don't know what it means technically, because I don't sort of follow the numbers closely. But it's obviously disappointing because this would have been a great opportunity to make - to gain some ground. But it could be a lot more difficult, I guess, if Lleyton does well. But I think everything's going to be determined in Shanghai, so I get another try. Agassi虽然不满主审判决 但仍给予Moya他应得的credits 很有风度的称赞他 也表示比赛就是这样 会有误判 会有临时状况 但这是两个网球员之间的比赛... 不应该有别的一人过份干涉 他也表示一定会在年终赛前把体力调整到100% 继续争取球王... --

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