Tennis 板


Masters/ATP Tour World Championship The year-end championship of the ATP men's tour since 1970. Contested by the year's top eight players. Originally a round-robin, the Masters was revised in 1972 to include a round-robin to decide the four semifinalists then a single elimination format after that. The tournament switched from December to January in 1977-78, then back to December in 1986. Held at Madison Square Garden in New York from 1978-89. Replaced by ATP Tour World Championship in 1990 and held in Germany. *2000年的年终八强赛则是改在葡萄牙的里斯本举行,且以後每年地点都会改变 而2001年比赛是在雪梨举行,今年则在中国上海。 年代 冠军 亚军 比数 2001 Lleyton Hewitt Sebastien Grosjean 6-3; 6-3; 6-4 2000 Gustavo Kuerten Andre Agassi 6-4; 6-4; 6-4 1999 Pete Sampras Andre Agassi 6-1; 7-5; 6-4 1998 Alex Corretja Carlos Moya 3-6; 3-6; 7-5; 6-3; 7-5 1997 Pete Sampras Yevgeny Kafelnikov 6-3; 6-2; 6-2 1996 Pete Sampras Boris Becker 3-6; 7-6; 7-6; 6-7; 6-4 1995 Boris Becker Michael Chang 7-6; 6-0; 7-6 1994 Pete Sampras Boris Becker 4-6; 6-3; 7-5; 6-4 1993 Michael Stich Pete Sampras 7-6; 2-6; 7-6; 6-2 1992 Boris Becker Jim Courier 6-4; 6-3; 7-5 1991 Pete Sampras Jim Courier 3-6; 7-6; 6-3; 6-4 1990 Andre Agassi Stefan Edberg 5-7; 7-6; 7-5; 6-2 1989 Stefan Edberg Boris Becker 4-6; 7-6; 6-3; 6-1 1988 Boris Becker Ivan Lendl 5-7; 7-6; 3-6; 6-2; 7-6 1987 Ivan Lendl Mats Wilander 6-2; 6-2; 6-3 1986 Ivan Lendl Boris Becker 6-4; 6-4; 6-4 1986 Ivan Lendl Boris Becker 6-2; 7-6; 6-3 1985 John McEnroe Ivan Lendl 7-5; 6-0; 6-4 1984 John McEnroe Ivan Lendl 6-3; 6-4; 6-4 1983 Ivan Lendl John McEnroe 6-4; 6-4; 6-2 1982 Ivan Lendl Vitas Gerulaitis 6-7; 2-6; 7-6; 6-2; 6-4 1981 Bjorn Borg Ivan Lendl 6-4; 6-2; 6-2 1980 Bjorn Borg Vitas Gerulaitis 6-2; 6-2 1979 John McEnroe Arthur Ashe 6-7; 6-3; 7-5 1978 Jimmy Connors Bjorn Borg 6-4; 1-6; 6-4 1976 Manuel Orantes Wojtek Fibak 5-7; 6-2; 0-6; 7-6; 6-1 1975 Ilie Nastase Bjorn Borg 6-2; 6-2; 6-1 1974 Guillermo Vilas Ilie Nastase 7-6; 6-2; 3-6; 3-6; 6-4 1973 Ilie Nastase Tom Okker 6-3; 7-5; 4-6; 6-3 1972 Ilie Nastase Stan Smith 6-3; 6-2; 3-6; 2-6; 6-3 1971 Ilie Nastase (6-0) Stan Smith (4-2) 1970 Stan Smith (4-1) Rod Laver (4-1) -- 爱的天气总是阴晴不定 爱的情绪也在欢笑中哭泣 (Baby) 想对你说声对不起 用错了方式去爱你 因为我太在意(如果没有你) 我的世界只剩回忆 每天只面对孤寂 已来不及 再说我爱你 自从那天分手後 停不住泪滴 想念一个人 能忘记自己 让我爱你 什麽都愿意 如果能再遇见你 把你抱紧 从此不分离 绝不放弃 我要告诉你 OS:Baby I'm sorry --

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