Tech_Job 板

LINE Himax Soars 20% as Analyst Predicts Key Role in Nvidia and TSM's AI Revolution On Thursday after TF International Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo advised Himax technology (NASDAQ:HIMX) might provide critical technology to Nvidia (NASDAQ:NV DA) and Taiwan Semiconductor (NYSE:TSM), its stock was up over 20%. Kuo underlined as key elements for their possible inclusion in the supply chains for Nvidia's next AI processor, the Rubin series, and Taiwan Semiconductor's Co -Packaged Optics (CPO), Himax's Wafer-Level Optics (WLO)technology and relations hip with Fiber Optic Communications (FOCI). With WLO driving long-term expansion for Himax, CPO is positioned to become a cr itical chip design for AI servers and high-performance computing systems, Kuo sa id. Future AI server and high-performance computing architectures are projected to give transfer efficiency top priority through co-packaged optics, the analyst also observed, so fully utilizing advances in chip processing capability. On Thursday, Himax shows double-digit spike in morning trade and a notable incre ase among mounting hope about the company's possible influence in changing semic onductor technologies. 太厉害了 光电技术翻身 --

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1F:推 apple123773 : 怕 12/13 20:53
2F:→ dildoe : 牙膏不是早就有Photonics,那有起飞嘛?XD 12/13 20:56
3F:→ luche : 这次不一样?=.= 12/13 21:19
4F:→ yunf : 这个不是iPhone大师吗? 现在又变成ai大师了 12/13 21:21
5F:推 HardyJJ : 又变光电厂了.. 12/13 21:31
6F:→ dildoe : 反正类比甚麽都能做XD 12/13 21:52
7F:推 ikimiP : 一堆待退老人怎麽起飞? 12/13 22:23
8F:推 LeonKuo : 12/14 00:12
9F:→ LeonKuo : 一天45% 太神啦 12/14 00:12
10F:推 steak5566 : 游戏boy 12/14 01:51
11F:推 DontGoHimax : 老板表示:窝不知道 12/14 07:06
12F:推 dakkk : 使用青眼白龙 12/14 09:36
13F:推 deepelves : 粉碎玉碎大喝采! 12/14 09:37
14F:推 zerobx : 加入海马 人生宝马 12/14 09:58
15F:推 mercedeces : 飙疯马 12/14 10:22
16F:推 rizman28 : 怎麽可能 12/14 10:28
17F:推 CKRO : 海马娱乐集团 12/14 10:51
18F:推 grayeric : 黑魔导呢? 12/14 11:55
19F:推 smallkop : 青眼究极龙啦 12/14 13:02
20F:推 aero3019 : 炒股公司 12/14 13:06
21F:推 dky93 : 昨天修正快12趴回来 12/14 16:31
22F:→ luche : 青眼救急龙用嘴巴喷射雷射光波 12/14 16:37
23F:嘘 Fujima : 那个马没有用了 OU head 先全砍再说啦! 12/15 17:22
24F:推 misomochi : 原来海马有在美国上市… 12/15 17:58
25F:推 Merkle : 游戏boy 12/17 13:04
26F:推 roger2 : 强韧 无敌 最强! 粉碎 玉碎 大喝采! 12/18 20:52

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