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LINE New evidence suggests McDermitt Caldera may be among the largest known lithium reserves in the world 新的证据指出美国McDermitt Caldera 拥有全世界最大的锂矿产 trio of volcanologists and geologists from Lithium Americas Corporation, GNS Science, and Oregon State University reports evidence that the McDermitt Caldera, on the Nevada/Oregon, border, may host some of the largest known deposits of lithium on Earth. In their project, reported in the journal Science Advances, Thomas Benson, Matthew Coble and John Dilles studied parts of the caldera and developed a theory to explain how so many lithium deposits were formed in the area. 证据指出,在内华达/奥勒冈边界的地方,可能拥有全世界最大的锂矿储量。 Over the past few decades, lithium has become a highly valued soft metal, due primarily to its use in a wide variety of battery types. Because its value has continued to increase, scientists working for mining companies such as Lithium Americas Corporation have been looking for sources. The McDermitt Caldera is approximately 45 kilometers long and 35 kilometers wide. Prior research has suggested it formed as part of the Yellowstone hotspot, which led to the formation of a sequence of calderas. Its origin dates to approximately 19 million years ago. 麦德密特火山口大概45公里长35公里宽。之前的研究推测它是由黄石火山的热点所 形成的。它大概是1900万年前形成。 In 2017, another team of researchers found evidence that one part of the caldera called Thacker Pass could be among the largest sources of lithium ever found. Lithium Americas obtained a stake at the site and began testing mining operations. Soon thereafter, they ran into opposition from locals and Native American groups, but eventually won the right to mine at the site. Since that time, the research team has been collecting and analyzing samples, looking for the best place to begin major mining operations. But to find it, they and many other experts in the field believe they must find an explanation for how the lithium got there in the first place. In their paper, the researchers suggest a theory—one Lithium Americas plans to use to begin its mining operations. Their theory posits that after a volcano erupted, a hydrothermal enrichment occurred—magma deep unground pushed its way to the center of what is now the caldera, leading to the formation of the Montana Mountains. As that happened, faults, fissures and fractures were created, allowing lithium to seep up toward the surface. This process also transformed much of the smectite into illite (different forms of clay minerals), which wound up along the southern rim of the basin. That, they conclude, explains why lithium is so abundant there. 在火山喷发的时候,大量的锂被带到表现,这是为什麽当地锂这麽丰富的原因 心得: 美国的EV产业可以完全自给自足了 --

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1F:→ wondtty : 离那假如色法 09/07 21:02
2F:→ sos915915 : 比美看谁被扁 09/07 21:06
3F:推 yudofu : 挖下去然後黄石公园喷发 09/07 21:12
4F:推 ciplu : 开发成本太贵 工人都懒惰 09/07 21:15
5F:推 CoNsTaR : 不是铀矿给嘘 09/07 21:23
6F:推 Homeparty : 放电梯以後下班走人 09/07 21:34
7F:推 justicelife : 这一区的锂矿会是哪家企业取得呢? 09/07 21:38
8F:推 godog : 美国的锂从来不问题 美国人不爱电车才是问题 09/07 21:39
9F:推 x123392003 : 问题不是提炼过程的污染吗? 09/07 21:57
10F:推 itemark : 洛矶山脉什麽都有~ 09/07 22:23
11F:推 li118 : 美国人不是不爱电车,东岸地广人稀城跟城距离动辄10 09/07 22:54
12F:→ li118 : 0-200miles 中途广设充电站难度太高 09/07 22:54
13F:→ kyle5241 : 主要公路上一定有啦 特斯拉建了15000个 09/07 23:05
14F:推 Flyingheart : 这些大国应该都有不少矿 重点要肯挖 09/07 23:28
15F:推 wsp151515 : 美国喜欢先开发别国的资源 09/08 00:26
16F:推 zombiechen : 加州五号公路休息站都能充电为什麽美东公路休息站 09/08 00:37
17F:→ zombiechen : 不能设充电桩? 09/08 00:37
18F:→ zombiechen : 回馈的钱给的多就不污染了 09/08 00:38
19F:→ FlynnZhang : 民主外送 09/08 02:33
20F:推 USkitty : 有矿也要能开采啊才有用 09/08 06:28
21F:→ a54732576 : 中国跳脚 09/08 07:58
22F:推 henrylin8086: 老美人力成本加环保议题成本套一套,应该还是会用 09/08 08:57
23F:→ henrylin8086: 买的。 09/08 08:57
24F:推 atten : 美国都先用别人家的不是常识了吗 09/09 13:27
25F:嘘 yunf : 先挖光别人的矿污染别人得地 09/10 22:13
26F:→ Casper50 : 所以如果现在的车全换成电动车 到底够不够了啊 09/11 11:39

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