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LINE 三星突破记忆体瓶颈 公布HBM-PIM、LPDDR-PIM研究成果 Samsung breaks through memory bottleneck; announces research results on HBM-PIM and LPDDR-PIM At the 2023 Hot Chips forum, in addition to Intel's announcement of its data center chip product, the latest report from Korea's TheElec also pointed out Samsung Electronics has announced its research results on high bandwidth memory (HBM)-processing-in-memory (PIM) and low power DDR (LPDDR)-PIM as part of its efforts to focus on the AI sector. 三星公布了高频宽记忆体内运算(HBM-PIM)和低功耗动态记忆体内运算的成果 Previously, Samsung and AMD began a collaboration related to PIM technology. Samsung equipped HBM-PIM memory onto AMD's commercial GPU accelerator card, the MI-100. According to Samsung's research results, applying HBM-PIM to generative AI will more than double the accelerator's performance and power consumption efficiency compared to existing HBMs. 之前三星和AMD开始在记忆体内运算(PIM)合作,三星把HBM-PIM整合到AMD GPU MI-100中。根据三星的研究,HBM-PIM在同样的攻耗下,运算效能可以提升一倍 To solve the memory bottleneck that has begun to appear in the AI semiconductor sector in recent years, next-gen memory technologies like HBM-PIM have received significant attention. The HBM-PIM conducts computation processing within the memory itself through PIM technology. This simplifies the data movement steps, thereby enhancing performance and power efficiency. 为了解决AI运算中的记忆体瓶颈,记忆体内运算受到很大的注目,HBM-PIM是直接在 记忆体内执行运算,这样简化了数据传输的步骤,因此增加性能和功耗 Furthermore, to verify the Mixture of Experts (MoE) model, Samsung used 96 HBM-PIM-equipped MI-100 units to build a HBM-PIM cluster. In the MoE model, the HBM-PIM accelerator doubled the performance and tripled the power efficiency compared to HBM. 在MoE模型中,三星的HBM-PIM展现了2倍性能以及提升了三倍的功耗比 Industry sources explained that the speed of memory development has been slower compared to the advancements in AI accelerator technology. To alleviate this memory bottleneck, it's necessary to expand the application of next-gen semiconductors like HBM-PIM. Additionally, in sectors like LLM, many data sets are frequently reused. Therefore, utilizing HBM-PIM computation can also reduce data movement. 记忆体速度的增速远低於AI加速的进展,为了抒解记忆体瓶颈,HBM-PIM的使用是必要的 此外,对於AI模型LLM来说,很多的数据都会重复的使用,所以使用HBM-PIM可以大幅 的减少数据移动 On the other hand, Samsung also introduced the "LPDDR-PIM," which combines mobile DRAM with PIM to enable direct processing and computing within edge devices. Notably, because LPDDR-PIM is designed for edge devices, it offers lower bandwidth (102.4GB/s) and saves 72% of power compared to DRAMs. 另外对於边缘运算装置,三星结合了手机记忆体在PIM中,创造了可以在边缘运算 装置中使用的LPDDR-PIM,虽然频宽比较小,但能耗也降低了72% Previously, Samsung revealed its AI memory plans during its 2Q23 earnings call. It not only mentioned that the HBM3 supply was undergoing customer verification but also stated that it's actively developing new edge AI memory products and PIM technology. Looking ahead, both HBM-PIM and LPDDR-PIM are still some time away from commercialization. Compared to existing HBMs, PIMs are quite expensive. 之前,三星说它的HBM3在接受客户的验证,而且它也在开发新的边缘运算的AI记忆体 产品和PIM技术。目前,HBM-PIM和LPDDR-PIM离商业化还有段距离,主要是PIM还是 非常的贵 The Hot Chips forum is a prominent academic event in the semiconductor industry. It's typically held in late August. Apart from Samsung, other major companies like SK Hynix, Intel, AMD, and Nvidia also participated in this event. 心得: 如果PIM做出来,就完全不需要先进封装了... --

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1F:→ tony890415 : 美光GG 08/31 23:20
2F:→ payneblue : 贵到用不起 不用想太多 08/31 23:22
3F:→ samm3320 : 那个里面要一大堆ADC,很难降吧 08/31 23:24
4F:推 darkangel119: 三星王朝再起 08/31 23:53
5F:嘘 PowerGeMOS : LK99也突破极限,但只有韩国做出来 09/01 00:05
6F:推 shinyi444 : 掌握了超导体和记忆体 韩国好强(? 09/01 00:20
7F:推 ru04hj4 : 记忆体 三星就真的强啊 09/01 00:32
8F:推 havochuman : 好了啦 逻辑晶片输 讲其他都多的 09/01 00:50
9F:→ haoboo : 话说LK99後来还有啥下文吗 09/01 00:54
10F:→ magicee01 : 0<+>0 09/01 01:50
11F:→ kyle5241 : LK-99 理论预测如果有doping 可能会有一些有趣的性 09/01 06:15
12F:→ kyle5241 : 质 毕竟铜高温超导没doping 也是Mott insulator 09/01 06:15
13F:推 ubei : 美光到底行不行?被韩国二大家追着打 09/01 08:04
14F:→ transonic : 美光最大的利多就是美国爸爸,不可能倒啦 09/01 08:47
15F:推 ljsnonocat2 : 这样电脑架构要修改吗? 09/01 10:08
16F:→ TaiwanUp : LK99的机构只是一种类似俱乐部号称的研究中心 09/01 10:25
17F:→ TaiwanUp : 三星的话 好像有时候差不多 09/01 10:26
18F:推 jkl852 : 大内宣都喜欢说技术领先韩国 09/01 16:07
19F:嘘 pf775 : 韩国新闻能信? 09/01 22:41
20F:→ bbinbbin : 超导记忆体吗? 09/02 19:57

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