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2021 Global Management Trainee Program ABOUT THE PROGRAM: ‧ LITEON is a world-leading provider in optoelectronic components and key ele ctronic modules. In this program, it helps cultivate and elevate your visions and management capabilities. Join us, you will become the best of the best in this industry and find the gateway to success. ‧ The purpose is to advance management trainees to management positions of LI TEON. You will work closely with our chairman and senior executives while lear ning essential techniques and knowledge required for business growth. Program Spotlights ‧ Integrated Generalist Training 1. One year program working with our Chairman. 2. After the training, you will be assigned to business unit based on your exp ertise. ‧ Personal Career Development Plan 1. Professional courses to sharpen your skills. 2. Multiple learning platforms and career developing channels. ‧ Senior Executives Mentor Program 1. Cultivate and elevate your visions and management capabilities. 2. Participate in projects with the top tier global management consultants. ‧ Competitive Salary 1. The salary that we offer is above the industry standard. Qualifications ‧ Master’s degree holder in business analysis, legal & IP, finance, sales & marketing, data scientist, machine learning, human resources or related discip line are preferred. ‧ Proficient in Mandarin/English (TOEIC score above 800 or equivalent score o f TOFEL, IETLS, GEPT), and fluent in any third language. ‧ Less than 3 years working experience, fresh graduates are also welcomed. ‧ No restriction on majors and nationality. WHAT WE OFFER ‧ LITEON not only offers prospects NTD 85,000 per month and a guaranteed NTD 1,200,000 annual package but also provides our employee stock ownership trust and rewards an extra compensation based on performance. ‧ LITEON endeavors to become a happy enterprise in employees’ hearts. In par ticular, LITEON cares for our employees in many ways, such as a diverse learni ng environment, a personal career planning, courses to sharpen employees’ ski lls and a comprehensive employee benefits package. (e.g., group insurance, tra vel allowance, further education subsidy and festival gifts, etc. ) * According to the law, Employee Stock Ownership Trust is restricted to employ ees with nationality of the Republic of China (ROC, Taiwan). * Please visit our website for more details. Application process ‧ Step1: Apply online ‧ Step2: Online assessments (AI video assessment, Competencies assessment and Logical reasoning test) ‧ Step3: Group interviews (By HR Supervisors) ‧ Step4: Final interview (English presentation to the Chairman and Senior exe cutive managers) ‧ Step5: Decision/Offer Apply Now ‧ Download our Management trainee application form and send it to lincoln.lin with the subject “LITEON 2021 Global Management Trainee + Name”. ‧ Please go to the following site to submit your application with your resume . ‧ Application Period: Aug 13- Aug 27 --
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1F:嘘 frankliang : 有加班费吗? 08/14 03:31
2F:推 T3T : 是不是要先经过 断水流大师兄选拔?? 08/14 03:33
3F:→ yugi2567 : 英文不好 08/14 03:38
4F:推 gaea0127 : 推,保障薪资还不错 08/14 04:40
5F:推 Kumasa : 这个薪资真的是菁英耶 08/14 04:56
6F:推 h816090 : 鬼岛科技业责任制多年,光宝最近很敢开 08/14 06:10
7F:推 kyle5241 : 可惜薪水低,不然感觉可以学蛮多的 08/14 06:50
8F:推 sunnyhung : 不要误会,我说的在座各位都是.. 08/14 06:55
9F:推 Sana : 百灵果:我就是菁英 08/14 07:29
10F:推 h816090 : 3年没几个台厂开这薪资 08/14 08:05
11F:推 asd1230z11 : 推 08/14 08:16
12F:推 quicknick : 绝对不接受... 08/14 08:17
13F:推 dashi : 对新鲜人来说,算给的还不错! 08/14 08:19
14F:→ michaelgodtw: 85000我真的有看错,连两三万都杀到翻的公司 08/14 08:23
15F:推 h816090 : 真的,砍超凶 08/14 08:28
16F:推 somefatguy : 原来光宝薪水那麽高,可惜我超过三年肝不新鲜了 08/14 08:39
17F:推 c310 : 光宝不是听说奖金还要分三年领? 08/14 08:41
18F:推 michaelgodtw: 就每个月底薪85000,写在offer上,它爱绑ㄧ推,就 08/14 08:44
19F:→ michaelgodtw: 不要去,像之前dell 08/14 08:44
20F:→ michaelgodtw: 就爱绑ㄧ推,所以高底薪才是重要 08/14 08:45
21F:推 kyle5241 : 出到25万的话其实还不错 08/14 08:56
22F:→ koka813 : 找精英的条件然後开这样...?@@ 08/14 08:56
23F:→ koka813 : 要不要去看看人家design house怎麽开的,还只要四大 08/14 08:57
24F:→ koka813 : 硕就有门票XD 08/14 08:57
25F:推 ss5010593 : 3年内开这样很不错啊 08/14 09:13
26F:推 h816090 : 学生噢,design house跟光宝这缺要比什麽 08/14 09:20
27F:→ wawi2 : 要菁英结果不敢写薪水 笑死' 08/14 09:39
28F:→ BC0710 : 85k*14=年薪了 看来是没分红14职等 08/14 09:45
29F:嘘 eagle080717 : 真的有给这麽多? 我前阵子才被内湖的找去面试,我 08/14 09:55
30F:→ eagle080717 : 三年经验 toeic 金色 开年薪90万就被嘲讽 08/14 09:55
31F:推 lycer : 三年经验 商管 85K 非常高了吧 08/14 09:55
32F:推 lycer : 十年经验 RD 也才开 80K 08/14 09:57
33F:→ lycer : 跟 P 的新人价一样 08/14 09:57
34F:→ lycer : 在光宝 真的算菁英了 08/14 09:58
35F:推 lycer : 这版上都三年200 五年300 08/14 10:00
36F:→ lycer : 看不上眼的 08/14 10:01
37F:推 Dannyx : 10年RD 80k? 08/14 10:02
38F:推 kendiv : 竞争对手工程师年薪都比这个高了XD 08/14 10:11
39F:推 ason : 系统厂很多10年还不到80K 别怀疑 某宝课级比这更低 08/14 10:15
40F:→ ason : 光宝之前好像有人说 现在调高底薪 没分红了? 08/14 10:15
41F:推 jeremy32723 : 很不错了吧,又不是要找工程师,有什麽好跟猪屎屋 08/14 10:21
42F:→ jeremy32723 : 比的.... 08/14 10:21
43F:推 iamala : 找人通常是这样,要考虑现役员工中薪水较低那群的 08/14 10:30
44F:→ iamala : 心情,所以明的薪资开一个能引起目标兴趣就好。来 08/14 10:30
45F:→ iamala : 谈後真的ok,再开无法让他拒绝的价格XD 08/14 10:30
46F:推 lycer : 现在最爽的就是新人了 08/14 10:32
47F:→ lycer : 以前起薪4xK 现在普遍5xK 08/14 10:33
48F:→ lycer : 一线厂7xK 08/14 10:33
49F:→ lycer : 资深的也没相对的高 08/14 10:35
50F:推 h816090 : l大,给的简单精确 08/14 10:40
51F:推 fuvincent : 年资三年内给这薪水很不错了吧 08/14 10:50
52F:→ iPadProPlus : 光宝主管很雷 08/14 10:52
53F:→ iPadProPlus : 面试过就知道这间去不得 08/14 10:53
54F:推 ctct0513 : 偷偷跟你们说 很多人十年还不到这薪水 08/14 11:08
55F:推 gaea0127 : 靠调薪10年本来就拿不到这薪水,要跳槽才行 08/14 11:16
56F:推 kendiv : 这间喔.会PLP跟进对教会比较重要 08/14 11:25
57F:→ chiehhwang : 乡民口嫌体正直,推文靠北薪水低,回头立刻apply 08/14 11:29
58F:推 michaelgodtw: 机构才它妈的低,开出来最低是生技业,然後这家 08/14 11:36
59F:→ rt3628 : 今年14以下调完之後未来分红都没份了 08/14 12:00
60F:推 goodga : 这间十年经验 一样开价45k给你科科 08/14 12:21
61F:推 reevesdeer : 在宝宝做过的都觉得可笑 08/14 12:22
62F:→ a038998 : 在薪水低的地方学到很多是想学什麽 08/14 12:27
63F:推 TaiWeiT : 英文烂,反正就是高材生去的地方 08/14 12:40
64F:推 kssk7997 : 敢写薪水就给推 但这台式英文真的是看得很痛苦 08/14 12:52
65F:推 NTU5566NTHU : 好公司推个 08/14 13:07
66F:推 chungchch : 与其做这个,不如好好的把内部制度弄好,自然会吸 08/14 14:04
67F:→ chungchch : 引人来,难道真不知最近的离职率多高,IDL为什麽要 08/14 14:04
68F:→ chungchch : 群体离职。 08/14 14:04
69F:推 andy100a : 就是时间点怪怪的,我硕一不能申请,硕二也大多都有 08/14 14:39
70F:→ andy100a : 工作了 08/14 14:39
71F:推 tayuplay : 高雄光宝一定是精英中的菁英 年薪保障12个月 08/14 14:50
72F:推 ProSider : 原来是14以下的缺啊~快逃啊 08/14 16:03
73F:推 michaelgodtw: 多益没练写作,其实那就算了,但你写什麽,要到怎 08/14 18:09
74F:→ michaelgodtw: 样的人,系统厂还是..... 08/14 18:09
75F:→ wbw : 还是写中文吧,名词拿来当动词用有比较潮吗? 08/14 20:00
76F:→ yugi2567 : 这公司我遇到的人资很会嘲讽人的 要有心理准备 08/14 22:22
77F:→ sky290107 : 好像百人斩事件都忘了... 08/14 23:31
78F:推 ss603120 : 百人斩?? 08/15 12:22
79F:推 rayxg : 我遇到的人资不错阿,只是我不会去 08/15 15:12
80F:推 gaea0127 : 百人斩?? 08/15 15:47
81F:嘘 TuChinJui : 逃 08/17 23:37
82F:推 finalstate : 三年85其实很高欸 比一些猪屎还高 08/18 20:49
83F:推 DontGoLiteOn: 呵呵 光宝赞赞赞 08/20 16:03

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