Tech_Job 板


[公司名称] MonJa [公司网址] [公司地址] 1. 548 Market St #73878, San Francisco, California 94104-5401, US, San Francisco, United States of America. 2. Remote in Taiwan [公司简介] Manual Workflows Automation For Banks, Lenders, and Insurance Companies. Commercial Lending Automation. Based in California, MonJa is a technology and software provider for financial institutions. Whether you are a Bank, Online Lender, or Insurance Company, looking to automate manual workflows, MonJa's software will help you achieve your goal. MonJa works closely with bankers and lenders helping them to automate commercial lending. With MonJa Smart Scan lenders seamlessly automate the statement spreading for loan underwriting and review, freeing up the credit team’s time to better serve customers. [职位及待遇] 1. Software Engineer (Python) 年薪 1m - 1.3m 台币 [工作内容 / 应徵条件] We are looking for a software engineer to develop scalable data infrastructures and the backend of MonJa’s automation platform. You will be responsible for developing and maintaining scalable production systems, orchestrating data processing workflows, as well as integration with third-party web services. Job Requirements: .Extensive work experience in Python .Expertise in ETL and orchestration technologies, such as Apache Airflow .Expertise in Flask and related distributed queuing technologies, including Redis and SQS .Familiarity with cloud environments such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud .Familiarity with front-end JS frameworks such as Angular and React .Working knowledge of container technologies such as Kubernetes and Docker .Experience with Java development is a plus .Experience with remote working in a team environment .Understanding of or willingness to learn quickly about industry nomenclature, the financial investment process, and assessment of client needs and pain-points. .The ability to tackle new, complex challenges is necessary and therefore requires that candidates can acquire new skills quickly [工作时间] 符合台湾的劳动法规 [应徵方式] 直接於网站投递履历,企业将於第一时间回覆。 [其他资讯] == --
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址:
1F:→ getbacker: 唉 到底是谁在告诉老外薪水只要这样就好 06/16 22:04
2F:→ labell: 外商一堆在家上班耶 06/16 22:16
3F:嘘 shiauji: 这个连湾区的1/3都不到… 06/16 22:17
4F:→ PoloHuang: 艋舺? 06/16 22:19
5F:→ coware: 弯曲应该要20w米以上吧 06/16 22:57
6F:嘘 DrTech: meet.job专门用不合理薪资,将台湾奴隶输出。佣金应该抽不 06/16 23:08
7F:→ DrTech: 少 06/16 23:08
8F:推 julikeet79: 台奴的廉价 全世界都知道1? 06/16 23:15
9F:推 smallfatleg: 纯推 算然薪水不是那麽美丽 06/16 23:26
10F:推 Winolf: 现在远端上班 老外可以考虑当起人力资源中心 把应徵到的 06/17 01:16
11F:→ Winolf: 工作 发包到其他国家去 XD 06/17 01:16
12F:→ Winolf: 如果未来某些职缺可以成为远端工作 那薪资依地区而有区别 06/17 01:20
13F:→ Winolf: 看起来有点空间 06/17 01:20
14F:嘘 hegemon: 太惨了,还不如去GGIT 06/17 02:32
15F:嘘 WWIII: 当台湾廉价劳工喔 06/17 02:40
16F:→ kinoko: 怎麽不外包去印度 价格可以再砍半 06/17 08:39
17F:推 whitecut: 以前remote是少数在台湾能拿global的方法,现在已经成为 06/17 08:57
18F:→ whitecut: 历史了吗 06/17 08:57
19F:嘘 wawi2: 别骗了 这间公司最高层一定是华人 不是的话我裸跑中央 06/17 09:23
20F:→ wawi2: 公园 06/17 09:23
21F:嘘 gaea0127: 薪资有够烂,这样的条件即使找到人也绝对留不住人才 06/17 11:16
22F:嘘 Gaogaigar: 这样的价 外包去印度也没什麽正常的家伙接 06/17 14:24

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