Tech_Job 板


[公司名称] 街口电子支付股份有限公司 [公司网址] [公司地址] 105 台北市松山区长安东路二段 225 号 C 栋 8 楼 [公司简介] 街口支付是仅5岁的台湾新创公司,已在行动支付市场居领先地位,2018 年 2 月取得电子支付执照後,街口是台湾唯一与 21 家(持续增加中) 大型银行直接串接的业者,让用户能轻易地在手机上免费手续的转帐、付 费、储值、提现。街口支付已有近 9 万个线下支付点,同时提供叫车、 餐点外送等加值服务,目前正积极开发线上通路、创造更多 O2O 应用场景 ,并计画在 2020 年开始向个人理财、小额信贷领域深耕,打造全方位的 生活化金融服务 App 。 [职位及待遇] 1. Senior Backend Engineer (.NET/JAVA) 年薪 1m - 1.8m 台币 [工作内容 / 应徵条件] [ Responsibilities ] 1. Develop and design backend service systems for business related purposes. 2. Capable of working independently on projects by analyzing, designing, developing and maintaining the systems. 3. Ensuring that code adheres to defined standards and best practices for performance, scalability, stability, and quality. [ Qualification ] 1. 4+ year of backend experience in the enterprise application service. 2. A solid foundation of either one of backend framework: .Net framework、.Net Core、Java/Spring. Capable of using the framework to write high quality code. 3. Experience with data modeling and system design for e-commerce or financial scenarios are preferred. 4. Have a solid knowledge of enterprise integration patterns, micro-services implementation and SOA. 5. Talents who have backend experience in finance, payment, billing, accounting industry are preferred. 6. Being comfortable operating in dynamic environments, self-directed, approachable and a great team player. [工作时间] 符合台湾的劳动法规 [应徵方式] 直接於网站投递履历,企业将於第一时间回覆 [其他资讯] == --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址:
1F:推 iceman5566: 这间妹子靠北多 值得投!! 03/29 18:48
2F:推 visa9527: 这间妹子素质我愿意砍半薪水 03/29 18:56
3F:嘘 Skynet5566: 真的有张钧甯吗? 03/29 19:59
4F:推 abccbaandy: 这家还活着喔? 优惠都砍光了... 03/29 20:42
5F:推 andyping: 想到攻城狮 哈哈 03/29 21:04
6F:→ WWIII: 妹太多的地方是缺点好吗 03/29 21:25
7F:嘘 wahaha279: 在这里评论会被告吗? 03/29 21:30
8F:推 funfuntu5566: 跳脱现金付款给推 03/29 21:49
9F:→ ku399999: 做了一个很痛苦的梦 原来是加班啊 就醒来了 03/29 21:56
10F:嘘 MKIU: 不要乱作梦 小心被老板告 03/29 23:02
11F:嘘 ogoodboykeno: 它马仕 03/29 23:30
12F:推 new122851: 会需要oncall吗? 03/30 00:27
13F:→ shooter555: 我以为这间是陆资 03/30 09:06
14F:嘘 n4939733: 看到街口先嘘 03/30 13:20
15F:嘘 VdustR: 怕被告 不敢投 03/30 14:56
16F:嘘 labell: 中资 03/30 17:42

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