Tech_Job 板


这篇文章提到的全都非工程师职务 只想轮班的人 可以直接左转出门 职称以下 会简单加一个本人评语 本人非台积员工 评语可以当笑话看 信不信由你 1.HPC (High Performance Computing) Business Development Manager 可选择的人不多 想找外商人才 结果投的全都是台湾人 2.High Performance Computing Product Analysis Manager 快找到人了 目前精中选精 这个位置之前有找过Micron Amkor ASML的员工过来 3.(Sr.) Advanced Packaging Process Technical Manager 不用说啦 直接挖联电的人过来这个位置最快 不用怀疑 之前都是找联电的人 看看下面这个职位的技能要求 挖同行联电最快 薪水又好谈 8+ years of working experiences in semiconductor bonding technical area, including wafer on wafer bonding and chip to Wafer bonding. Experienced in 3D chip stacking process and chip assembly, including hybrid bond, fusion bond and solder bond technology. Working knowledge in memory HBM (High Bandwidth Memory) device bonding process. Good understanding of thermal, mechanical, and electrical properties of advanced packaging. A “hands-on” and interactive heuristic learner in semiconductor bonding technology. 4.APR Design Lead/Manager 根本找不到人 连投的人都个位数不到 看看下面这个职位技能要求 · 20+ years Netlist (or RTL)-GDS hands on physical implementation and project management experiences. · Strong leadership skills, communication skills, interpersonal skills, and partner with different teams within TSMC. · In depth knowledge of major EDA tools/design flows and PPA optimization. · Experience with TSMC N16 or below technology. · Proven record in multi-million gate design production tape-outs. · Ability travel internationally 10-15%. 5.Manager of Infrastructure Communication Services 这位置其实就是IT Manager(资安,网管),算最容易找到人的位置 投的人也有够多 6.Department Manager, DTP IT DTP - Design Technology Platform 该平台於1999年成立,主要在TSMC客户 (R&D)组织之间进行交流,管理台湾,中国大陆,加拿大和美国的本地计算资源, 在全球拥有15名直接员工,楼上的IT只负责台湾,这里是要处理跨国的IT 7.Customer Engagement Manager (PM), DTP 上面部门的PM 英文要求极高 8.CIS Process Integration Technical Manager 南科要的 CIS pixel and related process integration 9.Interactive Web & UI/UX Lead 这个位置很有趣 我把他的职务要求贴在下面 Partner closely with Design, Engineering, Production and Art team to build internal art processes, guide content creation workflows, and define and execute implement best practices Drive the concept and development of innovative functional and/or aesthetic UI/UX experience, including designing compelling, intuitive player experiences Create wireframes, prototypes and UI/UX designs Support pipeline development, UI screen implementation and iteration of UI toolset within game engine Research and design using state-of-the-art design principles, examples, and tools, as needed Assist as needed with the creation of internal presentations and other rhythm-of-the-business materials 1.8+ years of UI and UX design experience, including working in art creation pipelines, workflows, and tools Expertise creating design documents including user stories, conceptual models, annotated wireframes, storyboards, creative briefs Demonstrated understanding of fundamentals in visual and graphic disciplines: typography, iconography, composition, color, composition, layout, etc. 4.5+ years leading multi-disciplinary (visual design, interaction design, front-end development and usability engineering) teams within an enterprise organization Expert level proficiency in JavaScript, CSS, HTML and one or more associated frameworks, libraries. Experience in working and integrating with APIs (REST/Webhooks/Graphic QL) and 3rd Party system integrations to One drive, JIRA or Lync channel integrations Strong understanding of Software Development Lifecycle (Git strategies, Unit Tests, build processes, CI, CD, etc.) 先打到这边 大家有兴趣 再搞第二篇 -- └──┘ ║┌╮ 诚挚邀请您至 ψsakurats ╚╧╧══ ┌┐ ╭╖ interior 室内设计板 ╭╮└┘ │║ ╔══╤╤ & │╰──╮│╟───╢ └╯ (供询问装潢相关事宜) ╰───╯│╟┬┬┬╢ by 板主 gothmog --
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1F:推 a2768387: 推推 10/02 13:09
2F:推 AlbumXimals: 推贴心 10/02 13:12
3F:→ templer: 我看不明白所以要拍手,感谢大大分享 10/02 13:20
4F:推 xu3fu6xup6: 推 精辟分析 10/02 13:22
5F:推 goodga: DTP IT 预算很多 10/02 13:24
6F:推 lumi95232321: 推推 10/02 13:33
7F:→ BaGaJohn5566: 这篇优文 10/02 13:58
8F:→ sanctuary: U有package?? 10/02 14:02
9F:推 retard444: 推 10/02 14:30
10F:→ EEeliteEE: 30年以来今年才成立资安课 10/02 16:05
11F:推 iptt33: 推分享!! 10/02 16:14
12F:推 dannyer: 感觉IT的要求高啊! 10/02 16:50
13F:→ badalghost: 有20年经验也都45後了吧 10/02 17:06
14F:→ lingerptt: 高阶,缺不缺经验+好英文hr ? tks 10/02 18:13
15F:→ gothmog: 给楼上 台积现在有个采购职缺 HR收到500封以上 10/02 18:28
16F:→ gothmog: 的履历 , 如果是HR职缺 我看上千封了 10/02 18:28
17F:→ gothmog: 那真的是超级的精中选精 10/02 18:29
18F:推 vitaminabc: U package 就陈国明哪 10/02 18:37
19F:推 sionxp: 我老婆 多益900 分 没有经验可以应徵吗! 10/02 19:57
20F:推 Shepherd1987: 8 算是半个轮班星人吧 10/02 20:21
21F:推 bhchad: 感谢分享 10/02 20:29
22F:推 hejux: 你是不是hrㄚ? 还是猎人? 10/02 20:36
23F:推 godnnn: U 补习班不是叫假的XD 10/02 21:12
24F:推 KurakiMaki: 我多益1000分,可以应徵吗 10/02 21:13
25F:→ HFET: 4 只能说.... 厂厂 10/02 23:08
26F:推 angel0214: 推 想看下篇 10/02 23:19
27F:推 balaking: 推整理 10/03 00:08
28F:推 ariel527: 推!想看下篇! 10/03 00:15
29F:→ Cinderella: 这些JG几乎都34/35起跳……请大家继续安心工作 10/03 11:23
30F:推 justPe: 蛮棒的!! 希望有下集!! 10/03 17:59
31F:推 yytseng: 没人投的必有道理,因为外面给更多... 10/03 19:03
32F:→ yytseng: 台积不能说不好,不过吃大锅饭难免吃不饱 10/03 19:04
33F:推 rosegoldpen: 可以问CAD engineer 吗 10/05 02:26

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