Tech_Job 板


※ [本文转录自 Soft_Job 看板 #1TGRCWrt ] 作者: dolinian (杜丽娘) 看板: Soft_Job 标题: [徵才] 新加坡 SPH 集团徵资料视觉化编辑/设计师 时间: Wed Jul 31 23:26:21 2019 [公司名称] Singapore Press Holdings Ltd. Co. [公司网址] [公司地址] 新加坡大巴窑北路1000号 [公司简介] SPH Group Incorporated in 1984, main board-listed Singapore Press Holdings Ltd (SPH) is Asia’s leading media organization, engaging minds and enriching lives across multiple languages and platforms. Media SPH's core business is publishing of newspapers, magazines and books in both print and digital editions. It also owns other digital products, online classifieds, radio stations and outdoor media. Properties On the property front, SPH owns 70% in a real estate investment trust called SPH REIT which comprises Paragon, a premier upscale retail mall and medical suite/office property in Orchard Road, The Clementi Mall, a mid-market suburban mall and The Rail Mall, a stretch of shopping and dining outlets along Upper Bukit Timah Road. SPH REIT also holds 85% equity stake in Figtree Grove, a freehold sub-regional shopping centre in Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia. SPH owns and operates The Seletar Mall. It is developing a new commercial cum residential site at Woodleigh. It also has a stake in Chinatown Point and acquired a portfolio of Purpose-Built Student Accommodation (PBSA) in the United Kingdom. Other Businesses It is in the aged care sector and owns Orange Valley, Singapore’s largest private nursing home operator. SPH runs a regional events arm and a chain of Buzz retail outlets. It also invested in the education business. *即新加坡海峡时报(Strait Times)、商业时报(Business Times)的母公司。 [职位及待遇] 1. Data Visualisation Designer 48K - 72K SGD / annual 2. Deputy Interactive Graphics Editor 72K - 120K SGD / annual [工作内容/ 应徵条件] 因为有多项职缺,为避免洗板,详细工作内容请看: [工作时间] 正常上下班时间,符合新加坡劳动相关法规 [应徵方式] 直接於网站投递履历: [其他资讯及应徵攻略] 120k SGD 直接换算约为 2.76M TWD。但新加坡物价较高,同一薪资在新加坡的 消费力约相当於 1.8M TWD在台北的消费力。 相较於台湾、香港,新加坡的媒体领先设有专职的资料视觉化职位。建议对於此一领 域特别有兴趣的朋友可以考虑应徵。 本文为代发徵才,应徵请勿直接回信。 如有违反板规恳请告知,感谢! --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址:

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
※ 转录者: dolinian ( 台湾), 07/31/2019 23:30:10

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