Tech_Job 板


诚徵FAE工程师, 无经验可 [Introduction] We are hiring an OPC (optical proximity correction) field support engineer. Th e assignment can be OPC, model, verification, or RET (resolution enhancement t echnologies) related products. [Job Mission] 1. Support customer’s OPC solution development, may include model calibration , OPC recipe development and other leading-edge RET software demonstration. 2. Troubleshooting of large-scale distributed computation software. 3. Internal and external communication about development spec and schedule 4. Provide feedback on product direction. [Job Description] This is a computational lithography field engineer position. We need an engine er who is highly skilled in troubleshooting, effective in communication, and s elf-motivated. The daily work is challenging and under time pressure. He/she m ay participate product development by negotiating between customers and R&D. [Education] Master or PhD degree preferred. [Experience] 0-3 years [Personal skills] 1. Linux operation system and some script languages 2. Basic programming language knowledge and debugging skills (C, C++) 3. Understanding of basic semiconductor manufacturing process. 4. Understanding of basic parallel computation and computational lithography 5. Understanding of basic data processing. [Context of the position] Brion technologies, an ASML company. 薪资范围:50k-100k 意者可以站内信或上linkedin 投履历^^ 联络信箱: [email protected] --
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址:
1F:→ wrt: base在台北,四年经验薪水273万起跳 ?07/17 13:56
※ 编辑: XLARGELA ( 台湾), 07/17/2019 14:20:59
2F:推 j0958322080: 所以到底要几年经验07/17 14:21
3F:嘘 threeyuan: 板规九 -> 薪资呢?!07/17 14:26
4F:→ XLARGELA: 0-3年经验07/17 14:26
※ 编辑: XLARGELA ( 台湾), 07/17/2019 14:31:18
5F:→ XLARGELA: 薪资范围已补上^^07/17 14:31
※ 编辑: XLARGELA ( 台湾), 07/17/2019 15:06:22
6F:→ wondtty: ASML才10万喔? 07/17 15:25
7F:→ howpig2: 这是CS还是FAE? 职缺内写CS耶! 07/17 15:51
8F:推 stephen23032: 职缺内容就写field support engineer啊 07/17 17:03
9F:推 jackxyzw: 听说CP值不错 07/17 17:36
10F:推 maikxz: 反正这种不是客户直接call你 07/17 17:50
11F:推 zzz499: 惨到要上版徵.... 07/17 20:22
12F:推 centra: 这薪资还不如待台积... 07/17 20:43
13F:→ centra: 与其被台积凹爆 不如在台积凹vendor 07/17 20:44
14F:推 hotsaucecing: 推推 07/17 21:49
15F:推 Phane: 真会做事的人,在台积也是被凹爆,而且凹你的人会有好烤鸡 07/17 23:51
16F:→ Phane: ,真心不骗。 07/17 23:51
17F:推 carol780808: 推推,只是零经验的FAE心脏跟胆子要很强大啊 07/18 00:20
18F:推 ExxonMobil: job grade是多少? 07/18 10:43

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