Taurus 板


你或许会认为要让一段个人关系重回正轨需要很深度的努力。也许你们的误解和困难的互 动可以追溯到相当久之前,阿牛。但你或许会发现,尤其在这周,如果你开始在一个更轻 松、友好且随和的层面与对方接触,它将会用一种更柔和的方式对你打开沟通的管道。 换句话说,与其把这个问题当作一个大问题,不如把他们带来玩桌游或打牌,也可以出去 喝杯咖啡,聊些无伤大雅、快乐的事。你懂的,没有对冲突的恐惧,就不会有人处在防备 状态。 你最近因为工作或某种合作关系而受委屈,或许会导致你处在一个”打或跑”的模式,你 也可能会想逃离这一切,但这种感觉可能是基於内心累积的压力和需要释放它的需求。 暂时往後退一步,只考虑你们的关系中比较愉快的那部分,可能会有帮助,这将会为你带 来免於担忧的自由,也会使你的观点更加柔软。 与金钱或法律事务的好消息可能会在周末前到来。 ——— Weekly horoscope for 02/07-02/13 You may think that getting a personal relationship back on track will require a lot of deep, hard work. Perhaps the misunderstandings and difficult interact ions go back a long way, Taurus. But you may find - especially this week - tha t if you start to engage the other party on a lighter, friendlier, more casual level, it will open up the lines of communications in a softer way. In other words, rather than addressing the issue as a big problem, try just relating on e person to the other. Play a board game or card game. Go out for a coffee and chat about harmless, happy things. You get the idea. Without the fear of a co nfrontation, no one will be on the defensive. Recent aggravation with work or with a partnership of some kind might be causing you to lock into a "fight or flight" mode. You may want to just run away from it all. But this feeling is p robably based on the sense of stress building up inside and a need to release it. It may help to just back off a bit and to think only about the more pleasa nt aspects of your relationship for a while. That will give you the freedom fr om worry, and may soften your outlook. Good news related to money or a legal m atter may come before the weekend. ——— 本周单字 engage 接触 confrontation 对抗;冲突 aggravation 委屈;恼怒 pleasant 愉快;友好 outlook 观点; --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Taurus/M.1644596349.A.0C6.html ※ 编辑: qpeter2243 ( 台湾), 02/12/2022 01:06:03
1F:推 yellow1000: 谢谢谢谢! 02/12 02:42
2F:→ gipo776: 谢谢 02/12 09:43
※ 编辑: qpeter2243 ( 台湾), 02/12/2022 13:49:58
3F:推 pewq: 谢谢~ 02/12 14:51

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