TakeThat 板


※ [本文转录自 Olympics_ISG 看板 #1GA1gtnF ] 作者: Ye11owRiver (贺!金钟影帝GET!) 看板: Olympics_ISG 标题: [分享] 伦敦奥运闭幕式歌单 时间: Mon Aug 13 05:05:56 2012 Emeli Sande - Read All About It Urban Voices (gospel choir) - Because (by the Beatles) Julian Lloyd Webber with London Symphony Orchestra - Elgar's Salut D'Amour LSO - God Save the Queen Madness with Hackney Colliery Band - Our House Household Division Ceremonial State Band - Parklife Pet Shop Boys - West End Girls One Direction - What Makes You Beautiful Beatles - A Day in the Life (not live) Ray Davies - Waterloo Sunset LSO - Parade of Athletes (written by David Arnold for the Ceremony) Elbow - Open Arms Elbow - One Day Like This Kate Bush - Running Up That Hill (A Deal with God remix 2012) Urban Voices Collective and the Dhol Foundation - Here Comes the Sun (by George Harrison) Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody John Lennon - Imagine (performed by Liverpool Philharmonic Youth Choir and Liverpool Signing Choir) George Michael - Freedom '90 George Michael - White Light Kaiser Chiefs - Pinball Wizard David Bowie - Space Oddity / Changes / Ziggy Stardust / Jean Genie / Rebel Rebel / Diamond Dogs / Young Americans / Let's Dance / Fashion (not live) Russell Brand and Bond - Pure Imagination / I Am the Walrus Annie Lennox - Little Bird Ed Sheeran - Wish You Were Here (by Pink Floyd) with Nick Mason, Mike Rutherford and Richard Jones Fatboy Slim - Right Here, Right Now and Rockafeller Skank Jessie J - Price Tag Tinie Tempah - Written in the Stars Taio Cruz - Dynamite Jessie J, Tinie Tempah and Taio Cruz - You Should Be Dancing (by Bee Gees) Spice Girls - Spice Up Your Life Beady Eye, with Liam Gallagher - Wonderwall Electric Light Orchestra - Mr Blue Sky (recorded) Eric Idle - Always Look on the Bright Side of Life Muse - Survival Brian May and Roger Taylor - Brighton Rock Brian May, Roger Taylor and Jessie J - We Will Rock You London Philharmonic Orchestra - National Anthem of Greece London Welsh Male Voice Choir and London Welsh Rugby Club Choir - Olympic Anthem Take That - Rule the World The Who - Baba O'Riley / See Me, Feel Me / Listening to You / My Generation --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:→ suzhou :应该加个乌干达国歌 XD 08/13 05:06
2F:推 hase :没有tAKE THAT?????????应该要有吧!!!! 08/13 05:15
3F:推 newfashion :期待比莉姐 08/13 05:16
4F:推 CHASHOW :超期待Liam Gallagher唱〈Wonderwall〉!!!! 08/13 05:16
5F:→ missal :推 谢谢 08/13 05:17
6F:→ CHASHOW :去年还跟他要到签名合照,等等看他在奥运闭幕式表演>< 08/13 05:17
7F:推 yaGaga :谢谢!!!!!!!!!推~~~~~~~ 08/13 05:17
8F:推 kiba226 :没有coldplay唷QQ 08/13 05:17
9F:→ klarc :怎麽没有齐柏林飞船和平克佛洛伊德 page有去北京接圣 08/13 05:19
10F:→ klarc :火耶 是请不出来吗 08/13 05:19
11F:→ klarc :也没滚石 这次奥运广告曲 omega用滚石的start me up 08/13 05:19
12F:推 maxxV3 :都英文 08/13 05:20
13F:推 OleUnited :期待Liam!! 08/13 05:21
14F:推 TD11 :没有above & beyond.... 08/13 05:22
15F:推 ACGfun :我想听性手枪XDDDDDD 08/13 05:29
16F:推 wind164 :这是照出演顺序吗? 08/13 05:30
17F:推 eric1999ty :是 风大 08/13 05:30
18F:推 shaker2580 :好像有些不太一样捏 0.0 08/13 05:34
19F:推 grafan :没有take that 和Adele是最可惜的 08/13 05:37
20F:推 Mariano42 :不适顺序 08/13 05:39
21F:推 CHASHOW :大家参考这个吧! http://ppt.cc/YJl_ 他是照这个顺序 08/13 05:40
22F:→ CHASHOW :接下来是Liam Gallagher!!!! 08/13 05:41
23F:→ CHASHOW :应该是啦~至少我听下来八成是 XD 08/13 05:42
24F:推 shaker2580 :Liam 该不会又... 08/13 05:46
25F:→ CHASHOW :不要阿~唱一下嘛 QQ 08/13 05:47
26F:推 Mariano42 :WONDERWALL! 08/13 05:58
27F:→ CHASHOW :太好了真的有出来!!!!!!!!!!! 08/13 06:00
28F:推 sam1115 :希望Adele是隐藏版 08/13 06:03
29F:推 kimfatt :已故都可以拉出来了 如果是日本 大概也会请初音出来 08/13 06:16
30F:→ kimfatt :原来举手的是他 XDDD 08/13 06:16
31F:推 kimfatt :Freddie Mercury - Under Pressure 08/13 06:48
32F:→ kimfatt :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXOOwNS2qk0 08/13 06:50
※ 编辑: Ye11owRiver 来自: (08/13 06:55)
33F:→ kimfatt :the who - baba o'riley 08/13 07:02
34F:推 Peja3 :My generation! 08/13 07:05
35F:推 jordan325 :推性手枪!...XD....(这种场子是没Punk的份吧) 08/13 07:35
36F:推 nyyfederer :希望重播有完整!!!!!!! 08/13 08:18
37F:推 DAGG5566 :有sex pistal 那就要加码OZZY跟BMTH了 08/13 08:19
38F:推 nyyfederer :Wonderwall!!!!!1 Noel也有到喔 不过当观众XD 08/13 08:44
39F:推 senglish86 :少了罗比威廉斯 08/13 08:55
40F:推 diamondcrazy:也没有绿洲... 08/13 09:22
41F:推 kimuranene :TAKE THAT - RULE THE WORLD!!!!! 好爱!!!! 08/13 09:25
42F:推 aegisiz :绿洲现在就变成Beady Eye跟头子啊... 08/13 09:25
hot5566:转录至看板 WesternMusic 08/13 10:35
43F:推 vampyre :DB好多首阿 XD 08/13 10:47
44F:推 iloveannasui:真的可以去看转播,我觉得很值得~非常好看! 08/13 10:53
45F:推 bearching :有竟然有流线胖XD 08/13 11:17
46F:推 kimuranene :原PO借转唷!!!! 08/13 11:19

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
※ 转录者: kimuranene (, 时间: 08/13/2012 11:20:08
47F:→ nosweating:这种闭幕式太酷了.....90年代之夜啊!!!!!!!! 08/13 20:24
48F:→ kimuranene:推 90年代之夜!! 我的脸书上也是以前有在听英国流行歌 08/14 09:28
49F:→ kimuranene:曲的都出来尖叫了~ 08/14 09:28
50F:推 Hiei777:闭幕式真的超好看的!! 08/14 19:51

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