TakeThat 板


※ [本文转录自 WesternMusic 看板 #1CFrUv5p ] 作者: cuteterisa (平价奢华风即将席卷全台) 看板: WesternMusic 标题: [情报] Robbie Williams重回Take That怀抱 时间: Fri Jul 16 02:47:15 2010 前阵子一直在传Robbie Williams要回到Take That团体里, 今天在TT的官网里正式宣布 "the rumours are true. " 离ROBBIE脱团时间已经十五年了! 从去年GARY协办的"CHILDREN IN NEED"公益演唱 ROBBIE与GARY的互动似乎尽释前嫌, 彼此的感情也持续加温,ROBBIE甚至邀请GARY当他的伴郎, 两位十五年後的首次合作作品"SHAME",也即将随着九月ROBBIE精选辑发行, MV里面更出现断背山的剧情 XDDD...... 而五位团员的TT专辑将於今年十一月发行 不过ROBBIE回TT,似乎也不是BACK "FOR GOOD", 根据之前的消息是说"一年"的时间而已, TT明年夏天将有巡回演唱会,ROBBIE应该也会加入他们!! 喜欢FIVE LADS的接招迷可以开始存钱,去英国看演唱会罗!! 下面为正式发布消息 http://www.takethat.com Take That: the original line-up have written and recorded a new album for release later this year. Following months of speculation Gary Barlow, Howard Donald, Jason Orange, Mark Owen and Robbie Williams confirmed today that they have been recording a new studio album as a five piece, which they will release in November of this year. It is the first time they've recorded a full album together since the release of their number one album 'Nobody Else', back in 1995. 'Getting the five of us to be in a room together, although always a dream, never actually seemed like becoming a reality. Now the reality of the five of us making a record together feels like a dream. It's been an absolute delight spending time with Rob again. But I'm still a better footballer' - Mark Owen. 'I get embarrassingly excited when the five of us are in a room. It feels like coming home' - Robbie Williams. 'Flippin' brilliant, absolutely brilliant. I'm over the moon that Robbie's back with us, however long it lasts. I just want to enjoy our time with him. Life is beautifully strange sometimes' - Jason Orange. The reunion of reunions took place in New York last September, following Take That's record-breaking 'The Circus Live' tour. Shortly afterwards all five of the original Take That secretly wrote and recorded the six songs which would set the foundation for the forthcoming album. Since then the band have been hard at work finishing their new, as yet untitled , record, which will be released through Polydor Records in November. The album has been produced by Stuart Price. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2kK-TTOttY 影片(一起唱love ain't here anymore)
-- http://terisawu.pixnet.net/blog <--专门介绍部落格小玩意 美味食谱 旅游趣事 "爱在樱花翩翩时" 已经搬到痞客邦 欢迎继续支持喔!!(*≧ω≦*) 喜欢时尚流行,品味生活及烹饪烘焙的朋友 欢迎加入FACEBOOK"姐姐妹妹爱买团" => http://tinyurl.com/yd2tnpa 跟着诗诗一起乱乱买帮自己的外在及生活加分 --

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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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1F:推 nosweating:原来是真的!! 07/16 06:38
2F:推 efgood:刚看到新闻简直不敢相信~太棒了,会有新专辑喔! 07/16 09:00
3F:推 buchii:没错~~ 连今天的BBC都有这则新闻喔! 优呼 07/16 09:23
4F:推 jaykinki:感谢诗诗~ 07/16 19:09
5F:推 MichaelBourn:真的@@" 07/17 11:29
6F:推 devin0329:成真了!! 07/19 04:01
7F:推 hpl:?????????????~~?????!!!!! 07/23 11:14

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