TakeThat 板


http://www.penguin.co.uk/nf/Search/QuickSearchProc/1,,take%20that,00.html?id= take%20that TT的写真书确定於2009.10.29发行,分为下上两册,上下册定价皆为20英镑, 底下为写真书封面,看来年底圣诞节特惠要买很多东西,第一眼看到上下册封面 时,觉得真的超棒,有充分表达两个时期特色,前TT时期将最受欢迎的Mark放置 首位,而Robbie放在最後并抬起下巴加上最年轻者什麽都不怕的眼神,而TT在复 出时期则是呈现出四人为轻松自然状态,两张封面皆采黑白,让人专注於TT每个 人的表情和肢体而非华丽服装。等不及想到看到内容到底如何呈现阿! Take One (1990-1996) gives you exclusive insight into life on tour during those early years, with over 150 never-before-seen photographs. Glimpse at the world inside their hotel rooms, go backstage during their amazing stage shows around the globe, and see from their unique perspective the ever-present, overwhelmingly loyal fans that followed them everywhere - perhaps you'll recognise yourself... Take One (1990-1996)提供在早期几年体悟巡回演唱会生活的独家照片,共超过 150张未曝光过照片。一瞥在世界各地饭店房间内的TT、世界巡回宣传时後台的 TT,还可从他们独特角度看到始终存在忠实歌迷跟着他们到世界各地。也许你会 看到自己... In Take Two (2005-2009) they tell the amazing story of their comeback for the first time. With over 150 exclusive and personal images, and accompanied by humorous and revealing commentary written by the boys, relive first-hand the exceptional, and often heart-warming, experiences that make up the second part of the Take That story. Take Two (2005-2009)他们诉说他们复出第一时间精彩故事。有150张独家照片 和个人照片,加上由TT所写的幽默评论我,重温独特第一手的温馨感动的复出 故事之旅。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 来源:http://music.universalmusic.it/takethat/ 义大利环球网站已经公布THE CIRCUS - LIVE FROM WEMBLEY 2009 DVD於11月发 行,底下是演唱会剪辑抢先看!这表示欧洲地区是11月,不知道台湾哪时候才会 发行阿?大家快去打电话或写信问台湾环球阿!哈哈~而这次演唱会DVD录制是 选伦敦场次Wembley Stadium! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-g8pgEP8ck

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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1F:推 tinarisa:天啊~久违的写真集~现在是气质大叔路线了:P 09/14 21:06
2F:推 tc0317w:写真集该不会只有英国在卖吧@@ 台湾有可能进货? 09/14 22:04
3F:推 kimuranene:去英国买卡实在吼.... 10/12 15:34

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