TakeThat 板


不止Jay演过戏喔~Gary拔拔也参与过影集「Hartbeat」演出,恩~终於有人 上传影片了,这部影片大约是2000年左右,而最後一手歌曲是 All That? I've Given Away,收录在Gary拔拔个人专辑 12 Months and 11 Days ,不得不说这张专辑很耐听,至於影片剧情是什麽呢 ?!我也不知道ㄟ~哈哈哈哈~有没有厉害人可以出来解说一下。 好像是某个会做音乐且窃盗钻石的人~^^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVtRi4lpYSA
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 来源:http://www.guardian.co.uk/education/2006/jan/31/furthereducation.uk1 Name: Jason Orange. Born: July 10, 1970. Occupation: One-quarter of the freshly reformed, Robbie-less Take That , still the most successful British band since the Beatles , would you believe? College: South Trafford College. Course: English A-level and an access to higher education course. 课程:A级英文,更高阶教育课程 Attended: 2001-2003. 修课时间:2001-2003 Sue Collinson, history lecturer, recalls: "On the access course Jason did history, psychology, biology and study skills. I think someone had said who he was but he never used to talk about Take That and the students didn't treat him differently. He was an enthusiastic student who had a hunger for academic knowledge. He really liked learning for its own sake, and made perceptive and thought-provoking contributions in class. Jason was extremely able - probably one of the brightest students I've taught - and he had a real flair for history. He was very popular with his peers and the tutors." 历史讲师Sue Collinson回忆说:在访问课程中Jay念过历史、心理学、生物学 和写作技巧。我想某些人说过他是何许人物,但他从没谈到TT,而且同学也并 没有对他有任何特别待遇。他是一个对学术知识有热情的学生。他是真的为自 己本身喜欢而去学习,并且在班上提出见地和引发省思的贡献。Jay大概是我见 过最聪明学生之一。他在历史方面上有天分。他在同侪和导师们间都是非常受 欢迎的。 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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