TakeThat 板


☆where did it all go right 这是channel 5於2009.02.04播出Take That-where did it all go right? 整集内容就是从TT如何成军、成功、Robbie退团、TT解散、TT解散期间每个人境遇、TT复 出後,基本上大家应该都非常熟悉,但可以看看TT以前青涩模样,Gary从呆呆样→超级帅 气精瘦→吹气球般胖子→现在成熟性感模样,还有以前我不觉得帅的Howard居然变成越来 越帅的大叔,Jay倒是走出自己气质,而Mark那俊俏脸蛋除了多点皱纹外,还是一样迷人, 片段有参加实境节目哭泣片段,真是惹人怜,当然有Rob一路上变成坏男孩的过程,虽然 刚开始歌迷来信中有说要Rob单飞,後来也成真,但我相信Rob心中永远有一个地方式保留 给TT的。而他们也从男孩变成男人罗! 下载:http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VPJYFLF2 共五部分:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bF7WxwStmls
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ☆2009.01.31挪威电视台节目Take That接受访问及演唱Greatest Day 线上观看:http://www.tv2underholdning.no/gkn/article2538424.ece https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uA9gk7ZZjLk
以下为歌迷将挪威语的访谈文章翻译成英文: On Saturday the boys from the supergroup Take That came to Oslo and the TV2 show "Gullfisken". The four hitmakers from Manchester ended the live award-show at the Chat Noir. But before they entered the stage in Oslo, they met "God kveld Norge" (Good evening Norway) at Hotel Continental to talk about the reunion and the success. 星期六超级团体Take That来到Oslo,上TV2频道的Gullfisken节目。此四位团员来自 Manchester颁奖现场结束,在他们来到Oslo的舞台前,他们在饭店里先见过God kveld Norge节目,谈论有关复出後的成功历程。 However Jason Orange was more interested in talking about his personal status. "I can't understand it. All these three guys have girlfriends or wives. I am the only single guy in the band, but still the girls hit on the guys who are already taken. Noone hits on me, Jason complains." And then he continues: "Women are like that, aren't they? They always want what they cannot have. Ask the soundwoman!" he said and blinked mischievously to the female soundeditor of "God Kveld Norge". "Women...they want the others more than me. But now when Norwegian women finds out that I'm single I might get someone in this country," Jason said while the others were laguhing out loud. "Yeah right. Good luck!" Mark says and gives Jason a pat on his shoulder. 而Jay更乐於有兴趣谈论有关自己的事情。Jay抱怨着说:"我不能理解其他三位团员有女朋 友或老婆,我是团里唯一单身的,但是女孩们眼光依旧在其他人身上。接着继续说:女人 都喜欢这样吗?是吗?他们总是欲求永远得不到的,去问问女制作吧。Jay顽皮地向节目上 女主持人眨眼。"女人阿~他们想要是比我更重要更多,但现在当挪威女性发现我是单身, 我或许可以在此找到女朋友。听到Jay所说的话其他人马上大声笑出。Mark拍Jay肩膀说: 是阿~没错~祝你好运阿 Several times during the 30 min long interview Jason blinks and flirts with the soundwoman and when the interview ended he walked up to her and gave her a hug and said: "Thank you so much, sweetie." The 37-year-old also revealed that he no longer is against to be called a boyband-member. "When you reach a certain age, it is only nice to be called a boy! Earlier, during our breakthrough in the 90's it felt more like a negative word," Jason says. 在三十分钟访问中Jay好几次像女主持人眨眼和挥手调情,当访问结束时,他走向她, 并给他一个拥抱,说着:非常谢谢你,甜心。37岁Jay已经不再排斥换做男孩团体, "当你到达一定年纪,被称呼男孩是不错的,在九十霹雳舞年代,似乎会是负面字眼。 The band who had their peak during the mid 90's when Robbie was a member was reunited in 2006. After the reunion they have had great success by themselves without the fifth member. Among many things the band is going on tour this summer and 1 million tickets was sold in record time. The whole interview can be seen on "God kveld Norge" later this winter --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From: ※ 编辑: osga 来自: (02/10 17:22)
1F:推 tinarisa:有台湾showcase的片段:p 还是For The Record最感人 02/11 00:01
2F:推 devin0329:推!!!!!!太感谢了!!!台湾这边消息真的很缺乏,感谢你Q.Q 02/11 01:16
3F:推 nosweating:大推!!!台湾的西洋音乐消息已经萎缩好久了 T_T 02/11 07:00

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