TakeThat 板


※ [本文转录自 WesternMusic 看板] 作者: braveshsu (恐怖时代。) 看板: WesternMusic 标题: [新闻] 盖瑞巴洛被票选为英国最伟大创作人 时间: Tue Feb 3 16:23:36 2009 http://ppt.cc/rkgE Barlow: Songwriting king (Monday February 02, 2009 07:01 PM) Gary Barlow has been voted the Greatest British Songwriter in a new poll, triumphing against the likes of John Lennon and Paul McCartney. The Take That star topped a survey of 3,000 people to come out on top in recognition of his work in the band and as a songwriter for hire. In a statement, Onepoll, who conducted the poll, said: "Gary has been responsible for some of the biggest hits of the past decade. "A lot of people aren't aware that he has also written songs that have done well in the charts for other artists", they commented. Barlow's previous credits include Charlotte Church, Blue, Atomic Kitten, John Barrowman, H & Claire and Peter Kay's Geraldine McQueen. The full Top 10 is as follows: 01 Gary Barlow 02 John Lennon 03 Paul McCartney 04 Chris Martin 05 George Michael 06 Bee Gees 07 Noel Gallagher 08 Robbie Williams 09 Sting 10 Kate Bush -- 就像纠葛甚深复又约见的昨日恋人,没错的话,那是葛林, 等待之中他说我们盼望什麽事情竟能盼望到使自己与失望为伍? 此时迟到五分钟的女子进来了。他说他运气真差,刚好被她看到他正在看表。 他听到她的声音说:「对不起,我搭公车来,路上交通很糟。」 他说,「地铁比较快。」她说,「我知道,可是我不想要快。」 --朱天文〈巫时〉 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:→ TheRoots:科科 02/03 16:51
2F:推 WarrickBrown:我喜欢头发少少又唱作俱佳的盖瑞属叔!! =D 02/03 17:28
3F:推 u1302094:Let it shine, just let it SHINE~~~~ Let it shine! XD 02/03 17:32
4F:→ klarc:这票选一点都不中肯.. 滚石.齐柏林飞船.皇后等等大团的人咧 02/03 17:53
5F:推 orangekone:我觉得变胖後的Gary Barlow超性感的 科科 超想帮他口 02/03 18:05
6F:→ orangekone:可是不觉得他有这麽伟大阿= = 02/03 18:05
7F:推 sblack5450:哇..居然还有人记得他!!他的歌真的好听耶!! 02/03 18:29
8F:推 cuteterisa:五楼想帮GARY大叔"口?" XDDDDD 这........... 02/03 18:30
9F:→ cuteterisa:四楼怎会觉得不中肯 这是英国"票选" 谁红谁就拿第一罗! 02/03 18:32
10F:→ cuteterisa:六楼 GARY大叔为何还有人记得?! TAKE THAT重组好一阵子 02/03 18:33
11F:→ cuteterisa:而且在英国红翻天 怎麽可能会被遗忘呢?! 02/03 18:33
12F:→ braveshsu:是啊 既然是"票选" 这种结果并不会太意外吧 02/03 18:33
13F:→ braveshsu:不过大家还记得玛丹娜有写歌给Gary过吗XD 02/03 18:34
14F:推 cuteterisa:借转take that版喔!! 五楼那一句话 实在太劲爆了 XD 02/03 18:38

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
15F:推 twtyh:怎麽没Elton John.... 02/03 21:18
16F:推 HCLlove:那个五楼是想讲什麽..... 02/06 21:31
17F:→ HCLlove:and 推Gary拔~~~!!! 02/06 21:31
18F:推 yoyufaye:口什麽实在太引人遐想了 XDDDDDDDDDD 02/09 10:54
19F:推 Kidadults:超想帮他 "可"是不觉得他有那....(妙) 09/30 12:26

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