TakeThat 板


自从TT复出大成功後,不仅许多旧团体群起效之,而且有些年轻团体也视TT为 学习偶像。 当然也是有些团体或歌手对TT提出批评指教之言,或总是以TT为例子发言之类。 总之不管是真的或假的,总是比较有新闻版面吧!唉~只能说TT龟在家里也中枪 这类似新闻往後还是不断出现吧 Sugababes(甜心宝贝): 'We saw Take That at the O2 on New Years Eve after our set and they completely blew us away, their vocals, the theatrics, it was amazing. It was such a fun night and the lads are great. The tour that we supported them on pailed in comparison to this one. We'll all be buying the DVD, thats for sure. Because of this we really wanted our tour to be as theatrical as we could in smaller venues, so we're using costumes, dancers, we're even dancing ourselves to choreographed moves ourselves for the first time ever in an album tour.' Sugababes影片:http://youtube.com/watch?v=dejPm0hZr1s ********************************************************************** NKOTB are back together 新闻:http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/music/article735531.ece Yes ladies – you have read that right. The quintet, who conquered the entire planet in the early nineties, have taken a large leaf out of TAKE THAT’s book and are ditching their respective professions to return to the music industry, claims website People.com Just don’t expect any back flips as their creaking joints are no longer up to extended bouts of exertion. The lads, who screamed out of their native Boston in the mid 1980s, make GARY BARLOW’s mob look like rank amateurs. Before splitting in 1994 they shifted an astonishing 80 million albums and grossed more than half a billion quid. An official announcement is expected within days which will reveal a new album and plans to tour. Meanwhile head over to their website nkotb.com to reacquaint yourself with what all the fuss was about. 这五人团体年纪比TT大两三岁,将以TT复出方式为蓝本,将发行新专辑和举行 巡回演唱会。 PS:原来他们就是街头顽童喔!!! ^Q^... ******************************************************************** Adele的一篇访问中提到TT,如下: Q:What did you think about the spice girls comeback? A:fabulous, posh makes me laugh, she is so funny. i loved it, i also went to see take that and I'm not a take that fan so for me it was a bit tulip, it was a slow show, they weren't doing these big dance routines where as the spice girls were just as fast as they were when i went to see them as a kid. Adele 有得全英音乐奖最佳潜力新人奖,新专辑19,单曲Chasing Pavements, 很听MV很特别喔,声音很有特色像艾美怀丝,此专辑不错听喔! 相关资料:http://www.books.com.tw/exep/cdfile.php?item=0020123997 不过她是不是把两场演唱会搞混,TT在演唱会中表现有像是郁金香一般吗? 唱歌组曲、舞蹈不比TT前时期逊色ㄟ,不只是美美帅气站着唱歌而已吧 ********************************************************************** Boyzone will set up their show 2008.04.05 http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/bizarre/article1002814.ece 摘录文章提到TT部分: A source close to the band told me: "They are all well aware of how well The Spice Girls and Take That did and are doing anything and everything they can in a bid to make to sure they are the comeback kings. "Ronan is the most obsessed. He saw The Spice Girls in concert three times to try and get ideas. "They've held audition for super hot female dancers in a bid to outsex the ones that Take That danced with on stage. I've heard they will be writhing around in their underwear. "They realised Take That looked better than ever on their tour and they don't want to look like a poor man's version. It's making them even more determined." --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 kimuranene:其实我一直很介意K歌情人里面Hugh Grant说团体重出江湖 04/04 12:46
2F:推 kimuranene:没有提到Take That XD 都提到Spice Girls了说~ 04/04 12:47
※ 编辑: osga 来自: (04/06 18:04)
3F:→ osga:http://0rz.tw/c73Og NKOTB街头顽童影片.还是TT比较帅气!^^ 04/06 18:14
4F:→ ccfred:有点期待BLUE...好像也3年了 04/07 16:03

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