TakeThat 板


这是一位歌迷将德文杂志访问内容翻译成英文...超好笑访问...放得真开.. Until now we thought that the Brits had an unhealthy looking tan, wore ill fitting clothes and always had a beer bottle in their hands. Ok, maybe not all of them. When we meet the four members of Take That at the Ritz-Carlton in Berlin, we are speechless for a few seconds. Gary, Mark, Jason and Howard are very charming, outrageously sexy and dressed very well. Spontaneously, we tell them of the nights we cried after they split in 1996. And that we don't really mind that Robbie isn't with them anymore. Without him, their album Beautiful World has also shot to the top of the British charts. Nice to see you in Berlin. How do you find the German women? J: Well, they promised us that we would be interviewed by two beautiful women, who would strip for us... Dream on... M: I was in the hotel's sauna yesterday. There was a lady there, who was completely naked talking about her dog. I thought that was cool (?). J: It's a paradox. The Germans are known across the world as being reserved and serious. But when it comes to sex and nudity, they are very relaxed. How do you know that then? Have you had sex with a German woman? J: I'm still talking about what happened in the sauna. →^^"跳到哪去?sauna! Maybe we should talk about something more serious. J: There's nothing more serious than sex!→哈~真的假的? Who are your heroes in real life? Who do you look up to? G: My parents.I had a happy childhood and they have been married for 38 years now. We often talk to each other and they live near me and my family. M: You know, in some ways I meet heroes every day. People who inspire me. Like the lads here for example. Do you give each other style tips? H: No, our stylist Luke always brings us tons of clothes and then we pick something to wear. So you don't go shopping? G: We do, we do. In Selfridges or Harvey Nichols in London. Sometimes in Harrods. H: I don't like to shop. I always wear jeans, a T-shirt, and a pair of Converse trainers. Sometimes a jacket too. I'm happy with that. M: Howard has friends with German fashion label Drykorn. They are nice and give us jackets and scarfs. →真好~难怪外套和围巾较多变化...穿在里面的衬衫、T恤、汗衫都没换阿. Mark~Gaz拔服装造型请你多帮忙..一向都是你帮Gaz搭配...别像业务员吧 How's the shopping on Ibiza, where you live, Jason? J: I don't live on Ibiza. I spent two weeks of my life there, while we were shooting a TT documentary. Now the whole world thinks I live there! Do you get annoyed by such rumours? J: Well, there are lots of stories like that. For example, I'm just very thin and then they always say that I'm taking all kinds of drugs. But you do live very healthily as a Yogi and vegan? J: Another one of those stories. I am not a vegan. So all three of you live in beautiful England? M, J, G: Yes. H: I travel between England and Munster. How did you end up in Munster? H:My girlfriend Marie-Christine comes from there. The city is very beautiful, I find it very intimate. So do you still go shopping in the supermarket yourself? H: In Germany, that works well pretty much everywhere. In England it depends on the time of day. I usually go really early, just after the shops have opened. J: The hysteria around is isn't that intense anymore. I would describe it more as a warm feeling coming from our fans now. Besides that, as a 36 year old man I find it somewhat confusing when a grown woman is staring at me in wonder. I always feel uncomfortable then and think: "Relax, I'm just a normal man and you're a normal woman. Everything will be ok." Gary, Mark and Howard, you have children. Would you like children, Jason? J: (Quietly) Yes, I would like to have a family. And how does your girlfriend feel about that? J: I haven't got a girlfriend.→哼~想套我话...哈哈 H: Ha! No woman wants to be with a vegan who lives on Ibiza. That is so boring!→大叔开口总是一针见血阿....哈哈哈 J: No seriously. It hasn't happened for me yet, but I'm not desperately looking for a girlfriend either.→倒是喜欢和大叔或其他人家庭在一起 H: My relationships are like this. After one comes another. When that's over, another one. And in between, I don't have the time to work on the past relationship. Sometimes I wish my heart or my brain would say: "Take a break for a year". When you jump from one relationship to the next, you never find peace. My heart bleeds constantly, so I will die soon. (Laughs) Talking about peace. How do you relax? J: Since the beginning of the year, as soon as I wake up, I try to do nothing for ten to fifteen minutes before I have had breakfast. I then just relax and focus on my breathing. I don't like the word meditation, because people always see you then as a hippie or a bore. Maybe I'll sit in front of the fireplace, watching the fire and... H: (laughing) ...and play a bit... J: Well, you know what morning rituals guys have. In any case, it's better than getting up all hectic, gobbling down your food and rushing off to work. That doesn't work for the others anymore, they have children.→咳咳.第一句.不用讲这麽详细啦(害羞) M: My son Elwood is just nine months old. (He picks up his mobile phone and shows a picture) Do you get up, or your girlfriend Emma, when he cries at night? M: When I'm at home, I do it. H: My daughter Grace is six, though she acts like she's sixteen. And Lola is two. G: I have a son, Daniel, who is six and so nice and lovely. My daughter Emily is four and she's a nightmare! H: Yes, girls are exhausting. I don't have a son, but being the father of two girls makes me very proud. J: Maybe I can't judge this, because I don't have children, but I'll say it anyway: son or daughter, everybody loves every one of their children. G: But you treat them differently. Towards your son you act like a man, you're his example. But with a daughter...ah, then you get all sentimental. Everything is about family these days. Don't you go to clubs anymore like "Boujis" G: Sure, I have been there. I was in Annabelle's recently. True,we saw you there.There was an old man standing in the corner... G: Yes, that was me, with a bottle of Jack Daniel's in one hand and loud Russian women around me. --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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