TakeThat 板


Baz Bamigboye: Take That win lucrative film deal 出处:http://0rz.tw/3d2Do London, Saturday 05.05.07 Comeback stars Take That have topped their chart success with a lucrative Hollywood film deal. They have written the main song for Matthew Vaughn's spellbinding fantasy adventure movie Stardust. TT将与好莱坞卖座电影合作计画将事业推向另一个高峰,为Matthew Vaughn的 电影「Stardust」谱写主要歌曲。 It marks the first time in their careers that the group has created a song for a picture. 这是TT事业生涯中第一次尝试,且已经为电影写好一首歌曲。 The news, revealed here for the first time, comes as lead singer Gary Barlow instructed lawyers to redouble their efforts to halt production of a stage musical called Never Forget which features numbers written by him at the height of Take That's fame in the Nineties. 消息曝光原因是Gary拔拔委托律师尽快终止「Never Forget」音乐剧,因为当 中许多歌曲是Gary拔拔在90年代TT前时期所创做的。 He called the situation over his songs a "bloody disaster". Gary拔拔说现在情况对所写的歌曲来说是非常大灾难不幸。 Long before the band considered reforming, Barlow handed over the rights to several songs "to an individual who I trusted". "I'm furious and I'll do everything legally possible to to stop the show, which has the smell of the end of the pier about it. 不久前TT有考虑重新改编,而Gary拔拔:打算将几首歌曲交给他所信任的人。 「发生此事,我觉得很生气,我将会采取任何法律途径阻止音乐剧演出,即使 一丝丝相关也都不容许。」 "I thought it was going to be a collaboration and it would be with classy people but this individual formed a company with other people to produce the musical and then he left the project," the singer- songwriter told me when we met at a special screening of Stardust in New York attended by the film's stars Robert De Niro, Claire Danes and fast-rising leading man Charlie Cox. 当我们在纽约洽谈电影「Stardust」时见到创作歌手对我说:「我原本以为会 与一些优秀人才一起共和合作,但却是由另外一群人组成的公司制作音乐剧, 之後他就离开音乐剧团队」 Michelle Pfeiffer and Sienna Miller also appear in the film, which is expected to become a blockbuster hit, and which opens here in October. Michelle Pfeiffer和Sienna Miller也将会出现在电影中,预期在十月上映会 成大轰动。 Interestingly, although Never Forget begins a regional tour in Cardiff in July, there seemed to be some doubt last night as to whether it would come to the West End. 有趣地,虽然「Never Forget」将在七月Cardiff地区开始巡回,但昨晚似乎还 有些不确定,不管如何将会在West End剧场演出。 Talks between the show's producers and a prominent theatre owner faltered and it could be because of pending legal action. 音乐剧制作人和剧场老板谈话态度畏缩,可能是因为悬而未决的法律问题。 There were no sour notes however over Take That's work on Stardust and with Vaughn. "It was amazing," Barlow recalled. "I went to see the film with the rest of the group and we came out at 11 in the morning and we loved it." Vaughn asked if they would be interested in writing a song for the picture. "We live near each other in London so I said: "Come along to our place at six and I'll give you our answer." Matthew came at six and in that time we'd composed and written a song. We played it for him and now it's going to be in the film.' 不管如何,TT与Vaughn为「Stardust」工作时没有任何扫兴情况。Gary拔拔: 「那真是令人惊奇的,我们在电影团对休息时段见面,早上11点走出大门,我 们觉得很满意喜欢」Vaughn说也有兴趣为电影谱写歌曲,「我们彼此住得很近, 六点到我家来吧,我再给你我们的答覆」六点Matthew来到我家,我们泰然自若 地播放写好的一首歌曲给他听,结果决定将那首歌放进电影中。 You could say it only takes a minute - oh, all right, seven hours then - but pretty good going. The number's called Rule The World which at this rate, Take That could well do - although, even for them, it might take a little longer than seven hours. 你可以宣称写一首歌只花几分钟,好吧,是七小时,但成果斐然,这样创作速度 是TT肯定能够做到的世界级水准,虽然他们也有可能花超过七小时的时间所完成 的。 1.因为阿民几近完全比赛的首胜,用翻译TT文章来庆祝一下。^Q^ 2.翻译中有误请务必指正,不要吝啬阿! 3.「I'd wait for life」MV等不及啦!!! --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From: ※ 编辑: osga 来自: (05/06 17:28)
1F:推 mariana:推一下!翻译这篇文章应该要花不少时间吧!辛苦啦! 05/07 21:41
2F:推 nosweating:大姐你真是太强了!!! 05/08 12:32

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