TaiwanDrama 板


国际桥牌社 Island Nation 2023/08/25(星期五)10:02发文:https://reurl.cc/eD1ZdM 《国际桥牌社》外传《和平归来》即将於加拿大的台湾文化节与海外众牌友们见面! 今年《国际桥牌社》外传《和平归来》非常荣幸的获选为台湾电影橱窗的其中一个播映节 目,要在活动上播映第四集! 《台湾文化节》的策展单位始终认为,历史除了纪录过往,也更是理解现在与远观未来的 重要工具;却有许多珍贵的历史故事,被悄然淹没在时间的洪流中、非常可惜。他们希望 这些被遗忘的故事可以被看见,这也正与国桥团队的理念不谋而合。 热烈呼吁在加拿大的牌友们,千万不要错过这个好机会!也希望大家可以多多帮忙宣传, 或带着海外的朋友一起了解我们这段不能被遗忘的台湾故事。 #TorontoTAIWANfest  #VancouverTAIWANfest 《国际桥牌社:和平归来 Island Nation:Hoping》(外传SP):#1Yk-NDqB (TaiwanDrama)TAIWANfest Toronto 多伦多台湾文化节》Cinematic TAIWAN 台湾电影橱窗 地点:Harbourfront Centre 多伦多联邦湖滨演艺中心 / Studio Theatre 时间:2023/08/26 Aug 26th 17:00-18:00 Linktree外部网址整理:https://linktr.ee/taiwanfest.toronto 网站:https://torontotaiwanfest.ca/cinematic-taiwan 脸书:https://fb.com/TAIWANfestToronto    https://fb.com/events/654941846567698  IG:https://www.instagram.com/taiwanfest.toronto 推特:https://twitter.com/taiwanfest_tor YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCks29jGeDZirdgN77qB849QTAIWANfest Vancouver 温哥华台湾文化节》Cinematic TAIWAN 台湾电影橱窗 地点:downtown / ANNEX 时间:2023/09/03 Sept 3rd 17:00 PM - 18:00 Linktree外部网址整理:https://linktr.ee/taiwanfest 网站:https://vancouvertaiwanfest.ca/cinematic-taiwan 脸书:https://fb.com/TAIWANfest    https://fb.com/events/298763472812814  IG:https://www.instagram.com/taiwanfest 推特:https://twitter.com/TaiwanFest YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxi_YzQvxZrSaa_OQDsOtEg From the Curating Team:「Who was left out? History is not only a record of the past but also serves as an important tool for understanding ourselves and shaping our future. However, many non-mainstream events, characters, and objects have been overlooked and hidden in the torrent of time. Within the backdrop of colonialism, how can we protect Taiwan’s subjectivity? We must organize anew our pasts, and record these forgotten stories, so as to fill in the blanks of our history. How should we cope with the impact of self-identity when facing immigrants of different cultures and languages? Their experiences and contributions should be included in our historical narratives, to further our understanding and respect of these diverse identities. These disappeared histories are not only part of our shared memory, but also a way for us to heal from past traumas and search for a common ground. These questions drive us to reflect on the presentations of history we have access to. We must build a more holistic and inclusive historical perspective, one that incorporates marginalized stories and allows everyone to find their place and value in history. These films are not only a tribute to the past, but also an inspiration to our present and the future. Let us work together to achieve a more just and equal society.」 《TAIWANfest Vancouver》策展团队的话:「谁被遗漏了?历史绝非仅仅是过去的纪录, 它更是当下我们了解自我、塑造未来的重要工具。然而,有许多被忽视的非主流事件、角 色和物件被迫隐藏在时间的洪流中。在受到殖民的时空背景下,我们面临着一个关键问题 :『如何保护国家或族裔的主体性?我们需要重新整理和记录这些被遗忘的故事,填补历 史上的空白。』 同样地,当我们面对不同文化和语言的移民时,他们如何应对自我认同的冲击?这是一个 值得思考的问题。他们的经历和贡献必须被纳入历史的叙述中,让我们能够理解并尊重多 元的身份。因为消失的历史并不仅仅是共同记忆的一部分,它也是我们抒发伤痛和寻找共 鸣的出口。 这些问题迫使我们深思历史的选择和呈现方式。我们需要建立一个更全面和包容的历史观 ,将被边缘化的故事纳入其中,让每个人都能够在历史中找到自己的位置和价值。这不仅 是对过去的敬意,也是对当下和未来的激励,让我们一同努力实现更加公正和平等的社会 。 《国际桥牌社:和平归来 Island Nation:Hoping》(外传SP):#1Yk-NDqB (TaiwanDrama) “A human life is my whole world, my life!” Facing the challenges of both the virus and human nature, the protagonist’s emotional outburst resonates across the screen. During the 2003 SARS outbreak in Taiwan, the cold realities of civilian lives under political struggle, a tale of human perseverance. The whole world is still reeling from the impact of Covid-19. Many people’s lives, work and lifestyle have encountered tremendous changes. This forces people to face the truth of their smallness within the universe, and to reflect on their relationship with nature. As the pandemic spreads, the enemy we are facing is not only a virus, but also the challenge of humanity. In every moment, each character is struggling, in fear, and oozing empathy, and we’re forced to wonder if their actions are real or fake. The series Island Nation candidly shows the reality under political power struggle. It boldly exposes the phenomenon of bureaucratic corruption, and delicately depicts the helplessness and anger felt by the civilians who were sacrificed under the struggle of interests. Ultimately, however, whether humans will choose the resilience of survival remains an unanswered question. This series reminds us to rethink our connection with the world and to meet the challenges of the future with perseverance. Despite the pain struggles all around us, we can find inner strength by letting go of the false and welcoming the real. This film is a complete story, showing the fragility and tenacity of human nature and leading us to think about the value of life, and helping Taiwanese society move forward. 「一条人命是我的全世界,是我的人生!」主角面对着病毒与人性的挑战,席卷而来,他 以沈痛的嘶吼表达了内心的情感。 关於台湾2003年SARS期间,政治斗争下平民生活的冰冷现实,一个人类坚忍不拔的故事。 全世界刚经历过Covid-19的冲击,许多人的生活、工作和人生等都遭遇到巨大的变化。这 让人们被迫正视自己的渺小,并反思与大自然之间的关系。 在疫情蔓延的时刻,我们所面对的敌人不仅仅是病毒,更是人性的挑战。每个角色在此刻 都在挣扎、恐惧、同情,而我们也不得不思考他们的行为是否真实或虚假。 影集《和平归来》真实地展现了在政治权力斗争之下的现实,它赤裸地揭露了官僚腐败的 现象,细腻地刻划了利益角力下被牺牲的小人物所感受到的无奈和愤怒。然而,最终,人 类是否能够保留面对生存的韧性,这仍然是一个未知的问题。这部影集提醒我们重新思考 与世界的连结,并以更坚韧的姿态去迎接未来的挑战。尽管痛苦和困难环绕着我们,但我 们可以通过抛弃虚假和迎接真实来找到内在的力量。这部电影是一个完整的故事,展现了 人性的脆弱和坚韧,并引领我们思考生命的价值与意义,帮助台湾社会更向前推进一步。 About the Director LIN Shi-Zhang 关於导演林世章 Director Lin Shizhang had a rich experience in film and television shooting, and demonstrated incredible professional skills in this field. He had served as the director of the Island Nation series. He deeply understands audience preferences, and presented stories in a unique way that resonated with the people. He often collaborated with other filmmakers to inspire new ideas, creating thoughtful works that pique interest. His works explored human nature, and inspired people’s thinking and discussion. The delicate handling of the story and aesthetic requirements is what makes his works vivid and exquisite, and the combination of creativity and professionalism brings surprises to the audience. 林世章导演以丰富影视拍摄经历展现专业能力,曾担任《国际桥牌社》系列影集以及外传 的导演。他深入了解观众喜好,以独特方式呈现故事并引起共鸣。与制片方合作能表达想 法,创造细致吸引人的影像作品。作品深入探索人性层面,引发观众思考和启发。细腻处 理故事和美感要求使作品生动精致入胜,结合创意和专业带来惊艳,激励观众。 --- 非在自己家里收看的、难得的海外放映,如果时间、心力许可,就把握机会罗! --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/TaiwanDrama/M.1692948029.A.387.html

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