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※ 引述《newtom (林老师)》之铭言: : 以下文章,为CNET一些用户对Acer新出的笔电 : TravelMate 8200的评价,三名用户分别给分: : 8分,6分,2分,平均得分5.333.... 才三名用户就想去挑战符合统计学上的意义?? 此外你有没有看到你的组间差距这麽大 光是standard err就超过实际结果 更不用去算P值了 这表示在统计学上已经失去了意义 根本不具备比较上的意义 同时你所提供的网页上的分数写的是7.7分不是五点三分 如果你是我硕士班的同学一是那种会被台下老师电到爆炸的天兵 : 价格:2500USD = 80000NT,其中列出的问题:记 : 忆体时脉规格不符,散热设计不良,硬碟分割格 : 式老旧,网路连接不良.... : Toshiba推出的Qosmio G25-AV513,同样价格, : 用户平均得分是7.7分...... : -------------------------------------------------- : Acer TravelMate 8200 5.3分 : : 4505-3121_7-31679411.html?tag=prmo1 那你要不要比一下低阶价格的部分(比如说5502) 来跟日系机种的低价格系列比较一下 只拿一台没什麽人会选择的8系列来比(宏碁主力是放在八系列吗?) 根本只是扭曲统计学想玩弄科学上的把戏 真要比较就应该把所有的机种通通拿出来比较同时平均分数之後 至少要用T-Student计算出差异性以及P值 这样才有比较上的意义 同时我看到的分数是7.7分而不是你说的5.3分(这是打开你的网页直接出来的分数) 同时你下面那台的分数范围是7.7-8.1分 同时这两台机器的价差最高可以差到400美金 (online micro对比於 这样还能叫做同样价格 阁下的财经实力真是不容小看 好 你扯出这台机器来比较 那我提议你去看看5系列之下的平价系列 再同时拿出T或S牌相同价格的机种来比较(此区段也是最多人购买的价格区段) 你可以看看acer5502的分数以及网友平价 平均分数7.9分 只要美金999的售价 让大多数的人对於其价格以及功能与以赞赏 如果看看你所讲的Toshiba的机种 一台要价美金2000-2900 我们把分数除以价格得到一个值 两边的C/P值马上立见高下 基本除法你应该会作吧 此外...有时间把分数抬上来也要多学点统计学吧 我第一次看到只有三个人的分数同时组间差距那麽大也能当作统计上的意义 而你偏偏只挑一台对你有利的机种来回应 啧啧...真不知道你学校的老师是怎麽教你的关於科学这回事 最後在给你个提示 你去看看原文 我有说过 主力机种的相同规格内容上 日系的要比宏碁贵上一万块以上 这样你还是不懂对不对 既然你那麽迷信分数 你去把该分数除以价格 你就知道为什麽我们A牌不会输给日本牌了 : 4864-3121_7-31679411.html?ctype=msgid&message : SiteID=7&messageID=1740411&cval=1740411&tag=uolst : Full user opinion : 1. You can't use it in LAN because internal NIC Intel Pro has NOT RESOLVED : problem and connection unstable (restart connection each 10 seconds). : 2. Wrong memory freq 533 (DDR2 533 SDRAM) but specification has DDR2 667 : SDRAM. At first time the Acer say thet is web site mistake but now it say : that SPECIFICATION IS CHANGED. But Acer can't answer WHEN it changed. : 3. Hibernate don't work - KB909095 : 4. Acer support is VERY BAD. It can't resolve any real problem and don't : accept Acer mistakes. : DON'T BUY ACER! : Links: : : : : ==================================================================== : : 4864-3121_7-31679411.html?ctype=msgid&message : SiteID=7&messageID=1729517&cval=1729517&tag=uolst : Full user opinion : I've only had this a day, and it's an impressive machine. : Network, Bluetooth etc work fine. Screen wasn't missing a pixel. Performance : is pretty snappy (I do sw development and have a lot of things running at : once). : But... : Why would anyone ship XP on FAT32 partitions these days? Just so I can go : reformat them to NTFS? When I tried to add windows components (IIS, : Indexing), XP claimed it couldn't copy necessary files, even though they're : there on the disk. Working with Acer to find out what that's about. : Also, Linux seems maybe not quite ready for this machine, though my : investigation is early. : But most people needn't worry about these nits: it's still an impressive : machine and very aethetically pleasing with good performance. : ======================================================================== : : 4864-3121_7-31679411.html?ctype=msgid&message : SiteID=7&messageID=1739899&cval=1739899&tag=uolst : Full user opinion : TM 8204WMI bought in Canada for CAD $2,450 + tax. : I didn't have any problems installing IIS as in previous review. : Big disappointment is that fan is blowing hot air into your right arm when : using mouse :( : I also have Acer Aspire 2000 with Pentium M 1.6 GHz and it's completely quiet : and almost never uses the fan. ※ 引述《newtom (林老师)》之铭言: : 以下文章,为CNET一些用户对Acer新出的笔电 : TravelMate 8200的评价,三名用户分别给分: : 8分,6分,2分,平均得分5.333.... : 价格:2500USD = 80000NT,其中列出的问题:记 : 忆体时脉规格不符,散热设计不良,硬碟分割格 : 式老旧,网路连接不良.... : Toshiba推出的Qosmio G25-AV513,同样价格, : 用户平均得分是7.7分...... : -------------------------------------------------- : Acer TravelMate 8200 5.3分 : : 4505-3121_7-31679411.html?tag=prmo1 : Toshiba Qosmio G25-AV513 7.7分 : : /4505-3121_7-31413530.html?tag=tpr : ===================================================== : : 4864-3121_7-31679411.html?ctype=msgid&message : SiteID=7&messageID=1740411&cval=1740411&tag=uolst : Full user opinion : 1. You can't use it in LAN because internal NIC Intel Pro has NOT RESOLVED : problem and connection unstable (restart connection each 10 seconds). : 2. Wrong memory freq 533 (DDR2 533 SDRAM) but specification has DDR2 667 : SDRAM. At first time the Acer say thet is web site mistake but now it say : that SPECIFICATION IS CHANGED. But Acer can't answer WHEN it changed. : 3. Hibernate don't work - KB909095 : 4. Acer support is VERY BAD. It can't resolve any real problem and don't : accept Acer mistakes. : DON'T BUY ACER! : Links: : : : : ==================================================================== : : 4864-3121_7-31679411.html?ctype=msgid&message : SiteID=7&messageID=1729517&cval=1729517&tag=uolst : Full user opinion : I've only had this a day, and it's an impressive machine. : Network, Bluetooth etc work fine. Screen wasn't missing a pixel. Performance : is pretty snappy (I do sw development and have a lot of things running at : once). : But... : Why would anyone ship XP on FAT32 partitions these days? Just so I can go : reformat them to NTFS? When I tried to add windows components (IIS, : Indexing), XP claimed it couldn't copy necessary files, even though they're : there on the disk. Working with Acer to find out what that's about. : Also, Linux seems maybe not quite ready for this machine, though my : investigation is early. : But most people needn't worry about these nits: it's still an impressive : machine and very aethetically pleasing with good performance. : ======================================================================== : : 4864-3121_7-31679411.html?ctype=msgid&message : SiteID=7&messageID=1739899&cval=1739899&tag=uolst : Full user opinion : TM 8204WMI bought in Canada for CAD $2,450 + tax. : I didn't have any problems installing IIS as in previous review. : Big disappointment is that fan is blowing hot air into your right arm when : using mouse :( : I also have Acer Aspire 2000 with Pentium M 1.6 GHz and it's completely quiet : and almost never uses the fan. 你不要告诉我 最後一段评价也是负面评价 就连热风吹到手上也能当作科学上的参考 这样会逗我笑XD 那我也给你个非科学的参考意见 我在这边的同学 有两个用T牌的笔电 全都干的要死 热当死当无预警自动关机每个礼拜都会发生 才买不到三年的电脑问题一堆 她们不会上网去评价啦...因为根本就常常网卡故障连不上网路 XD -- --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:→ kandance:推统计 XD 02/15 21:58
2F:→ WGfriend:推统计.... 02/15 22:29
3F:→ franz1117:说的好! 02/15 22:33
4F:推 TAIWANSHIRT:没想到连这里都有人以唱衰台湾为乐...orz... 02/15 22:58
5F:推 dearevan:习惯就好... 02/16 00:59
6F:推 adsldns:最後一句有一股淡淡的忧伤 囧 02/18 01:44

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