作者thestrait (mitbbs.com站thestrait版)
标题Re: [问题]当年国民党真有拿百顿黄金来台湾?
时间Sat Apr 16 10:32:32 2005
※ 引述《thestrait (mitbbs.com站thestrait版)》之铭言:
: 标题: Re: [问题]当年国民党真有拿百顿黄金来台湾?
: 时间: Fri Apr 15 20:10:25 2005
: ※ 引述《kaod (kaod)》之铭言:
: : 标题: Re: [问题]当年国民党真有拿百顿黄金来台湾?
: : 时间: Fri Apr 15 16:38:44 2005
: : 当年的货币发行,一定要黄金或美钞做後盾喔!
: : 因为布雷顿森林体系中,美金与黄金有固定兑换率,
: : 而世界其他国家的货币则与美元维持固定汇率,
: : 国际贸易则以美钞结算,
: : 故,美钞或黄金成为布雷顿森林体系各国央行的主储备,
: : 因此,想维持新台币币值的稳定,必须有美金或黄金为後盾。
: ...
: : 推 wetteland:美国在小罗斯福上任後就取消金本位了 04/15
: 爱台湾不等于不爱念书哦.
: 如果不想去看经济学教科书, 请爱用google
: 查查 Bretton Woods system 是什麽.
: 其年份跨度, 以及是否金本位.
: ◆ From:
: 推 wetteland:那你要怪王曾才乱写 04/15
: 推 kaod:王曾才是???? 04/15
: 推 wetteland:《西洋现代史》的作者 04/15
金本位, gold standard.
这个词看来把你绕晕了. 我抄一段教科书吧, 说得很清楚.
We should get it straight that there may be dozens of different kinds
of mechanisms that could be designed to make a gold standard work,
but the mechanism itself is not the standard. A gold standard is one in
which the national money is defined as a specific weight of gold.
When today's academics insist the gold standard ended in 1913, what
they really mean is that the mechanism changed, but the definition
remained. When President Roosevelt in 1933 was persuaded to
devalue the dollar against gold and to make it illegal for U.S. citizens
to own gold bullion, the mechanism changed again, but the dollar was
still defined as a specific weight of gold. The dollar had been defined
as 0.0483% of an ounce of pure gold. FDR changed it himself, without
any consultation, to 0.0285% of an ounce. That is, where it took only
$20.67 to buy an ounce, Roosevelt said it now would take $35. It was
still a gold standard, but at a new price, and with a mechanism that did
not allow ordinary citizens to exchange dollars for gold. In 1944, at the
Bretton Woods conference, the U.S. government and its allies formalized
this monetary system, which permitted only foreign central banks to
convert dollars they acquired into gold, at $35 per ounce. Mechanisms
can be changed to support the national monetary unit defined as a gold
weight, but as long as the final objective is to preserve and guarantee
the dollar/gold definition, it is a gold standard.
还有这个页面写得很不错, 你可以看看.
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※ 编辑: thestrait 来自: (04/16 22:12)