#要达到学校要求的特定分数 #如何从24提升28+ #本周进阶文法免费Calendly谘询时段 大家好,我是正在筹备7/26进阶文法内化课、 也是冲刺班口说顾问的Li-Yi(TOEFL IBT119) 。最近有几位听力已经近乎完美的同学会跑来找我。 他们的学校口说和写作要求一定要超过25,但他怎麽练都上不去, 想看是否还还能提升一些文法用字、句构,来再加一点分数。 於是我跟他们要了一些音档和作文,看到一些可以改善的高级问题。 今天先分享2个整合类口说、写作的常见问题、以及怎麽练习的方式 1.避免挤牙膏式、比较绕的主题句 改成比较直接、就算没有听读过原始素材的人也能理解的句子 以下我帮一个约24-25分程度的同学稍微修改, 大家可以比较一下改过的版本的直观性,可以到28-30 范例一: 一个24分程度的同学写的:Secondly, the passage suggests that the carvedsto ne balls might have been used as part of a primitive system of weights and measures. Yet, the speaker strongly contradicts the theory because the masses of the stone malls vary widely. To elaborate, they used different types of stones to create the carved stone balls, and different types of stones have different density. Hence, even if the balls were the same size, they still have different weights. Apparently, the carved stone balls were not used as weighing or measuring tools. 可能要看到最後才会猜到同学的意思: 阅读讲雕刻石球可能是砝码,但讲者认为这些球的重量太不一致, 所以不太可能是砝码 更直观的版本会是这样: Secondly, the passage suggests that the carved stone balls might have been a part of a primitive system of weights and measurememnt. Yet, the speaker is against the theory because the mass of the stone balls vary too widely for them to be ideal weights in such a measuring system. To elaborate, the carved balls were made with stones of different density, meaning that balls of the same size do not weigh the same. 范例二: 同学的版本: Last but not least, the reading indicates that the burning mirror is not an improvement on a weapon that the Greeks already had. Once again, the scholar opposes the evidence revealed in the reading passage. To be more specific, she contends that Romans were familiar with the usage of flying arrows, and therefore could see the flying arrows ahead and prepare for it. However, with a burning mirror, the Romans could only see a mirror and would not react to it until the ships caught fire. Apparently, a burning mirror would create a much more surprising attack on the Romans. 可能要看到最後才会大概猜到同学的意思: 阅读说:火镜并没有优於希腊人已有的武器系统(燃烧飞箭)。 但讲者认为罗马人已经太熟悉燃烧飞箭、非常会抵御这样的攻击。但他们看到火镜,会觉得 只是一面镜子、而没有看到上面的射线已经对准自己的船,因此会船会在他们不知不觉下起 火燃烧。 更直观的呈现会是这样: Last but not least, the reading indicates that the burning mirror is not an improvement over the flaming arrows, an effective weapon that the Greeks already had. That is, the author suggests that the Greeks had no reason to build a burning mirror. Once again, the scholar disagrees, arguing that Roman soldiers were too familiar with the Greek flaming arrows; they could predict where the arrows would go and put the fire out easily. On the other hand, when the Greeks used a burning mirror, the Romans could only see the mirror but not its burning rays. Therefore, the rays would set the targeted Roman ships on fire all of a sudden, creating a surprise attack #怎麽练习: 你可以比对同一份TPO的高分作答和低分做答、 以及顾问范文,把低分作答的主题句改得更直观 我在<进阶文法内化课>,我也会做出多套"完美顾问笔记"以及"完美顾问作文/音档",写出 我的标准版本,供同学做对照也会特别做出主题句不明显的数个版本。 透过不断修改主题句,把直观性内化到习惯中。 2.注意模板句应用的条件 例如: 写作中,有些同学会固定整合写作模板的文法: The reading states that XXXX might have been true... However, the lecturer disagress... 但却没注意到这样的模板句,XXX只能是假设过去发生的事情,而不是假设现在的。 例如以下同学的版本: Both the reading article and the lecture discuss ways to reverse the trend that is threatening the lake's health. The article provides three possible solutions. However, the lecturer disagrees and presents three refutations...... First of all, the passage mentions the direct removal of salt might have been a suitable option. However, the scholar severely challenges the theory by arguing that it could cause serious problems. 但"the direct removal of salt"是讲在讨论现今可能降低湖中盐分的可能做法之一, 而不是过去曾用过的做法。所以不能用might have 正确: 把might have been改成might be #怎麽练习 先观察顾问范文中,模板句使用的情境/时态,准备几种版本的模板句,比对顾问怎麽把他 的笔记用出来,再修正自己的用法 ========================= 若你也写作口说因为学校要求需要突破特定分数, 必须要在文法句构上提升,欢迎你来参加我的<进阶文法内化课> 我会透过课前分析帮你听说读写的文法句构弱点分析一遍, 课中补充文法知识,也在课後给你指定的内化菜单! 若对课程有疑问,或对於自己的问题解决想要找我聊聊 欢迎本周直接预约Calendly: 进阶文法内化课课程说明: 报名表单: 祝大家备战顺利、突破高分门槛! --

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