大家好,我是SK2冲刺班的口说顾问Li-Yi. 今天劳动节放假有一点空,想说来分享二月底时的高分范文做为大家参考 跨科代庖抛砖XD #学术讨论写作30分回忆文 题目约莫是: Should parents give their children allowance? 我的回忆答案如下(稍微修改免得我真实世界的叔叔看到误会XD) I agree with Paul's idea that giving children allowance will harm their relationship with their parents eventually, and I would add that such kind of funds, especially without any obligation attached to them, will cause children to lose respect from other later on. For example, my uncle, a wealthy textile tycoon, gave his three daughters money every month when they were growing up. Since they didn’t have to do anything to earn the income, they spent it recklessly on expensive items such as Gucci bags and Rolex watches, without a sweat. Also, they never wanted to study or work hard at school or at work, for their wealth could get them anything. Moreover, they often made fun of those who worked relentlessly, saying that these folks did not know how to enjoy life. Because of their actions and attitudes, people hated being around these women and showed much distain when the three names were brought up in conversations. That’s why I truly believe that allowance from parents will hurt their young ones' images in the eyes of others, making 这里大概是181字. 1.审题想点想细节过程其实跟口说独立题是一样。先想到从reputation切入,认为父母不要 随便给小孩零用钱,例子中间要讲到他们不知道付出努力、浪费.差别是我会把口说想到 的2个短句合并为complex sentence (有子句插入句子前中後後+连接词)/compound sentence(用对等连接词或连接副词接起来) 2.我大约在1分钟内想好,8分钟写.1分钟检查 3.写的时候尽量避免重复字 4.多了一个making在结尾是因为我原本还想要说一下让他们不受欢迎之类的, 把句型复杂度提升,但狗尾续貂,写不完XD 所幸没被扣分 5.其实我以前都写得比较像口说回答,逻辑对,但并没有把用字难度、重复度、 句构复杂度考虑进去,自从跟我的写作同事Rosa和Chris请教好, 一举30,真的非常感谢他们! 课日期:5/4(六)10:00-12:00 上课地点:捷运大安站11楼中央教室 上课讲者:Rosa & Li-Yi顾问 上课内容:冲刺班讲座:新制托福写作+口说关键秘密公开课 快速报名连结: 有什麽问题,公开课相见,知无不言!! =============================== SK2 TOEFL #最多破百高分同学 #作文无限次改到饱 #终生无限次顾问时间、助教读书会 加入托福高分破100、破110 人数最多的SK2 TOEFL 脸书: 加入GRE 高分人数全台北第一的 Mason GRE脸书,了解最新GRE资讯: --

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