# 推论题要怎麽做? # 顾问示范 大家好,我是SK2 冲刺班的顾问Chris 这几天开工了,大家有开始练题目了吗?最近Chris经常被同学问到推论题还是不太会做 ,该怎麽办? 以下Chris挑一题来跟大家示范: By 1860, the settlement of the American West along with timber shortages in th e East converged with ever-widening impact on the pine forests of the Great La kes states. Over the next 30 years, lumbering became a full-fledged enterprise in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. Newly formed lumbering corporations bo ught up huge tracts of pineland and set about systematically cutting the trees . Both the colonists and the later industrialists saw timber as a commodity, b ut the latter group adopted a far more thorough and calculating approach to re moving trees. In this sense, what happened between 1860 and 1890 represented a significant break with the past. No longer were farmers in search of extra in come the main source for shingles, firewood, and other wood products. By the 1 870s, farmers and city dwellers alike purchased forest products from large man ufacturing companies located in the Great Lakes states rather than chopping wo od themselves or buying it locally. What can be inferred from paragraph 2 about timber in America before the year 1860 ? A.Farmers of the American West earned most of their income by selling timber t o newly arrived settlers. B.Timber came primarily from farmers who wished to supplement their income. C.Timber was much more expensive before the year 1860 because it was less read ily available. D.Timber came primarily from large manufacturing companies in the East. 这道题目,大家先想想看,你会选谁呢? . . . 以下Chris来按照以下步骤示范我会怎麽做喔! Step 1:先看题目的主题 题目问的是 Before the year 1860 的状况 Step 2:Skim整个段落的意思 因为这种题目比较难用一句话作答,所以要学会把段落简化,找到最主要的Main: 以下是我阅读的轨迹,我会这样读: 1860: The settlement converged with pine forests. Over the next 30 years, lumb ering became a full-fledged enterprise,and newly formed lumbering corporations cut the trees. Therefore, industrialists adopted approaches to removing trees . (心中自己加入转折连接词) 1860-1960: Farmers were no longer (重要态度‼ ) the main source for wood prod ucts in search of extra income. 1870:Farmers purchased forest products from large manufacturing companies rath er than chopping wood themselves. 总结(整句话用一个概念表达):因企业砍柴,农夫不再为了提供木柴去赚钱了。 Step 3:有想法之後,看答案选项 1860年前...... A. 美国西部的农夫主要透过向新来的移民卖木材来赚取收入。(没有谈到 Farmers earn ed most of their income,也没谈到新来的移民) B. 木材主要来自希望增加收入的农夫。 C. 木材在1860年之前价格较高,因为供应较少。(这个段落没有讨论木材的价钱。) D. 木材主要来自东部的大型制造公司。(第一句话就说了 Timber shortages in the Ea st,所以不可能是美国东部生产木材。) 因此,这题答案选B! 大家有发现吗,这里的关键就是在,你要去「了解整个段落最主要的意思」,也就是文章 段落中最主要的核心讯息(Main)是什麽。 了解Main之後,你就会知道托福的错误的选项往往都会用细节去骗你,下次就不会选到过 度推论的选项罗! 希望今天的分享有帮助大家~ 大家加油:) Chris, Until then . . . *** 想听听专业的SK2顾问群所设计,一套最有系统的托福课吗? 欢迎你加入将要开课的冲刺班,快速填报名表单即可申请, 我们有绝对的信心能帮助你破百! 选择SK2 TOEFL冲刺班,1-2个月破百!
近期「冲刺班」开放试听班级:(以下试听时段请择一) 2/20(二)听力课 19:00 (传授听出听力爱考点、对话笔记) 2/21 (三) 阅读课 19:00 (教你skim & 架构式笔记法、解题) 2/24(六)写作课 09:30 (教你学术讨论写作高分关键) *** 加入SK2 脸书社团,获得托福相关的最新资讯: 上SK2官网,阅读顾问专栏,帮助你1-2个月托福破百: 追踪Rosa's Reading Corner,藉由朗读英诗、培养阅读与口说的习惯: 加入Chris的英文口说主题社团,了解将英文融入生活让口说流利的秘密! 收听Vivian「托福下课後」的Podcast,听听学长姐的激励人生故事: 加入全台湾高分人数第一的Mason GRE社团,获得准备GRE的最新相关资讯: ※ 编辑: secondary2 ( 台湾), 02/16/2024 21:51:09

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icon.png[问题] 44th 单曲 生写竟然都给重复的啊啊!
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icon.pngRe: [闲聊] OGN中场影片:失踪人口局 (英文字幕)
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icon.png[出售] [全国]全新千寻侘草LED灯, 水草
