大家好,我是Jacob (常春藤盟校宾州大学英语教学硕士),SK2TOEFL团队实力养成班顾 问,也专精在TOEFL机经(JJ)汇总整理,所以也可以叫我J2. . *** 继续看文章前,下周有实体公开课,欢迎同学报名: 课程名称:带你做阅读听力模考公开课 时间:1/20(六) 14:00-16:00 地点:捷运大安站共构大楼16楼 授课顾问:实力养成班顾问J2 & Vivian 快速报名连结: *** 以下正文开始: 今天再来看一篇作文的发展,其实整体来说都不错,但最後结束的地方,可以更好。 题目是: Doctor Achebe This week, we'll be discussing how technological advances are transforming the job market, making some jobs unnecessary. Let's focus on government actions. Suppose the government had to choose between two ways in which to support people whose jobs are no longer needed. The government could either give them enough money to live on until they find new jobs or offer them free job training without giving them money directly. Which of these two solutions do you think is better? Why? . C同学回答: From my perspective, I believe providing people with enough money to sustain themselves until they find new jobs is the better approach. As Kelly points out, financial aid can immediately assist them with their living expenses. For example, Uncle Ku, one of my dad's friends, lost his job due to technological advances. However, his savings could only support him and his family for three months. Thanks to the financial aid from the government, Uncle Ku was able to cover his child’s school tuition, ensuring that his family did not have to go hungry. Therefore, he could focus on landing a new job, without worrying about his family’s well-being due to his job loss. Finally, after actively applying for jobs, he secured a position at an air conditioning engineering company. As a technician, he wouldn't be easily replaced by technology such as AI because we still require humans to identify and resolve issues with air conditioning systems. . 前面发展都不错,讲到就是因为有政府的金援,所以即使没工作也不用担心学费还有生活 费,然後自己可以也可以专心找下一份工作。但是後面Finally提到说在努力的寻找工作 一阵子後,找到了一份技师的工作,不会再被取代了,这里感觉就比较跟前面没什麽关联 ,我建议同学应该要写的是反方的情况,譬如: . 没有政府的金援,可能就每天要烦恼小孩的学费、生活费从哪里来。在这样的情况下,就 算政府提供求职训练,也无法好好的上课、进修,训练的效果可能也会很差。 . Without government subsidies, one might find themselves daily worrying about how to afford their children's education and living expenses. In such circumstances, even if the government provides job training, it may be challenging to fully engage in classes, potentially leading to subpar training outcomes. . 如果不太知道最後几句怎麽写,写「选择反方的情况」是很安全的一个选择,大家不妨试 试喔! Cheers, J2 --

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1F:推 sonne1419: 推!! 01/12 21:43

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