大家好,Chris 这两个月写了三十多篇的范文 (佛脚班范文XD) 写着写着,觉得自己的思路and句型, 有时候要展现Variety的时候,就会固定跳出来, 因此就随手做个整理,喜欢可以分享储存喔! (一)因果句:用因果句型让说服力up up 1. 因果关系接句子:because, since, as,...SVO 互用 Social media can harm young people's mental health because(as, since)it contai national a lot of negative information. 2. 因果分词构句 置前:Social media contains a lot of negative information, thereby harming you ng people's mental health. 置後:Containing a lot of negative information, Social media can harm young pe ople's mental health. 3. 因果接名词 Owing to, Due to, Because of 互用 Due to a lot of negative information on social media, it can harm young people 's mental health. (二)同位语/插入语:怕考官不懂才用! 1. As a computer science student, I finally landed a good job at Dell, a prest igious tech company. 2. I went to CHIMEI, a museum with many foreign sculptures, paintings and phot ographs. NG插入语 只是炫技用,意义不明请避免 Space exploration, some people believe, will bring some unexpected discoveries . (三)虚主词:不想用SVO, 来点it开头的句子也可~ 1. It is hard to ...什麽事...很难 It is hard to imagine what our life would look like without computers in moder n society. 2. It is essential that ...什麽事...很重要 *後面接原形动词 It is essential that endangered animals be protected against being killed. 3. It has been made easier...做某事...变的更容易 It has been made easier for modern people to communicate with each other via t he internet in a few seconds. 4. It was worthwhile to ...很值得去做... It was worthwhile to invest time and effort in learning a new skill. 5. It is no use for...做什麽事...没用 It is no use for governments to engage in space exploration (四)修饰语:点缀点缀就好,请勿大量使用 in which 修饰地方 I voluntarily cleaned up the neighbourhood in which I grew up. that 限定修饰 The space exploration that cost 100 million dollars was worthwhile. (五)否定:某论点不好,我的比较好。 1. Instead of...取而代之的是 Instead of indulging in playing computer games, children should focus on gaini ng useful information on the internet. 2. not for N, but for N / not to V, but to V 不是怎样,而是怎样 College students take part-time jobs not just to earn extra money but also to gain valuable work experience. (六)让步:虽然某论点好,但我的更好 1. I disagree with....; instead I disagree with Jane’s idea that planning things ahead can be more productive ; Instead, I think this strategy can make people more anxious, leading to proc rastination. 2. While... (Although), I still... Although Jane’s idea is right, I still believe planning things ahead isn’t a good strategy because it can make people more anxious, leading to procrastina tion. (七)假设语气:这件事情要是发生的话很恐怖 If Ved, S would VO 要是怎样,就怎样了 If I contaced my friend in my hometown, he would tell me how fun it was when we went to the Internet Caf? where we used to hang out, making me even homesic k. (考托福的同学记这组就够了~) (八)比较句:没比较没伤害,有比较说服力up 对比句构 (Compared with N1 , N2 VO) Compared with students with leadership, students with more empathy perform bet ter in school group assignments. 比较级句构 (less than, more than) People in modern times enjoy less leisure time than they did previously. The + 比较级(因) … the + 比较级(果) The more time I spend studying, the better my grades get. #贴心提醒: 考试时只有短短十分钟,就必须在100多个字中,展现托福要求的Variety实属不容易,因 此请同学考试时,务必用自己最确定、最有自信的句型,先追求Clarity,而不要因刻意 想替换字句,而导致你的文法错误,甚至逻辑错误! 希望今天的分享有帮助大家~ Chris Until then --

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