PTT托福板友们大家好, 我是SK2 TOEFL实力养成班教学顾问Vivian. 9月是暑假完成课程同学们首战托福的重要月份, 若距离考试剩2-3周,我会叮咛大家要开始练习计时的临场感。 ETS因应新制托福上路开发了一些不错的工具, 其中写作Task 2有非常接近正式考试UI的介面可以练官方释出的练习题与计时, 更能使用AI Rater评分作文。 Task 2练习介面在这里: 近日有很多认真的学生拿AI评估的结果与我讨论, 我们来看看不同分数区间的差异: 题目: Which approach do you think is better: Giving grades based only on performance, or grading students not just on performance but also on their effort? 以下为学生10分钟内写完的版本;可能有under timed conditions的typo. (AI Score: 4.0) In my opinion, Kelly is right when she said that a perfromance based evaluation is more reasonable. It is by far the most efficient and recognizable way of grading, consider evaluating ones effort is abstract and time-consuming. I'd added that students' effort will show on their grades under most of the conditions. On the contrary, when a student doesn't really put effort into their work, their performance will definitely have many errors. When a hard-working student spend hours on assignments or tests to completely figure out what are the core comcept and correct answer, they can get good performance easily based on their hard work. That is to say, I think evaluating with performance without considering effort is fair and benefits students learning curve. Other than considering students' side, it is more managable for teacher to grade students based on identical criteria that is quantfiable. 再来是修改过後的版本,这次AI给Score of 5.0: In my opinion, Kelly is right when she said that a perfromance based evaluation is more reasonable. It is by far the most common way of grading, consider evaluating ones effort is time-consuming and hard to quantifiable. I'd added that students' effort will show on their grades under most of the conditions. When a hard-working student spend hours on assignments to completely figure out the concepts and tips on finishing it, they can get good result easily based on their what they've learned. On the contrary, when students don't really put effort into works, their result would have many errors and they don't really learn stuff. For example, I usually start preparing for an exam 2 weeks before, but once I forgot to mark an upcoming exam on my calander. The time that I found out and started to study was 3 days before it. Not having enough preparation bought me terrible result on that exam, for sure. To sum up, I think grading without counting effort is fair and resonable. 不知道同学们看不看得出来两个版本的差异呢? ETS在相同网页中提供了scoring guide给大家参考: 4.0-5.0区间: You made a well-supported, relevant contribution to the discussion, and your ideas are easy to understand. Weaknesses, if there are any, might have to do with: -use of English that is occasionally ungrammatical, unclear or unidiomatic -the elaboration of your viewpoint needing a little more detail or explanation 以上内容两者最大不同是,5.0的版本多了「举例」, 而且其中两句重新排列,使逻辑较为通顺。 AI是根据ETS公布的标准评分的, 因此所有考生应该都要对於Rubrics了若指掌: 换句话说,只要充分了解题目的requirements与评分rubrics标准, 同学们将对练习方向会清楚不少。 当然ETS最後给分还要经过人工审核, 所以同学们使用这个AI工具只能当成初步分析自我表现的工具; 详细的feedback(是否切题、更进一步的改善建议) 还是要由有经验的老师们给予。 *** 想要详细的feedback、或是不知道该如何下笔的同学们, 在这里当然要推荐我们的托福课程罗! SK2 TOEFL「托福实力养成班」协助弱底同学打底、 并针对新制托福设计完整课程。 -报名即送课前手册,抢先预习六大学科分类字汇 -按照上课进度出作业,提供个别批改建议 -每周多场次顾问时间,课後仍可享有永久免费谘询资源 -专属Line社群,揪到最合拍的读书会夥伴 *课程线上谘询官方Line@:@sk2toefl *实力养成班最新课表: *线上报名表单: ******* 欢迎加入 #高分人数全台北第一 Mason GRE 脸书社团 SK2 TOEFL Consultant Group 顾问专栏、实力养成班/冲刺班课程&预约试听资讯 ******* 祝福九月份考生们旗开得胜! Vivian, SK2 TOEFL实力养成班顾问 --

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