#我让ChapGPT写了一个范文 #猜猜看它能获得几分 大家好,我是Chris 今天想跟大家聊聊「完美的单字文法」会不会在托福里拿高分? 最近我们练了一篇学术讨论写作,题目是: If you had to choose between prioritizi ng economic growth or protecting the environment, which one would you choose? Why? 於是,Chris请ChatGPT用大约150个字为一个段落的指令,回答此篇题目。我们来看ChatG PT在这道题目里面提供的范文: I strongly advocate for prioritizing the environment over economic growth. While economic development is undoubtedly important for improving lives, it s hould not come at the expense of our planet's well-being. We must recognize th at we only have one Earth, and its preservation is crucial for our own surviva l and that of future generations. By shifting towards sustainable practices, s uch as investing in renewable energy and embracing eco-friendly technologies, we can strike a harmonious balance between economic progress and environmental protection. Moreover, prioritizing the environment can lead to numerous long- term benefits, including the development of innovative solutions, and the over all improvement of public health. It is our responsibility to ensure that our economic activities align with sustainable principles, so that we can build a prosperous future. 读完之後,我们可以观察到ChatGPT的句子通顺,文法完美 (废话),并且我们也能从中学 到满多可以学习的用法: at the expense of (以......为代价) strike a harmonious balance(取得和谐的平衡) sustainable practices(可持续的做法) renewable energy(可再生能源) lead to numerous long-term benefits (带来长期的效益) 这些字串可以帮助同学扩展该主题的词汇。 然而,当我把这篇文章,以托福的评分标准,请它去评分,它这样说: The paraphraph would likely receive a score of 3 or 3.5 on the TOEFL scoring s cale, which ranges from 1 to 5. The paragraph effectively presents a clear sta nce and rationale for prioritizing the environment over economic growth. It in troduces the concept of sustainable practices as a solution to balancing econo mic progress and environmental protection. However, the paragraph lacks specif ic examples or evidence to support its arguments and demonstrate a deeper unde rstanding of the topic. The inclusion of concrete examples would enhance the p aragraph's development by providing tangible illustrations of successful susta inable practices or real-world situations. This would bolster the overall cohe rence and persuasiveness of the response. 你会发现读完後,其实还是不太了解拟答中,renewable energy, eco-friendly technol ogies 可能会是什麽?具体而言要怎麽达到long-term benefits呢?这样的过程解释不清 楚,而且「抽象概念」太多,会使得同学没办法满足在ETS官方说法中 "Development", " Examplification"的评分标准,果然它只能获得3分~3.5分。 因此,Chris 帮大家总结ChatGPT使用的几个面向: 1. 能扩展此主题的词汇 2. 修正文法句构是否通顺 3. 检查单字与字串的用法 要更进一步在托福里的"Development", "Examplification" 可能就需要平常同学在生活 中仰赖「具体化」的写作能力,或是和ChapGPT一起脑力激荡,如此一来就能提供你一些 在托福里面可以使用的idea!希望今天的分享可以破解大家追求单字、文法完美的写作迷 思! Chris Until then *** 想听听专业的SK2顾问群所设计,一套最有系统的托福课吗?想要学习写作切题的关键秘 密:Golden Circle与Word Bank吗?欢迎你加入将要开课的冲刺班,快速填报名表单即可 申请,我们有绝对的信心能帮助你破百! 选择SK2 TOEFL冲刺班,1-2个月破百!
近期「冲刺班」开放试听班级:(以下试听时段请择一) 07/16 (日) 写作课 19:00 (讲解新制写作高分的关键秘密) 07/18(二)阅读课 14:00 (传授scan, skim, structural notes) 07/19(三)听力课 14:00 (传授听力爱考八大点、对话实战演练) *** 加入SK2 脸书社团,获得托福相关的最新资讯: 上SK2官网,阅读顾问专栏,帮助你1-2个月托福破百: 追踪Rosa's Reading Corner,藉由朗读英诗、培养阅读与口说的习惯: 加入Chris的英文口说主题社团,了解将英文融入生活让口说流利的秘密! 收听Vivian「托福下课後」的Podcast,听听学长姐的激励人生故事: 加入全台湾高分人数第一的Mason GRE社团,获得准备GRE的最新相关资讯: --

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