#作文主题分类练习 #加快审题对题目的连结 大家好,我是SK2 的Chris :D 最近谘询作文问题的同学,觉得已具备27分以上的关键思维,也内化了托福写作高分原则 。然而,发现自己「审题速度」仍偏慢,看到题目傻眼三分钟。那麽要如何让审题速度加 快呢?除了多练习Word bank之外,也希望大家可以增加「审题的广度」,也就是熟悉托 福写作的高频主题。 精选文章:托福写作27分以上的关键 — 写作的广度与深度。请点我 zr3r9e 因此推荐各位一定要增加审题的广度,一旦你熟悉该主题,会比较容易联想到理由,也能 训练自己看到题目马上能「具体化」的能力。Chris最近囊括了近1年高频实战真经题目, 并且分门别类,发现以下八大类写作主题非常常见。推荐审题、想故事比较慢的同学,和 读书会一起练习喔! ① 校园学业类 (University and Schoolwork) You may choose between two professors who will be teaching a course that you m ust take at your university. If the following statements are the only informat ion available to you about the differences between the two professors, which p rofessor would. you choose? Why? -One professor was voted most popular in a survey of students about their teac hers. -One professor has just been given an award for outstanding research. ② 孩童教育类 (Children and Young students) Recently several cities have made it a rule that teachers will give primary sc hool students (aged 5-10) no more than 30 minutes of homework per night, becau se the students get enough instruction during the regular school day. Do you a gree or disagree with this rule? Why? ③ 休闲生活类 (Daily basis) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Movies and television shows made in foreign countries are usually more interes ting and popular than those made in our home countries. ④ 人际关系类 (Relationship and Friendship) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to use you r own knowledge and experience to solve problems than to ask other people for advice. ⑤ 职场工作类 (Work and Career) If you are a leader for a group of three to four people, which of the followin g features are the most important when choosing group members? -honesty -the ability to get along well with others -the ability to communicate clearly ⑥ 政府决策类 (Government and Society) Governments should spend money constructing new houses rather than preserve hi storic buildings. Do you agree or disagree? ⑦ 社会世俗类 (Social customs and Culture) Some people believe showing people happy images (pictures in which great achie vements are made in helping the poor) is more effective in encouraging them to take action to solve poverty than showing them sad images (pictures that let us know how hard life can be for the poor). Do you agree or disagree? Why? ⑧ 环境科学类 (Environment and Scientist) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? All scientific discoveries should be shared with all scientists around the wor ld, and governments or businesses should not keep any scientific discoveries s ecret. 如果有兴趣练完整的档案,欢迎在下方留言 「我要练习八大分类作文题目」我就会站内信给你!想要获得更多资源,欢迎你来参加我 们的试听课程。 *** 想听听专业的SK2顾问群所设计,一套最有系统的托福课吗?想要学习阅读时间掌控的秘 密武器:scan与skim如何操作吗?欢迎你加入将要开课的冲刺班,快速填报名表单即可申 请,我们有绝对的信心能帮助你破百! 近期「冲刺班」开放试听班级:(以下试听时段请择一) 2/14 (二) 线上听力课19:00(传授听出听力爱考点、对话笔记) 2/15(三)阅读课 19:00 (传授scan, skim, structural notes) 2/17(五)线上写作课19:00 (独立写作审题+两分钟写主题句) *线上同步跟课 *** 上SK2官网,阅读顾问专栏,帮助你1-2个月托福破百: 追踪Rosa's Reading Corner,藉由朗读英诗、培养阅读与口说的习惯: 收听Vivian「托福下课後」的Podcast,听听学长姐的激励人生故事: 加入全台湾高分人数第一的Mason GRE社团,获得准备GRE的最新相关资讯: --

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1F:推 tally26: 我要练习八大分类作文题目02/16 19:29
※ 编辑: secondary2 ( 台湾), 02/16/2023 20:24:51
2F:推 renine14: 我要练习八大分类作文题目 02/19 04:06
3F:推 keron: 我要练习八大分类作文题目 02/20 22:17
4F:推 nonebuthree: 我要练习八大分类作文题目 02/25 22:34

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