使用ChatGPT帮助独立口说与写作想点&用字 大家好,我是冲刺班的口说顾问Li-Yi. 刚玩了一下最近很红的ChatGPT ( 我觉得它对大家独立口说与写作想原因、细节、用字也都蛮有帮助的. 你可以把机经题丢进去,从回答里面得到灵感。 相对於用Google机经题的好处(虽然我猜大部分同学也不会这麽做XD), 是他可以"快速产生大致符合逻辑的回答"、"让大家收集的正确用字组合" (当然,逻辑的部分,还是要请你自己判断一下) #拿机经题问ChatGPT 假设你丢入一题机经问ChatGPT: Zoos are more useful than harmful to animals. ChatGPT的回答是这样 This statement is a matter of opinion, and different people may have different views on the usefulness of zoos. Some people may argue that zoos are more useful than harmful to animals because they provide animals with a safe and protected environment where they can receive proper care and nutrition. Zoos can also help to educate the public about different species of animals, and they can support conservation efforts by providing a home for animals that are threatened or endangered in the wild. Additionally, zoos can also provide animals with enrichment activities and opportunities to engage in natural behaviors, which can help to prevent boredom and improve their overall quality of life. #主题句 里面会有三段很长的原因 以托福写作来说,因为只需要很简单的逻辑 你可以把每一个原因都拆成两个相关联的子原因. 主题句先说出一个,例子中再提出相关联的另一个子原因。 而托福口说也是一样 只是因为回答时间是短短的45秒, 运用一段的内容就好 1.主题句Zoos provide animals with a safe and protected environment, so they’re useful 例子里面再说明能做到安全的环境是因为Zoos通常能provide animals with proper care and nutrition. 2. Zoos can support conservation efforts, , so it’s useful 例子里面再说明能真正保育动物是因为Zoos can educate the public 3. Zoos can help to prevent boredom and improve animals’ overall quality of life, so they’re useful 例子里面再说明这件事情能做到,是因为zoos can also provide animals with enrichment activities and opportunities to engage in natural behaviors #例子细节 如果你还需要更多例子细节的灵感,你可以把第一段的资讯再展开 ChatGPT再输入:Why can zoos provide animals with proper care and nutrition? 会得到: Zoos can provide animals with proper care and nutrition because they are typically staffed by teams of trained professionals who are knowledgeable about the specific needs of different species of animals. These professionals can provide animals with the appropriate diet, medical care, and living conditions that are necessary for their health and well-being. Additionally, zoos often have access to resources and facilities that are not readily available in the wild, such as veterinary care, specialized enclosures, and nutritionists, which can help to ensure that the animals in their care receive the best possible care and nutrition. Overall, zoos can provide animals with proper care and nutrition because they have the expertise, resources, and facilities to support the health and well-being of the animals in their care. #可能要修改题目的问法 如果是prefer的题目,ChatGPT不太能回答.要更改一下才有比较多的资讯. 例如Some prefer to decorate their bedroom, study room or other places. Some prefer to keep it simple. Which do you prefer and why? 你可以把题目改成 It’s better to decorate your room rather than keeping it simple 那回答就比较多可以用了 祝大家学习愉快! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SK2 TOEFL #最多破百高分同学 #作文无限次改到饱 #终生无限次顾问时间、助教读书会 加入托福高分破100 、破110 人数最多的SK2 TOEFL 脸书: 加入GRE 高分人数全台北第一的Mason GRE脸书,了解最新GRE资讯: --

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1F:推 u4fu3: 很有趣的应用XDDD 12/09 14:56
2F:推 ziwen: 谢谢分享 12/11 14:39

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