大家好,我是Jacob (常春藤盟校宾州大学英语教学硕士),SK2TOEFL团队实力养成班顾 问,也专精在TOEFL机经(JJ)汇总整理,所以也可以叫我J2. 在托福阅读限时答题情况下,很多时候skim 跟 scan是可以快速答题的方式。一个段落看 到题目问的关键字,回到文章,多半确实可以较快速回答问题。不过有的时候,要考验的 是同学理解是否透彻,可能光抓句子SVO或是skim, scan是不够的! 譬如以下 TPO51-2 Population Growth in Nineteenth-Century Europe 这篇第一段第一题。第一段短短的只有90个字,同学们可以试做看看,在看下面解析。 Population Growth in Nineteenth-Century Europe Because of industrialization, but also because of a vast increase in agricultural output without which industrialization would have been impossible, Western Europeans by the latter half of the nineteenth century enjoyed higher standards of living and longer, healthier lives than most of the world’s peoples. In Europe as a whole, the population rose from 188 million in 1800 to 400 million in 1900. By 1900, virtually every area of Europe had contributed to the tremendous surge of population, but each major region was at a different stage of demographic change. According to paragraph 1, which of the following is true about Europe in the nineteenth century? A. A large increase in food production led to industrialization. B. Population changes occurred at the same pace in the major regions. C. The standard of living rose to the level of that in most parts of the world. D. The tremendous rise in population led to greater agricultural output in every region. . . . . . 正确答案是A, 同学如果做对的话,应该会知道正确答案出自第一句话:Because of industrialization, but also because of a vast increase in agricultural output without which industrialization would have been impossible… 这句话很多同学可能只看到这样的讯息: Because of industrialization, but also because of a vast increase in agricultural output (...跳过不看), Western Europeans by the latter half of the nineteenth century enjoyed higher standards of living and longer, healthier lives than most of the world’s peoples. 甚至有些同学前面的Because of 整串非SVO的整个也不看了,只看了後面的Western Europeans enjoyed higher standards of living and longer, healthier lives than most of the world’s peoples. J2认为,除非你阅读速度真的很慢很慢,要看完全部实在不可能,才会是这样选择性地看 句子的。或者是SVO概念不熟的,一开始练习时,也才会这样看句子。等SVO概念已经很熟 悉之後,看句子绝对不会只有看SVO, 因为作者有写,就一定有什麽重点,不然...干嘛写 ?? 帮同学整理一下,一个句子「只看SVO」的前提有以下两个: 1) 你还在熟悉英文SVO概念 2) 时间压力下你看不完 再补充一个情况:一个句子看了好几遍还是不懂,那就真的可以先找SVO, 再把补充的修 饰语加上看。 但除此之外,真的要能回答题目,当然都得看懂并真的理解,不然,就很容易「漏掉答题 关键。」 回到这题,第一句讲到的 but also because of a vast increase in agricultural output without which industrialization would have been impossible, 这种 without which的句型应该有同学还不太熟,这里刚好讲到,顺便解析一下。 原句其实应该是because of a vast increase in agricultural output which industrialization would have been impossible without. 这个without应该是放在impossible的後面的,但根据英文正式文法「句子不能以介系词 结尾」的这个规则,without被放到which的前方,变成without which…, 那which指代的 就是前面的a vast increase in agricultural output 如果还是不懂,可以把这句话拆成两句解读: because of a vast increase in agricultural output industrialization would have been impossible without a vast increase in agricultural output 2) 翻成中文就是「要不是有农业生产大量的增加,工业化也不可能发生。」 确实可以换句话说就是A选项: A large increase in food production led to industrialization. 食物生产大量增加导致工业化。 总结今天文章重点: 1. 大部分托福题目确实可以skim, scan 快速定位并答对题目,但也有很多题目必须要彻底 理解句子。 2. 除非你读得很慢、或是突然有一个句子读不懂,不然一个句子不要只有看SVO了。 3. without which这种which前方有介系词的句型相当常见,请多加练习。 建议练习如下: I saw a movie. In this movie the villain goes to jail. I saw a movie in which the villain goes to jail. . There were ten apples. Four of the apples were rotten. There were ten apples four of which were rotten. . She showed him the hospital. She was born at that hospital. She showed him the hospital at which she was born. . This is the report. I was referring to this report. This is the report to which I was referring. . Till next time, J2 --

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