#SK2TOEFL #托福阅读 大家好, 我是SK2的Rosa。 最近我在练Ryuichi Sakamoto的Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence这首曲子时, 遇到了有一段节奏我觉得很难弹,光是连视谱都不太确定怎麽弹, 我不禁怀疑自己,“从小学琴,怎麽会看不懂这麽耳熟能详的曲目节奏呢?” 没想到,上课时,我的钢琴老师告诉我, “这份谱写得好复杂喔!其实没这麽难啊!真不懂为什麽要这样写。” 後来,我们找到了另一个版本,我发现我瞬间都看得懂在表达什 麽了。於是,我理解到了一个道理, “原来我看不懂不是我的音乐程度的问题,而是对方写法的问题。” 两个版本的差异: 我也因此发现了业余与专业最大的不同,在於看事情的角度。身为业余音乐人的我,遇到 比较难弹的谱,我会直觉地认为一定是我的问题,不会去怀疑谱的写法。但是资深专业的 钢琴老师,看任何一份谱时,因为熟悉旋律与音符的组成,深知同一段旋律可以用不同的 方法表达,她便一眼就看出来谱写得太难了。 同学在看托福阅读时,一定也会常常觉得, “从小就学英文了,怎麽会看不懂区区几个段落的文章呢?” “为什麽要一看再看,是不是自己程度的问题?” “难道是太久没碰英文,单字都忘光了吗?” 我想跟同学分享我的心得 “阅读看不懂,不是你的错。” 托福阅读为了考验你的阅读能力,会故意写得很复杂。 因此,我会建议同学换个方式阅读。 首先,我们得先了解大部分同学会遇到的问题。 错误心态一:读不懂时,重复读。 当同学碰到读不懂的资讯时,常常会重复阅读。此时,会花费双倍的时间,而影响作答的 节奏,很容易超时。要知道,考试时,你只有读一遍的时间,即使你重复读了好多遍,终 於读懂了,对於提升托福阅读的分数,并无实质的帮助。 错误心态二:读不懂时,整段都读。 小范围的题目,例如细节题、目的题是不需要读太多资讯的。当你整段都读时,不只会浪 费许多宝贵的时间,而且会很容易失焦。即使整段都读懂了,对於作答的帮助不大,而且 会容易选到答非所问或是太细节的选项。我认为当你读不懂时,很可能是你用错方法阅读 了。当你全部都读进去,想理解、记得全部资讯时,当然会读不懂。 以下给同学三个建议: TIP 1: Focus on SVO, instead of all information. 我做托福阅读时,我都会读比较简单的部分。我认为托福的SVO就像是大马路一样,写得 相当简单、很好理解。当你读的都是SVO时,你不容易迷路、不会看不懂。而句子里的附 属子句和修饰语就像是羊肠小径,只要看了,便很容易迷失。因此,我建议同学阅读时, 运用skim读懂每句话的SVO,你会发现托福阅读瞬间变简单了。 以TPO 42 R2的文章为例,请同学直接挑战读一个段落,把你会读的地方画起来。 强烈建议同学可以用笔电或iPad截图起来,自己试试看,再比对我的参考答案喔! Callisto has not fully differentiated, meaning separated into layers of different density materials. Astronomers can tell that it lacks a dense core from the details of its gravitational pull on the Galileo spacecraft during several very close flybys. This fact surprised scientists, who expected that all the big icy moons would be differentiated. It is much easier for an icy body to differentiate than for a rocky one, since the melting temperature of ice is so low. Only a little heating will soften the ice and get the process started, allowing the rock and metal to sink to the center and the slushy ice to float to the surface. Yet Callisto seems to have frozen solid before the process of differentiation was complete. 我会读: Callisto has not fully differentiated, meaning separated into layers of different density materials. Astronomers can tell that it lacks a dense core from the details of its gravitational pull on the Galileo spacecraft during several very close flybys. This fact surprised scientists, who expected that all the big icy moons would be differentiated. It is much easier for an icy body to differentiate than for a rocky one, since the melting temperature of ice is so low. Only a little heating will soften the ice and get the process started, allowing the rock and metal to sink to the center and the slushy ice to float to the surface. Yet Callisto seems to have frozen solid before the process of differentiation was complete. TIP 2: Focus on Easy, not Hard. 假如遇到不会的单字,同学可以试着跳过这个单字,找前後文出现的同义词。事实上,在 英文逻辑里,重要的内容会重复出现多次–简单说,你会有不只一次机会读懂。如果这个 单字看不懂,我便看旁边的单字。如果这句话读不懂,我便会找前後句。即使整段读不懂 ,我也会试着从前後段推敲这个段落的功能。反之,假如你不懂的资讯没有再出现过,便 代表该句话很可能是细节、是不重要的杂讯,即使读不懂,也完全不影响你的理解。最後 ,当我看到两个字都懂时,我也都会尽量抓简单的字,因为这样在短时间内让我更好理解 。 请同学试着读读看以下两句话,你会读哪些呢?帮我用笔画起来。 1. The survival of these craters tells us that an icy object can form and retain impact craters in its surface. 2. Ice on Callisto does not deform or flow like ice in glaciers on Earth. 我会读: 1. The survival of these craters tells us that an icy object can form and retain impact craters in its surface. 2. Ice on Callisto does not deform or flow like ice in glaciers on Earth. 同学读的时候都可以尽量抓最简单的资讯理解。不要怕读太少。因为如果该句考你细节题 时,你再回来找就好了。 TIP 3: Focus on Main, instead of Details. 建议同学练习区分每句话的功能,辨识他是Main还是Detail。当你发现是Detail时,其实 本来就不用读懂。简单说,只要你加强辨识Main的能力,你会发现再难的段落都难不倒你 。 试着区分以下这段的Main跟Detail,把Main的句子画起来。 From 1996 to 1999, the Galileo spacecraft passed through the Jovian system, providing much information about Jupiter's satellites. Callisto, the outermost of Jupiter's four largest satellites, orbits the planet in seventeen days at a distance from Jupiter of two million kilometers. Like our own Moon, Callisto rotates in the same period as it revolves, so it always keeps the same face toward Jupiter. Its noontime surface temperature is only about ?140ºC, so water ice is stable on its surface year-round. Callisto has a diameter of 4,820 kilometers, almost the same as that of Mercury. Its mass is only one-third as great, which means its density must be only one-third as great as well. This tells us that Callisto has far less of the rocky metallic materials found in the inner planets and must instead be an icy body through much of its interior. 我会读: From 1996 to 1999, the Galileo spacecraft passed through the Jovian system, providing much information about Jupiter's satellites. Callisto, the outermost of Jupiter's four largest satellites, orbits the planet in seventeen days at a distance from Jupiter of two million kilometers. Like our own Moon, Callisto rotates in the same period as it revolves, so it always keeps the same face toward Jupiter. Its noontime surface temperature is only about 140ºC, so water ice is stable on its surface year-round. Callisto has a diameter of 4,820 kilometers, almost the same as that of Mercury. Its mass is only one-third as great, which means its density must be only one-third as great as well. This tells us that Callisto has far less of the rocky metallic materials found in the inner planets and must instead be an icy body through much of its interior. 整段只有第一句和最後一句是Main,中间都是Detail。我只需要知道中间都在描述 information about Jupiter’s satellites即可。如果考我细节,我再回来阅读。 Summary: TIP 1: Focus on SVO, instead of all information. TIP 2: Focus on Easy, not Hard. TIP 3: Focus on Main, instead of Details. 托福阅读喜欢故意把句子复杂化,当你读不懂时,不是你的错。与其自我怀疑,不如换个 方式读。当你会抓SVO、找简单的资讯阅读、而且变得很会区分Main跟Detail,有没有觉 得托福阅读变简单了呢?祝同学都能够从准备托福阅读中,获得信心! 推荐阅读:为什麽GMAT/托福多念了一个月,分数仍然上不去? Warm Regards, SK2 Rosa ^____^ PS. 想学一套有系统的方法,30天内托福一战破百吗?推荐同学报名SK2冲刺班,十堂课 教你听说读写所有你应知道的事,还有广受好评的无限次顾问时间与课後资源,顾问亲自 帮你点出作文与口说的盲点不论你目标90, 100或是110,我们都非常有信心能够帮助到 你! 我们的课程都欢迎试听,请直接填报名表单: 5月live上课试听半堂课1.5小时:(以下试听时段请择一) 近期「冲刺班」开放试听班级: 5/20 (五) 独立写作线上课 19:00 (Chris传授审题想点的关键秘密与Level 1-3主题句) 5/27 (五) 整合写作线上课 19:00 (Chris讲解整合写作的笔记) SK2课程6月有梯次可线上上课罗!暑期课程热烈报名中! 海外、其他县市同学把握机会一起在家防疫,准备考试喔! 查看最新课表: 加入SK2 TOEFL的脸书社团,收看托福相关的最新消息与乾货! 台北最多人托福高分、课後资源最完善、顾问最专业的 SK2 TOEFL Consultant Group. 想要培养阅读习惯的同学,欢迎加入我的粉专,我会固定推荐一些英文诗,相信能够让同 学把英文融入日常生活! Rosa's Reading Corner: -- 台北最多人托福高分、课後资源最完善、顾问最专业的SK2 TOEFL Consultant Group 欢迎加入SK2 TOEFL 脸书社团,追踪免费公开课、托福高分心得、各式最新分享会讯息: 加入GRE高分人数全台北第一Mason GRE脸书,了解最新GRE资讯: --

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