大家好,我是实力养成班顾问J2. 关於例子发展部分,先前我有写过七篇文章,同学可以先看看,再看此篇 喔! 口说写作例子延伸方法 by J2 口说写作例子发展法 part 2 by J2 如何在30分钟内发展出好例子? by J2 你的写作发展方向是对的吗?by J2 如何让口说写作发展例子更贴切?by J2 你知道你的例子,可能只发展了一半吗? 例子发展,一定要用过去的故事吗?by J2 最近有发现同学写文章常常有「铺陈太多」的问题,感觉很想要把例子写的 具体,所以尽所能的把故事交代得很清楚,到底在故事具体又不能太多流水 帐之间怎麽平衡呢?来看看以下两个例子。也建议同学可以先自己思考看 看,再看看我给同学的建议喔! 1. A/D: It is more important to have a positive attitude when facing failure, compared to coping with success. (Agree) To begin with, people usually have to face various challenges in their life, and a positive attitude toward failure could provide them enough courage to face challenges. Take my grandfather for example, he was born in a poor family during world war II. Life was difficult at that time. Therefore, as the smartest child in the family, my grandfather was expected to be a doctor which was a symbol of a high-salary job when he grew up. However, he failed to pass the college entrance examination. Instead of indulging in the sadness, he embraced his failure and adjusted his studying strategy immediately. People mocked his failure, yet he never gave up since he could always hold a positive attitude toward everything. Therefore, next year, he successfully passed the exam and got a medical degree in the long run. According to my grandfather’s experience, we can learn that having a positive attitude toward difficulty could make us brave enough to overcome the difficulty. 同学应该可以发现从he was born in a poor family还有下一句Therefore 应该都是不太必要的铺陈,因为论点是 a positive attitude toward failure could provide them enough courage to face challenges. 所以 例子发展的重点应该着重在有怎样的正面态度,而让阿公有勇气。所以其实 只要从他大学落榜这边开始写就好了,前面阿公的成长经过经历战争等等是 不必要的。 2. 题目是要不要能力分班? (Agree) First of all, students care about learning efficiency, and dividing the teenagers into the same class can improve their efficiency. For example, when I was in senior high school in 2010, I had to hand in science assignments every week. Each assignment usually required lots of experiments or research. To be more specific, it took me much time to conduct the experiments and write the report. However, the teacher decided to divide the students into smaller study group. Since my partners had similar level of ability, we could discuss the topics and help each other to learn theories faster than doing it alone. Because of this, both of us finished the assignments quickly and received A+ grade. Therefore, regarding learning efficiency, joining a group with same level's ability can benefit students. 这里不需要发展的点是when I was in senior high school in 2010, 这里 in 2010是不需要的,有时候同学会觉得例子具体就是要放上人事时地物, 但其实还是要看情况。以这个例子来说,只是要举一个自己切身的例子,重 点在「就是因为有能力分班,所以有什麽好的结果,」所以有when I was in senior high school, 这就已经足够了,因为题目在问的是能力分班, 那例子当然会讲到在国小、国中、高中等等,但在哪一年读高中不重要。 另外後来发展也有点偏题,因为题目是问能力分班好坏,但文章发展只有提 到分组能力跟自己相仿,所以可以很快完成作业并且拿到A+, 不太符合题目 所问的 (那能力如果没有那麽好的一组呢?)。 如果以主题句efficiency来说,应该要说的是如果能力分班,程度好的同学 在一个班,老师上课进度就可以快一点,程度不好的班级就适时的慢下来, 虽然速度会比较慢,但至少确保同学是真的学会,也还是比都学不会有效 率。 相反地,如果不能力分班的话,班上有程度好跟不好的同学,老师不 管教快还是教慢,都一定会对一部分同学来说很没效率。 从以上两个例子,同学有没有比较知道例子要讲到多具体了呢?了解後还是 要自己多写看看,才能确保考试时发挥得出来喔! Cheers, J2 SK2本周日有场「懒人包」公开课,全线上进行,在家就能参加,欢迎把握 最後机会踊跃报名! 上课日期:11/14(日)10:00~12:00 上课讲者:J2 & Chris 顾问 上课内容:听说读写各科的关键技巧 快速报名连结: --

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