大家好,我是J2. 续上次讲了三个艺术运动的「时代背景」,趁过年期间再来分享另外三个艺 术运动的时代背景。 Romanticism 浪漫主义 浪漫主义的背景正处於君主政权的结束,取而代之的是保障人民的宪政时 期。在1776的美国革命以及1789法国大革命後相继出现,直到1800至1860年 间到达巅峰。主题主要是政治、经济、社会的动荡。 图:Eugène Delacroix, “Liberty Guiding the People” The dramatic nature of artworks belonging to the romanticism era can be explained by the fact that this period followed the age of revolution when monarchies across the world were replaced with constitutions, securing the people's rule. Romanticism was born in the wake of the American Revolution in 1776, and the French revolution in 1789. Between 1800 and 1860, romanticism was at its peak. Political, economic, and social upheaval was the norm in these themes carried over into the world of art. Neoclassicism 新古典主义 在新古典主义的1760年代,考古学是个新兴的科学,大众开始对任何古代的 事物都感到兴致勃勃,像是发现了历史古城庞贝城,给民众有机会一窥古代 艺术。有别於在此之前的巴洛克喜好富丽的装饰和雕刻,新古典主义重在简 单并低调的宏伟壮丽。不只是当时艺术家,民众也都为古希腊罗马艺术深深 着迷着。 图:Benjamin West, “Death of General Wolfe” Archeology was a brand-new science at the time and it sparked public interest in all things ancient. The discovery of ruins of ancient cities like Pompeii gave modern viewers the opportunity to see ancient art for themselves. Simplicity and subtle grandeur marked the art of these ancient cultures and with its rediscovery, it quickly came back into vogue. Both artists and the public at large were captivated by the classical style of Greco-Roman art. Art Nouveau 新艺术运动 十九世纪末期,要被称作是艺术家,必须上正规艺术学校,要非常严格的学 习线条、图形等等才能呈现出当时最理想的人物或是风景。 当然有些人就 不屑这种学院派风格。他们认为艺术不该像是科学或是数学一板一眼的,应 该是有灵魂的。这些离经叛道的艺术家树立自己的风格,一个短暂但却影响 深远的艺术运动— 新艺术运动就此诞生。 图:Alphonse Mucha, “Gismonda,” By the late 1800s art in Europe had taken a decidedly academic turn. To be considered the serious artist, individuals had to attend one of the many arts academies. They needed to commit to a rigorous study of line, shape, form and texture with the ultimate goal of producing paintings of idealized figures and landscapes. And of course for all the artists who did just that, some thought academic art was rubbish and reacted accordingly. They believed art isn’t mean to be studied like science or math. They thought art flows from the soul, twists through the consciousness and decorates life with its beauty. These rebel artists driven to impart their own style in the art world were the innovators of a very short but highly influential movement, known as Art Nouveau. 下次再继续分享艺术运动的其他重点!祝大家新年快乐,牛年哞烦哞恼! Cheers, J2 --
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