大家好我是J2(Jacob.) 很多同学对於整合写作到底要写什麽都有些迷思,今天特别用这篇文章分享 一下。 迷思一:整合越精简越好,要用最少的字数表达出同样概念。 简短回答:关於用更少的字表达出同样概念这基本上是没有问题,但很多同 学会误会成所以一些例子、细节加上去就会太多,不简洁了。但其实例子是 让资讯完整非常重要的一部分,也是让读者能真的理解教授如何反驳阅读论 点的重点。 迷思二:整合要考的是消化之後重述的能力,所以要尽可能的换字、换句话 说(paraphrase)。 简短回答:同样的,这句话本质上也没什麽问题,但会变成很多不必要的替 换字例如把the professor在不同段换成the lecturer/ the speaker, 这不 是整合写作考官要看的重点。至於换句话说,整合写作要看的是「资讯完整 度」,听到多少东西并且最後写下多少东西,只要换句话说後,资讯还原度 没有差太多,那当然换句话说是没有问题的,但如果没把握,就把听到的东 西,如实写出来即可。而且其实根本不用太担心换句话说这件事,因为在作 笔记时本来就不太可能把每个字一五一十、一字不漏记下来,所以其实在最 後打字的时候,基本上都在改述了。 底下直接放一篇同学整合写作的批改供同学参考,自己写的时候也记得注意 这些问题喔! TPO32整合写作 The reading passage explores the issue of wired sounds “quackers ” that sailors in Russian submarines patrolling the North Atlantic and Arctic Ocean would occasionally hear from the 1960s to 1980s. Several assumptions are offered in the writing to interpret the phenomenon. Although the statement in the article seems reasonable in the beginning, the lecturer casts doubts on it for the following reasons. 首段很清楚有提到1)议题+2)阅读+3)听力的立场,这样写就没有太大问 题! First of all, even though the reading passage suggests that the noises are the calls of male and female orca whales in the course of a courtship ritual, the lecturer argues that the orca whales lived at the surface of the ocean for the most part, so their voice should not be detected by sonar. 整合写作最忌讳的就是要让读者去猜「为什麽这边出现这个?」「你想表达 什麽?」这里阅读说quackers这个叫声是orca whales求偶仪式中所发出 的,然後听力说但是orca whales生活在海水表面。很明显的这里少写了 submarine在深海,所以这些声音submarines应该是探测不到的。细节少 了,要让读者去猜或者自己脑补,整合写作这样分数一定会受到影响。 Second, the assumption held by the writer claims that the sound comes from the giant squid. Point is that they don't have the skeleton, which means they wouldn't show up on the sonar. Nonetheless, it is argued in the listening that the assumption can not explain the sounds solely recorded in two decades, but the squids live there until present. 如上课提到的,整合写作阅读部分要写哪一句要依照听力部分判断。这个论 点听力反驳是giant squid一直都在大海里,但是quackers只出现了20年就 不见了,如果是giant squid所发出的声音,应该一直都会听到, 不会不 见。所以跟阅读 “they don't have the skeleton, which means they wouldn't show up on the sonar” 并没有太大关联,所以其这里阅读部分 只要写「第二,这个quackers声音可能来自squid」即可。 Thirdly, the assumption is the sound is actually from some kind of military technology, such as another country's submarines. However, until nowadays, there is no technology that could obscure objects from the sonar and make the submarine turn direction so fast. 整合写作一个简单可以自评的方式是想像一下如果读者在完全没有读过文章 跟听过听力的情况下,能否看懂你的文章。这个论点同学很明显的细节少很 多,或是说根本无法理解听力到底反驳了什麽,这绝对是整合写作「能否得 分」的关键。 To sum up, based on the evidence presented above, it can be clearly seen that the stances on both sides are different. Although the contents in the reading passage seem to be reasonable, further scrutiny leads the lecturer to believe that the assumptions in the reading passage still have some problems. 这个结论两句结束很简洁,可以模仿写写看。 Cheers, J2 *** 本周六SK2有场公开课: 艺术背景+独立口说10题实战,口说部分Li-Yi将随 机从口说机经抽样10题,现场解题,事先绝对没re好,证明好的word bank,让你口说逻辑永不卡! 而且你会更惊讶的发现: 你也做得到! 艺术背景知识非相关科系的同学最困扰的一种听力类型,J2教你有效整理艺 术史资讯,只要先抓到这些重点,就能破解托福艺术史! 上课时间:11/28(六)19:00-21:00(18:45进场) 上课地址:捷运大安站共构大楼13F中央教室 报名课程请点: --

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※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: robert416 ( 台湾), 11/25/2020 22:57:28 ※ 编辑: robert416 ( 台湾), 11/27/2020 11:20:30

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