大家好,我是实力养成班/ J2TOEFL机经顾问Jacob. 最近顾问时间帮同学看作文的时候,发现同学练习了一阵子已经没有偏题的 问题了,但有「例子不够具体」的问题,或是着墨的地方不太对,特别写了 这篇文章跟同学分享,看看自己是否有类似问题喔! 作文题目是:It’s important for the government to provide money to things that are beautiful and not just for things that are practical. 20120715CN 同学立场是赞成政府应该要花钱在实用的东西上,最後一个理由是: Last but not least, the government usually concerns about efficiency, and spending money on the practical things can enhance its efficiency. For example, it usually takes a few days to process application from the citizens such as applying their tax records, changing their expired passport. The reason is that the government has to go through all procedures manually. In order to enhance the efficiency, the government should spend money on the computer systems. Then the computer systems can process the applications automatically and save time for both citizens and the government. On the other hand, if the governments spend money on unpractical things, the efficiency cannot be improved. 可以发现这同学发展比较多的是:通常政府怎麽样没有效率。 但应该更具体发展的方向是:政府花了钱在「什麽实用的东西」上,而因此 「怎样的」有效率。 针对怎麽样变得有效率,同学只有用一句话”Then the computer systems can process the applications automatically and save time for both citizens and governments.”带过,并没有太多的发展,就会让文章不够 具体。 应该要继续发展的方向是政府投资在有效率的东西上像电脑系统後,本来要 经过人力审查的东西可以用电脑输入,原本一个小时的事情只要十分钟就搞 定,对公务员或是对一般民众来说,都很有效率。 再看另一位同学的例子。题目是Which one of the following values is the most important to share with a young child (5-10 years old)? Being helpful, being honest, or being well-organized? 同学的立场是 being honest是最重要的。 其中一段的理由是: Second, children do not want to leave bad impressions on their teacher, and being honest can leave good impressions on the teacher. For example, I didn’t avoid any problem and did not lie to anyone so that my teacher always trusted me; he assigned me a lot of important tasks so that I could learn a lot of different things. In contrast, if my parents didn’t tell me about the importance of honesty, I would think lying to people in not a bid deal and nobody would believe me, and the chance to get important assignment will reduce. Thus, being honest can help children leave good impressions on the teacher. 这里发展着重的点是因为我诚实,所以老师相信我给我很多任务,让我学到 很多事情。 但主题句是being honest can leave good impressions on the teacher, 所以应该着重在「怎麽样诚实」,然後因此「如何让老师留下好印象。」 应该要发展的方向是,小时候我很诚实,有一次在学校捡到钱,我没有把他 花掉而是直接交给老师,老师知道後非常的高兴,还在班上所有同学面前表 扬我,从此老师对我的印象就很好,也很信任我。 所以以上这两位同学其实并没有偏题,例子的发展是有扣到主题句的,只是 可惜的是发展的比较少、不够具体,就会显得较没有说服力。所以同学在写 作文或甚至口说的时候,想要更具体些,都可以再仔细的审视一下自己的主 题句(论点),就能比较具体。 举例如果有困难,可以参考我之前写的两篇文章: 口说写作例子延伸方法 口说写作例子发展法 part 2 例子是独立写作的得分关键,能不能从22分进步到25分以上,关键就是例子 的具体程度,相信同学注意以上的例子发展,一定能让分数有明显的进步! 周末我跟SK2实力养成班另外一位顾问Vivian有公开课,欢迎同学来参加! 公开课後也欢迎同学来询问任何听说读写或是读书计画的问题。 课程名称:[实力养成] 背景知识+架构阅读公开课 上课时间:6/20 (六) 10:00-12:00(09:45 进场) 上课地址:台北市信义路四段六号(捷运大安站共构大楼)11F-10(出电梯 後请从右手边走廊进来中央教室) 报名课程请点: 直接点选连结,填完表单,不需等待回覆信~即报名成功罗! 期待与您相见~ **实力养成班顾问陪你读** 时间:每星期二 13:00-17:00 地点:SK2 TOEFL 13楼中央教室 台北市信义路四段六号,捷运大安站共构大楼13楼之7 进行方式:不需报名,於时间内直接前来即可(入场需签到) 可以来询问任何听说读写、读书计画等问题喔! --

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