各位同学好,我是J2. 2018年考试已结束一个多月,一月份也已考了两场考 试,特别以此文章整理了一下口说Task 1&2 「对象」,帮助同学了解未来 考试方向。 2018年49场考试口说Task1, 2依照「对象」出现次数排序如下: You 19 People 14 Your friend 12 University/ School 11 students 9 Parents 7 Professor/ Teacher 5 Children 5 Community 2 Employee 2 Government 2 Country 1 Young people 1 可以看出问you跟people的这两个对象还是最多的, 占了约1/4, 所以关於 you/ people的word bank 平常准备一定要很熟悉,并且可以依照题目来持 续扩大word bank。跟往年比起来,2016年出现过3次的Successful people/ success 倒是一题都没出现,还有政府考的也不多,只有2次。 值得一提的是,除了people/you, 去年考的最多的对象是your friend. 例 如:3/10 Task 1: 1. Your friend is going to visit your country. What kind of transportation would you recommend him/her to use? 许 多同学讲到台湾第一个想到的交通工具一定是机车,但如果你朋友是个很 小的人,或甚至是个路痴,就不可能建议他骑机车了。所以可以藉此题目多 增加word bank, 像是My friend is bad with directions, 当然就建议他 直接搭计程车。或是My friend likes to make friends, 所以建议他搭观 光巴士,因为可以跟同车的聊天,认识很多新朋友。或是6/10Task 1: 你的 朋友想养宠物,给一些养宠物前的建议?他如果是本身有阅读习惯的人,当 然会建议他在养宠物前多读一点养小狗小猫相关书籍。或是他作息不正常, 建议他调整作息,不然小狗小猫会饿肚子。 另外University/ School去年出现频率第四高,出现过11次,也可以多想 university/school在乎什麽、需要什麽,像是6/2 Task 1学校要舍弃报纸 用线上刊物代替,提出优点/一个缺点, 若从学校出发,学校需要省经费, 那线上刊物的优点就是可以省经费。或是6/10 Your university is going to use some money to invest in a club, which of the following should your university choose? Skiing club or math club. 从学校出 发,学校在乎学生的健康,那当然选滑雪,让学生有更多运动的机会,或 是在乎名声,花钱赞助滑雪社可能会上报、吸引媒体报导。 回到your friend这个对象,2019年持续考出的机会也很大,底下直接给同 学2018年12次的题目,供同学练习,有看有推,还请同学不吝推文! 对象: Your friend (题目後面4位数为考试日期) 1. Your friend is having a problem. Would you help him/her without asking or would you help him/her until he/she comes to you ? 0224 2. Your friend is going to visit your country. What kind of transportation would you recommend him/her to use? 0310 3. Your friend has just graduated from high school and decides to work rather than work. In ten years when he wants to go back to school, what suggestions would you give him or her? 0421 4. Your friend wants to attend a summer school to graduate one year earlier from the university. Talk about an advantage and /or a disadvantage of doing this. 0526 5. Your friend is going to keep a pet. What suggestions would you give him/her? 0610 6. Your friend wants to study abroad but will gradate one year later. Will you encourage to him/her to do it? 0623 7. your friend is moving into an apartment. How would you suggest your friend to learn how to cook?0908 8. Your friend has problems with his/her academic works and comes to you for help during final exams. However, you are busy with your own final projects. Will you help your friend or focus on your study? 0915 9. Your friend has done some great achievements. How would you celebrate for him/her? Why? 1020 10. Your friend has sleep problems before exams or final reports. What would you do to help his/her sleep problems? 1110 11. Your friend is going to buy a car to replace his bicycle but has to do part-time jobs to earn the money. What suggestions would you give him/her? 1117 12. What kind of business would you like to do if you start it with your friends and why?1201 想看更多机经整理、机经分析,欢迎加入J2TOEFL机经社团,搜寻「学科机 经整理」: * * * * * J2TOEFL Blog: J2TOEFL机经社团,搜寻「学科机经整理」,掌握最新机经资讯: J2机经分析YouTube频道,欢迎追踪: J2TOEFL「学科真题机经班」课程特色: 课程共三堂: *阅读、听力共两堂,直接依「学科知识」分类,「一小时一 个学科」,搭配讲义上整理好的学科知识、学科单字,以「真题」让同学直 接练习,以内化困难学科,并了解近期出题方向,培养「猜题能力」,以彻 底解决同学阅读「特定学科听不懂」、「答题不稳定」的问题。此外,也依 照考试出题趋势,每月更新常考主题。 *口说、写作共一堂,利用近一个月托福实战的难题,让同学练习,让同学 习惯近期考试难度;口说部分更特邀SK2 TOEFL 冲刺班的Li-yi 顾问授课, 协助提醒评分方式和分析题目。 更多课程介绍: --
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