需要Nature Environment 类的字库请於连结下方 留言「Beattoefl! 战胜托福!」,就送出字库一份 想知道托福口说三选一攻略Part I,请看 #26131 【前情提要】 看到口说一二题的题目,第一件事就是要想why!!! 来回答题目。也就是要想原因。 有了原因之後,那究竟该如何准备例子呢? 有些老师教同学用5W来发想。Why? Who? How? Where? What? 讲白一点就是为什麽选这个答案? 对象是谁? 要怎麽做? 在哪里做? 几时做? 又做了甚麽? 不见得五个W都要回答出来,但这提供了发想的方向,进而建立起答案。 有同学们喜欢称的”字库”,”万用模板”或者”万用例子”。 有些老师呢? 会利用”人” “事” “地” “物” 来发想。也是一样的道理。 所以,今天我们大家就一起来想想,记得我们先前选择的答案都是公园跟自然环境有关, 那麽当然从这些字来开始发想。 公园里有甚麽? 有画面了吗? 在公园会看到甚麽? 赶快写下来。 像是花,树,鸟,松鼠,遛狗,散步,慢跑,儿童游戏场,荡秋千,溜滑梯等等。 Flowers, trees, birds, squirrels, dog-walking, take a walk, go jogging, playground, play on the swing, play on the slide. Etc. 建立了字库後,我们开始用这些字来编故事了。每次回答问题,故事越像越好。 酱子就能帮助我们在说故事时的流畅度了。 请看这一题 1/25/2015 What community service task would you like to do? 1. Help young children with their homework. 2. Teach old people how to use computer. 3. Clean a city park. ** I would like to clean a city park because I always relax myself in the park. =>Therefore, having clean and comfortable park is beneficial to me. For ex: 昨天,我坐在公园的椅子上面,感受到鸟语花香,看到小孩在玩荡秋千,在玩溜滑梯, 看到小孩们的笑容,听到他们的笑声,有一种欢乐的感觉让我觉得放松。 所以,有个乾净又舒适的公园对我来说很重要。这样我们的故事不就完成了吗? Ex: Yesterday, I sat on a bench hearing the bird singing and smell the flowers’ fragrance. It’s really relaxing. And then in the playground, I saw some children playing on the seesaw and slide. I heard their laughter and saw their smiles on their faces. These relax me a lot. So, having a clean and comfortable park can provide me a place to relax and that’s why I prefer to clean a city park as a community service. 请再看这一题 2017/12/16 If you have opportunities to do something good, which of the following activity would you choose? 1. distributing meals for needed people 2. helping children build playground ** 3. seeing people in hospital I would like to help children build a playground because I always like to relax myself in a park. Ex: Yesterday, I sat on a bench hearing the bird singing and smell the flowers’ fragrance. It’s really relaxing. And then in the playground, I saw children playing on the seesaw and slide. I heard their laughter and saw their smiles on their faces. These relax me a lot. So, helping children build a playground is really beneficial to me because I can totally relax there by watching children play in the playground. 有没有发现两题几乎是一样的答案呢? 再来,我们将park/ Community Service延伸到Nature Environment and Environmental Protection。照样的,我们开始发想,在大自然环境下,我们会看到甚麽,听到甚麽? 然後 将单字继续扩展到我们的字库里。 所以, 看到wild animals, endangered species, extinct species, etc. 所以,其实托福口说一二题真的不如大家想像中的恐怖,只要稍加以整理,他绝对是大家口 说站上24+的基石,而非绊脚石唷! 大家加油!  需要Nature Environment 类的字库请於连结下方 留言「Beattoefl! 战胜托福!」,就送出字库一份 欢迎同学加入送佛计画脸书社团唷~~~ 如果没有名师崇拜,想要一个关心个人情况的环境 如果孤军奋斗之中,想找一个会帮忙谋合战友并且不断练习的媒介 如果不想要太补习班氛围,想走温馨互相帮助小组路线 如果平时还有别的事情,想要弹性的课表、充分的练习时间 欢迎你来送佛 送佛官网 #送佛计画 #beattoefl #托福 #toefl #ibt #独立写作 #托福写作 #留学 #交换学生 #移民 #游学 --
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1F:推 gthty: 谢谢分享! 01/23 20:34
2F:推 jinguo: 分享的真好。我当初也是用送佛的字库准备口说一二题。 01/25 23:37
3F:推 gina3031049: 推好文! 01/27 00:31

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