大家好,我是SK2TOEFL实力养成班顾问J2. 插入句是许多同学阅读常有问题的题型之一,今天就来教同学如何解决这题型。 其实很简单,底下的两个步骤,只要依照基本语言逻辑,你也可以马上学 会,稳稳拿下这个题型。 第一步骤:先主动思考要被插入的句子前AND/OR後可能会接什麽概念。 例如: On the other hand, amphibians in very hot climates use secretions from the mucus glands to decrease their temperature through evaporative cooling on the skin. 有On the other hand这种句子应该在插入句里算较简单判断的,既然有On the other hand, 表示前面有一个相反的概念,那既然後面讲的是 amphibians in very hot climates… 且在做这题通常是第13题,前面已经 看过几乎整篇文章,也不难猜到应该会出现在哪一段。如果依照正常作题顺 序,应该在先前看过文章,也大概知道有一段确实讲到amphibians在「低温 下会有什麽现象」。 第二步骤:主动想完前後可能资讯,再回文章看四个可能插入的位置。 根据上述的语言逻辑猜想,就是要放在讲完「低温下会有什麽反应」的後 面。 Physiological adaptations can assist amphibians in colonizing habitats where extreme conditions prevail. The tolerance range in body temperature represents the range of temperatures within which a species can survive. One species of North American newt is still active when temperatures drop to -2°C while one South American frog feels comfortable even when temperatures measured to 41°C— the highest body temperature measured in a free-ranging amphibian. [■] Recently it has been shown that some North American frog and toad species can survive up to five days with a body temperature of -6°C with approximately one-third of their body fluids frozen. [■] The other tissues are protected because they contain the frost-protective agents glycerin or glucose. [■] Additionally, in many species the tolerance boundaries are flexible and can change as a result of acclimatization (long-term exposure to particular conditions).[■] 这段主题句在讲两栖类动物生理适应怎麽帮助他们在极端情况下生存。接下 来直接补充有些能在负2度生存,有些能在高温41度。下一句细讲一些例 子:北美青蛙和蟾蜍可在负6度环境下仍可活五天。很多同学可能很快的就 会认为B选项是正确答案,因为继续讲On the other hand, amphibians in very hot climates非常合理。但因为下一句The other tissues are protected because they contain the frost-protective agents glycerin or glucose. 就无法接上去了。这句还是在讲关於低温的部分, 所以应该要接在这句後面,所以C选项才是合理的位置。至於D选项不合理是 因为Additionally, …後面讲的已经是另一个新的资讯了。 *注意一下步骤一我特别有写AND/OR, 因为有时候被插入句可能前後都会衔 接到,但也有可能只衔接前面(像这题就是),有时可能衔接後面,并没有 一定要前後都接到喔! 我们可以再试一题。 In addition to supplying new geological evidence for continental drift, he crafted convincing arguments based on ancient life forms. 同学先用上述方式,先作第一步骤:先主动思考要被插入的句子前AND/OR後 可能会接什麽概念。 (同学可先想想再往下看) 应该可以很快的抓到,前面要接的资讯是supplying new geological evidence, 也就是某个人提供了怎样的新的地质证据。这句後面要接的概念 就是convincing arguments: 他提出怎样的有力主张. 那我们再作第二步骤— 看文章四个选项: Alexander Du Toit, a South African geologist, was one of Wegener’ s ardent supporters. [■]He noted that fossils of the Permian freshwater reptile “Mesosaurus” occur in rocks of the same age in both Brazil and South Africa. [■]Because the physiology of freshwater and marine animals is completely different, it is hard to imagine how a freshwater reptile could have swum across the Atlantic Ocean and then found a freshwater environment nearly identical to its former habitat. [■] Furthermore, if Mesosaurus could have swum across the ocean, its fossil remains should occur in other localities besides Brazil and South Africa. [■]It is more logical to assume that Mesosaurus lived in lakes in what are now adjacent areas of South America and Africa but were then united in a single continent. 应该不难看出来,supplying new geological evidence对应到的就是” fossils of the Permian freshwater reptile “Mesosaurus” occur in rocks of the same age in both Brazil and South Africa”, 如果有找 到这样资讯,基本上就能定答案是B了。但是我们还可以再利用下一句验证 一下,後面有convincing arguments吗? 後面一整具确实有提到一个主 张:因为淡水跟海洋生物的生理构造完全不同,很难想像淡水爬虫类怎麽游 过大西洋然後再找到一个适合生存的淡水环境。 相信同学看到这里,应该觉得「插入句题型」没有想像中困难了。记住简单 步骤就好,看完被插入句子後,先主动想一下,不要在「没有想法」的情况 下,就看四个方块,这样很容易会被错误选项干扰。还有提醒同学有了这样 的逻辑後,还是要耐心看完四个方块的句子,因为有一大部分仍会做错原因 就是太急了,就像第一题的B选项一样,所以耐住性子,这个题型是绝对能 把握住的。 同学可以尝试看看,如果仍有其他问题,欢迎来信 [email protected], J2会亲自回答你! Cheers, J2 *** SK2 TOEFL Consultant Group 顾问专栏、公开课、实力班/冲刺班课程资 讯: 加入托福高分破100、破110 人数最多的SK2 TOEFL 脸书: J2TOEFL机经社团,掌握最新机经资讯: 加入GRE 高分人数全台北第一的Mason GRE 脸书,了解最新GRE资讯: --
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