作者TheMadThanos (愤怒的葡萄)
标题Jon Watts将执导MCU 惊奇四超人
时间Fri Dec 11 10:56:30 2020
Jon Watts will direct the new feature film for marvel’s first family,Fantastic Four!
不知道会不会找粉丝最爱的Emily & John夫妻档来演?
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Rational concern becomes irrational fear.
People come to believe something terrible is happening.
Something they cannot see.
Whether or not the threat is real, the response certainly is.
And it is often excessive.
Ask yourself: what's more terrifying, fear, or the frightened?
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/SuperHeroes/M.1607655399.A.E1F.html
1F:→ eva05s: F4.......(默 12/11 11:02
2F:推 shen0348: 这次F4会变成谁的小弟? 12/11 11:37
3F:推 LVE: Jon要念John还是囧 ? 12/11 11:46
4F:推 riddlerkuo: 美国队长要谁来演,米老鼠应该不用想了吧www 12/11 11:54
5F:→ S890127: 希望这次中译可以考虑换一下 12/11 12:26
6F:→ S890127: 一直觉得惊奇四超人好难听... 宁愿他翻奇幻四人组之类的 12/11 12:26
7F:→ alonenfree: 要念酱ㄤ 12/11 12:52
8F:→ eva05s: 范特西四人帮 12/11 13:03
9F:推 CavendishJr: 四大天王 12/12 12:11
10F:→ you4785: 神奇4侠(x 12/12 19:38
11F:推 wai0806: 楼上不就中国翻译XD 12/12 21:20
12F:推 biglafu: 四天圣精奉还 12/12 22:57
13F:→ mingxian: 第三次重启? 12/12 23:00
14F:推 PTTsence: 惊奇四修人 12/13 04:53
15F:推 heavenight: 惊奇4人组 12/13 12:46
16F:推 smallla: 这次应该不会在拍起源了吧 大家都会背了 12/14 14:13
17F:→ smallla: 不如直接出来 12/14 14:14
18F:推 z1x2c3: 惊异4人帮 12/14 15:50
19F:推 kee32: 重重重开机? 12/14 17:17
20F:推 S890127: 现在才想到所以离家日结尾那个街景真的是预告F4的彩蛋? 12/14 19:46
21F:推 babyface1977: 要重启几次(哈欠 01/06 17:24