StudyinNL 板


我就是那个收到学校通知不能帮我门开户的学生 以下为学校寄来的信 大家就参考参考 我也不知道这次是真的还是依然是放风声 哀哀哀 Dear student, You have ordered opening of a bank account as one of the Utrecht Feel at Home services. Unfortunately new legislation concerning transfer of payments forces us to cancel this service in its present form. It is no longer possible to open a bank account without a Dutch social-fiscal number (in short: sofi-number), which you need to request in person. The consequence of this new legislation is that Utrecht University cannot arrange a bank account to be open for you on arrival in the Netherlands. However, once you have obtained a sofi-number you can open a bank account yourself. EEA-citizens can request a sofi-number at the tax office. Non-EEA citizens have to obtain a work permit before they can request a sofi-number. As jobs for international students are scarce and work permits take a lot of time to obtain, most non-EEA students will not be able to request the required sofi-number, and thus cannot open a Dutch bank account. In order to make sure you have access to your money after arrival, we suggest the following: For EEA-students only: 1. EEA-citizens can use their own bank accounts and bank cards from their home country, as long as their bank has a Maestro contract. You can tell whether this is indeed the case by the blue and red Maestro logo on your bank card. 2. After arrival you can request a sofi-number and open a bank account yourself. This may take a few weeks, so please make sure to bring enough accessible funds for this period 3. For EEA and non-EEA students: You can transfer money to you credit card account, and withdraw your money with your credit card. Please mind: Your bank or credit card company is likely to charge a fee for each withdrawal. 4. For non-EEA students only If you cannot arrange a Maestro bank card or credit card, the university will find a way to help you access your money. At this point we are not sure of the exact arrangement and its costs. Please let us know whether you can make use of option 1, 2 or 3. If you cannot make use of these options, please explain your situation so we can make an inventory of the problems our prospective students may encounter and can help you find a solution. You are requested to complete the standard text below, and reply this message. Do not forget to mention your full name, student number and nationality in your message! We apologise for this unexpected inconvenience, and thank you for your cooperation. Kind regards, International Office Student Services Utrecht University ※ 引述《amberC (大瓜的大宝)》之铭言: : 我今年要去荷兰乌特列兹大学交换学生 : 有另外一个学妹要去那边读硕士班 : 她最近接到学校的通知说 : 从今年开始 荷兰政府不准学生在荷兰开户 : 理由是学生没有薪水等固定收入 : 所以学校给非欧盟学生两种取得生活费的选择 : 一是每月跨国提领Orz : 二是带旅行支票 : 不能开户已经够糟的了 : 我又听目前在荷兰的学弟说荷兰的银行都不收旅行支票 : 所以带旅支非常麻烦 : 想请问今年要去荷兰念书的同学们 : 有人也有收到相关讯息吗? : 大家都打算要怎麽做呢? : 我昨天有打电话去NESO那边问 : 可是很显然他们好像还没有听到这方面的相关资讯 : 因为以往的规定是说还没取得VTV之前不能开户 : 但是ABN是唯一一个愿意让学生在还没取得VTV之前开户的银行 : 所以学校会排时间让学生统一办理 : 但是今年的规定是说学生就是不准开户 : 这真的是一个很难以置信的规定 : 荷兰是一个这麽国际化的国家 : 怎麽会做这种事呢?@@ : 这样以後谁想去荷兰念书啊 囧.... -- ══ 妮妮 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
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