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Tesla is having major issue with its self-driving computer inside new cars 发布时间: Dec 16 2024 - 10:08 am PT 记者署名:Fred Lambert Brand-new Tesla vehicles are experiencing self-driving computer failures, which are resulting in significant problems. Inside sources say that the problem is contributing to overwhelming Tesla’s service. Over the last few weeks, Electrek has received several reports from new Tesla buyers claiming computer failures on brand-new cars. We have been investigating the problem, and based on insider sources and documents that we obtained, we can now explain the issue in more detail. The problem is linked to a new version of Tesla’s HW4 (sometimes called AI4) onboard self-driving computer. Internally, some refer to the new version as AI4.1. The computers are short-circuiting. The cause is still being investigated, but one source told Electrek that one of the possible causes is the low-voltage battery short-circuiting the computer during the camera calibration process. Tesla drivers are reporting computer failures after driving off with their brand-new cars over just the first few tens to hundreds of miles. Wide-ranging features powered by the computer, like active safety features, cameras, and even GPS, navigation, and range estimations, fail to work. Insider sources told Electrek that the problem is quite wide-ranging. It affects vehicles built over the last few months with the new computer. Two sources said that Tesla is currently receiving a high number of complaints about this issue, and it has yet to release a service bulletin about it. One source said that Tesla service is being told to play down any safety concerns related to this problem to avoid people believing their brand-new cars are not drivable. The issue arose at the end of the year when Tesla is trying to deliver a record number of vehicles to avoid its whole year down in deliveries – a first in a decade. It’s unclear if Tesla reported the issue to NHTSA despite the fact that the broken rear-view camera goes against federal safety regulations, which should force a recall. At the moment, the main remedy being discussed is a computer replacement, but Tesla is also looking to push a software patch to help temporarily. Tesla service is currently being overwhelmed by the issue, and Tesla is pushing service appointments to next year. I am not hating here. This is a significant issue that customers should be aware of. It is significant enough that several inside sources decided to reach out about it, and many customers are complaining about the issue. It is worrying that Tesla has not issued a service bulletin about it, and Tesla service is told to downplay the problem at the end of the quarter. I would expect NHTSA to issue a recall here, and Tesla could be in trouble for downplaying an issue that has been going on for weeks, but I don’t think that’s going to happen considering what the Trump transition team, in which Tesla CEO Elon Musk is greatly involved, is signaling to the federal agency. We are in for an interesting few years regarding auto safety in the US. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --4o翻译-- 特斯拉的新车内自动驾驶计算机存在重大问题 全新的特斯拉汽车正在经历自动驾驶计算机故障,这会导致重大问题。内部消息人士称, 该问题导致特斯拉的服务不堪重负。 在过去的几周里,Electrek 收到了几份来自特斯拉新买家的报告,声称全新汽车的计算 机出现故障。 我们一直在调查这个问题,根据我们获得的内部消息来源和文件,我们现在可以更详细地 解释这个问题。 该问题与特斯拉 HW4(有时称为 AI4)车载自动驾驶电脑的新版本有关。在内部,有些人 将新版本称为 AI4.1。计算机短路。原因仍在调查中,但一位消息人士告诉 Electrek, 可能的原因之一是低压电池在相机校准过程中使计算机短路。 特斯拉司机报告说,在最初的几十英里到数百英里里,他们开着全新的汽车离开后,电脑 出现了故障。由计算机提供支援的广泛功能,如主动安全功能、摄像头,甚至 GPS、导航 和里程估计,都无法正常工作。 内部消息人士告诉 Electrek,这个问题范围相当广泛。它会影响过去几个月使用新电脑 制造的车辆。 两位消息人士表示,特斯拉目前收到了大量关於此问题的投诉,并且尚未发布有关此事的 服务公告。一位消息人士表示,特斯拉服务部门被告知要淡化与此问题相关的任何安全问 题,以避免人们认为他们的全新汽车无法驾驶。 问题出现在年底,当时特斯拉正试图交付创纪录数量的汽车以避免全年交付量下降——这 是十年来的第一次。 目前尚不清楚特斯拉是否向 NHTSA 报告了这个问题,尽管损坏的後视摄像头违反了联邦 安全法规,这应该迫使召回。 目前,正在讨论的主要补救措施是更换计算机,但特斯拉也在寻求推出软体补丁以暂时提 供説明。 特斯拉服务目前被这个问题压得喘不过气来,特斯拉正在将服务预约推迟到明年。 我并不讨厌这里。这是客户应注意的一个重要问题。它足够重要,以至於几个内部消息来 源决定就此事进行联系,许多客户都在抱怨这个问题。 令人担忧的是,特斯拉尚未发布有关此事的服务公告,并且特斯拉服务部门被告知在本季 度末淡化该问题。 我预计 NHTSA 会在这里发布召回通知,而特斯拉可能会因淡化已经持续数周的问题而陷 入困境,但考虑到特斯拉首席执行官埃隆马斯克 (Elon Musk) 积极参与的特朗普过渡 团队正在向联邦机构发出信号,我认为这不会发生。 我们正处於美国汽车安全的有趣几年。 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 心得/评论: 最近特特喷烂了,来点鬼故事压压惊 虽然这两天上线的FSD13.2.1被ARK宣称已经是无人出租车会用的版本了 但HW4现在被指出有硬体缺陷,可能会电坏自己的摄影机 今晚往__? --

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1F:推 Plumpy : 继续上喷 现在是政治买盘>基本面 12/17 16:29
2F:→ Crushredkiss: 安啦 不是都要取消自驾车事故通报了 12/17 16:30
3F:→ chungj : 空头急了 12/17 16:32
4F:推 x9002131 : 股价如果敢回调就加仓啊,easy 12/17 16:33
5F:推 Liandh : 一看就知道是想上车 12/17 16:35
6F:→ Feting : 如果这个资金真的出来会去哪里?是不是回去躺平的NV? 12/17 16:35
7F:推 s56565566123: 利空吃货 12/17 16:36
8F:推 jympin : 鬼故事来了 12/17 16:36
9F:推 by19 : 压低吃筹码? 12/17 16:36
10F:→ jwiww : 终於可以买了 12/17 16:37
11F:→ asjh612 : no one cars. tsla就是喷 12/17 16:37
12F:推 dahlia7357 : 越烂越喷 12/17 16:37
13F:推 fourkg : 空空急了 12/17 16:38
14F:推 gladopo : 川马闹翻才会崩,现在是政治盘 12/17 16:38
15F:推 WisestCat : 毫无反应 12/17 16:39
16F:推 cosmite : 政治买盘>基本面+1 12/17 16:40
17F:嘘 coldman519 : 笑死 Fred本身就是大反指 前阵子和马斯克反目 九月 12/17 16:40
18F:→ coldman519 : 出清特斯拉持股 12/17 16:40
19F:推 oyaji5566 : 不用提车辆数据报告 无敌了吧 12/17 16:41
20F:推 BruceChen227: 创新高就继续捏 好爽 12/17 16:42
21F:推 paulabxz123 : 根本没差 从川普上喷成那样就知道早就不是看基本面 12/17 16:43
22F:→ paulabxz123 : 了 12/17 16:43
23F:→ appledick : 又没有要监管了 who cares 12/17 16:44
24F:推 GinginDenSha: 超级送分题 今晚把握了 12/17 16:45
25F:推 gn7722 : 崩 12/17 16:46
26F:推 mopa : 12/17 16:46
27F:推 b455104 : 特斯拉等於美国政府车子有问题又怎样 12/17 16:47
28F:推 whyblu : FSDx机器人x川普 12/17 16:47
29F:推 runacat : 又要吸筹码啦 12/17 16:48
30F:→ tslabull : 不就是卖飞TSLA的 Fred吗?他有内部消息了喔XD 12/17 16:55
31F:推 turnpoint : 想请教一个困扰很久的问题,为什麽自动驾驶功能会 12/17 16:56
32F:→ turnpoint : 是趋势?为什麽车厂要研究自动驾驶? 12/17 16:56
33F:→ darkangel119: Ha, who care. Price upup 12/17 16:56
34F:推 ru04hj4 : 有差吗 川普大大会处理 12/17 16:57
35F:→ tslabull : 12/17 16:57
36F:→ tslabull : 12/17 16:58
37F:推 Chilloutt : 继续喷 12/17 16:59
38F:推 jianpi : 这咖崩溃了 12/17 17:03
39F:→ ChikanDesu : 来了来了 鬼故事做空 12/17 17:07
40F:→ wxes50113 : 靠邀 打开之後 阿鬼你还是中文吧 12/17 17:08
41F:嘘 tslabull : 恶心的恐怖情人 12/17 17:11
42F:推 geniusw : 我等谢今河吹 就能卖了 12/17 17:13
43F:→ blueet9380 : 来了来了 鬼故事 12/17 17:13
44F:推 k798976869 : 收货鬼故事 等川一上就要大利多喷飞惹 12/17 17:15
45F:推 guexx3 : 盘前还涨2% 上不了车怎咪办 12/17 17:16
46F:→ idernest : 急了 12/17 17:16
47F:推 Tryy149 : 盘前继续喷 12/17 17:23
48F:→ Xoshi : 只剩比特币能买了!! 12/17 17:28
49F:推 seekPeter : 卖出讯号 唯一推荐老谢开金口 12/17 17:29
50F:→ Haerin520 : 盘前持续创历史新高 12/17 17:33
51F:推 lc85301 : 烂车中国屌打 12/17 17:37
52F:推 Xreay : 别怕 ALL IN 特斯拉 To Mars 12/17 17:46
53F:嘘 LimYoHwan : Ptt大师都买油电 AAAAAAAA 12/17 17:46
54F:推 Feting : 自动驾驶只是帮未来的火星移民练功而已,他要的是自 12/17 18:07
55F:→ Feting : 动驾驶的宇宙长程移民飞船 12/17 18:07
56F:推 opengaydoor : 空头急了 狂放假新闻 12/17 18:12
57F:推 Heedictator : 丸子 12/17 18:13
58F:推 TomChu : 卖飞的Fred 12/17 18:16
59F:推 permanent27 : 你是不是想上车 12/17 18:56
60F:推 bj45566 : 股价还是继续创历史新高 12/17 19:29
61F:→ Karida : 卖在起涨点没赚到,气疯了,疯狂诋毁特斯拉。 12/17 19:52
62F:推 ce0336ce : teslabull神回覆都没人住意到吗? 12/17 19:55
63F:推 worksucks : 赶快下来让我上车 12/17 19:56
64F:→ DUFTON : 玩完了,空军要死透了 12/17 20:02
65F:推 ericyou0122 : 特现在盘前涨两趴 12/17 20:26
66F:推 d012375913 : 继续喷 迟早一千 12/17 20:27
67F:推 loveponpon : 马斯克我乾爹 12/17 20:35
68F:推 jen1121 : 这车开太快,没上车急了 12/17 20:36
69F:推 Sean0428 : Fake news 12/17 20:48
70F:→ KY1998 : 还以为是啥,不是大机构发的新闻根本不用看 12/17 21:42
71F:推 Zoomyoyo : 现在马斯克大权在握 再可怕的恶鬼也是被打烂的份 12/17 21:59
72F:→ yunf : 早就知道了一切都是假的 12/17 22:02
73F:→ yunf : 他死巴着川普就知道一定有事情没办法解决 12/17 22:03
74F:→ yunf : 你或许能解决有问题的人但是你还是没办法解决真正的 12/17 22:03
75F:→ yunf : 问题 12/17 22:03
76F:→ yunf : 到时候就是民粹反噬 12/17 22:04
77F:→ stocktonty : 不管什麽消息 反正涨就对了 12/17 22:05
78F:→ yunf : 了不起两年後给他喷到700 12/17 22:09
79F:→ yunf : 再两年他准备接副总统 12/17 22:10

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