作者DrowningPool (My broken dreams)
标题[新闻] 美超微:独立特别委员会没有发现不当行爲
时间Mon Dec 2 22:38:46 2024
原文标题:Supermicro Announces Completion of Review by
Independent Special Committee
Special Committee, supported by outside counsel Cooley LLP and forensic
accounting firm Secretariat Advisors, LLC, finds no evidence of misconduct on
the part of management or the Board of Directors and that the Audit Committee
acted independently
No restatement of reported financials expected
Board adopts recommendations of the Special Committee and appoints new Chief
Accounting Officer, approves the transition to a new CFO and authorizes
additional executive hires, along with other measures to strengthen the
SAN JOSE, Calif., December 02, 2024--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Super Micro Computer,
Inc. (Nasdaq: SMCI) (the "Company"), a Total IT Solution Provider for AI,
Cloud, Storage, and 5G/Edge, today announced that the independent Special
Committee formed by the Company’s Board of Directors has completed its
review (the "Review"). As announced on August 30, 2024, the Board of
Directors formed this committee in response to information that was brought
to the attention of its Audit Committee.
Among its findings, the independent Special Committee determined that the
resignation of the Company’s former registered public accounting firm, Ernst
& Young LLP ("EY") and the conclusions EY stated in its resignation letter
were not supported by the facts examined in the Review, the Special Committee
’s interim findings reported to EY on October 2, 2024, or the Special
Committee’s final findings.
Key Findings of the Special Committee
On November 5, 2024, the Company announced that the Special Committee’s
investigation preliminarily found that the Audit Committee had acted
independently and that there was no evidence of fraud or misconduct on the
part of management or the Board of Directors. The Special Committee’s final
findings support those initial findings, and the Company is now disclosing
the details of the Review, along with measures recommended by the Special
The Special Committee’s investigation was intended to assess whether the
information brought to the Audit Committee’s attention by EY, and certain
other matters identified during the Review, raised substantial concerns about
(i) the integrity of the Company’s senior management and Audit Committee,
(ii) the commitment of the Company’s senior management and Audit Committee
to ensuring that the Company’s financial statements are materially accurate,
(iii) the Audit Committee’s independence and ability to provide proper
oversight over matters relating to financial reporting, and (iv) the tone at
the top of the Company with regard to rehiring certain former employees and
financial reporting.
特别委员会由外部律师 Cooley LLP 和法证会计公司 Secretariat Advisors, LLC 支援
董事会采纳建议,任命新首席会计官,批准 CFO 交接,并授权新高管招聘及其他增强公
审查结论确认,EY 的辞职理由不成立,未发现欺诈或不当行为,审计委员会和管理层展
查无不法 谢谢指教
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Stock/M.1733150328.A.03D.html
1F:推 adsl12367 : 喷烂 12/02 22:41
2F:→ tomdavis : 10万镁抄底的猛男快赚一倍了! 12/02 22:41
※ 编辑: DrowningPool ( 台湾), 12/02/2024 22:42:34
3F:→ KSUGOD : 猛男是癌大吗 12/02 22:42
4F:推 xvft : 这次AI很有趣。看来水很深 12/02 22:42
5F:推 aegis43210 : 所以之前为什麽审计没通过?? 12/02 22:43
6F:推 jerry10307 : 查无不法 12/02 22:43
7F:→ aegis43210 : 不过不是掏空就好了,可能只是走私西台湾之类的小事 12/02 22:44
8F:推 tomdavis : 被转走的单子是不是回不来了 GGGG 12/02 22:44
9F:推 harpuia : 水好深.... 12/02 22:44
10F:推 KIMBEOM : 喷了… 12/02 22:45
11F:推 hamydad : 好後悔下市期限那天没有进赌场 12/02 22:46
12F:推 felaray : CFO:那干嘛把我换掉 12/02 22:46
13F:推 rbull : 抄底哥爽了 12/02 22:46
14F:推 tomdavis : 撤换CFO 12/02 22:47
15F:推 misthide : 我觉得老黄之後也不会给他单了 12/02 22:50
16F:推 hugh509 : = =财报OK,CFO还要换? 12/02 22:52
17F:→ apple123773 : 怕,这样都过,要喷啦 12/02 22:53
18F:推 akwwa : 订单要回流了? 12/02 22:53
19F:推 Centurio : 相信梁董 12/02 22:54
20F:→ heavenlyken : 什麽鬼故事都有 12/02 22:56
21F:推 aimgel : 敢抄的心脏很大 12/02 22:57
22F:推 ackes : 喷烂 真的抄底的胜利了 赌博斟酌 12/02 22:59
23F:推 we147121 : 十万镁赌徒哥又赚了十万镁 12/02 22:59
24F:推 zxcvbnmnbvcx: 小赌怡情 12/02 22:59
25F:推 ctttttt : 会给啦 只是会控而已 他们的产线还是在那边 只是报 12/02 23:01
26F:→ ctttttt : 价可能要自砍,或是变成帮其他人多做一点。便宜的 12/02 23:01
27F:→ ctttttt : 代工厂还是会有人抢着下单 12/02 23:01
28F:推 stanleyiane : 梁董该告安永发布不实消息了吧 12/02 23:02
29F:推 samsun34567 : 那安永在搞笑喔 12/02 23:03
30F:推 icehorng : 蒿兔露丝 12/02 23:03
31F:推 felaray : 自己调查自己 然後换了CFO 但是没问题~ 12/02 23:03
32F:推 herculus6502: 解决问题(X) 12/02 23:04
33F:推 illillill : 老谢加持 12/02 23:05
34F:推 g27834618 : 卖掉了 唉。。 12/02 23:07
35F:推 smartman123 : 切割了一个财务长就过难关了,赚烂 12/02 23:08
36F:→ s56565566123: 喷烂 12/02 23:13
37F:推 ProfAsk : E Y毁了 12/02 23:15
38F:推 Swave : 感觉很不妙今天怎麽有人敢买= = 12/02 23:15
39F:→ Swave : 靠 推错 12/02 23:16
41F:→ OneDianHwen : 当初大家在跳船XDDDDD 那跳船的会计事务所颇ㄏ 12/02 23:19
42F:推 hcwang1126 : 乔好找余文顶了 12/02 23:23
43F:推 sfalco : 我28买的,应该是可以赚一波 12/02 23:24
44F:推 alau : 莫名赚了三万镁 12/02 23:27
45F:→ pikaaco : 喷烂 12/02 23:30
46F:→ tedcat : 呵呵 12/02 23:30
47F:推 kenkuo1688 : 30就卖了.. 12/02 23:34
48F:推 BroDians : 你新聘的组织讲出来的话可信吗 12/02 23:36
49F:→ leon1757tw : 查无不法 谢谢指教 12/02 23:47
50F:推 ivy0705 : 小赌怡情:) 12/02 23:49
51F:推 ejnfu : 涨20%了.. 12/02 23:49
52F:推 Madridtop : 有钱人永远知道内线,股市里面没有真相只有炒股 12/02 23:51
53F:嘘 crusoe : 机车 12/02 23:55
54F:推 ab4daa : 无罪 12/02 23:58
55F:→ cityport : 这下EY不出来解释不行了..梁董直接踩EY的招牌 12/03 00:00
56F:推 somedayborn : 就是出西台湾,EY可能认为有问题,但老美怎麽可能 12/03 00:04
57F:→ somedayborn : 不知道有出西台湾,两手策略,有交保护费就好 12/03 00:04
58F:推 crazwade : 27捡了一点 舒服 12/03 00:08
59F:推 kg6hr8te10 : 赞赞 12/03 00:12
60F:推 cms6384 : 查无不法 12/03 00:25
61F:→ r2356497 : 事务所有保密条款不能说的,只能法院上说啦XD 所以 12/03 00:28
62F:→ r2356497 : 如果公司如果不告事务所,那公开消息应该就是真实 12/03 00:28
63F:→ r2356497 : 消息了 12/03 00:28
64F:→ zvc798 : 那为啥要换CFO 新的团队是哪间事务所? 12/03 00:36
65F:推 ejnfu : 10万镁赚烂了.. 12/03 00:40
66F:推 yillusionwei: 我赌在37,不知道还有没有肉 12/03 00:40
67F:推 ackes : ...又飙涨了 12/03 00:44
68F:推 funguy0202 : 台湾传统查无不法谢谢指教太神啦 12/03 00:49
69F:推 kobe760903 : 18不赌37才赌 12/03 00:58
70F:推 acolam : 这还有人信喔xd 12/03 01:06
71F:推 deathoflove : 台厂又在乱搞 12/03 01:10
72F:推 zxcv91039 : 一晚3X% 12/03 01:20
73F:→ applegoodeat: 不管你信不信 反正华西街信了 12/03 01:22
74F:推 icehorng : 买smcx的一天60% 12/03 01:36
75F:推 aika5512308 : 喷 12/03 01:50
76F:推 godone17 : 行情总在绝望中诞生,在半信半疑中成长 12/03 02:36
77F:推 HarryHTC : 查无不法? 美国人也是看钱办事吗? 笑屎人了 12/03 03:10
78F:→ simo520 : CFO替罪羔羊 12/03 06:43
79F:推 dekirin : 年底就懂 12/03 06:44
80F:推 springman : 因为这缘故昨天涨28.68%吗?! 12/03 06:55
81F:→ Diplexer : 用钱可以解决很多事这在台湾不是早就知道 12/03 07:09
82F:→ lullabyman : 就看接下来是哪家大会计事务所愿意接就知道啦。 12/03 08:13
83F:→ iamstrapless: 找得到外部会计事务所肯背书吗 12/03 08:20
84F:→ faultless : 美国妖股 12/03 08:21
85F:推 ter2788 : 那当初安永杠麻跑? 呵呵 12/03 08:23
86F:推 kducky : 看其他三大又没有要接罗 Deloitte PwC KPMG看看 12/03 08:39
87F:→ appledick : 财报OK 换掉CFO ? 12/03 08:43
88F:推 rizman28 : 恭喜赌徒 12/03 08:44
89F:推 alcard22 : 抄底有得爽了0.0 12/03 09:16
90F:→ alcard22 : @ter2788 你可以问他XD 12/03 09:17
91F:推 nightop : 十万美赌徒哥大获全胜 12/03 09:20
92F:→ nightop : 只要不是掏空 东西做得出来基本上也不会放着让他倒 12/03 09:20
93F:→ aucky : 抄底鸽好猛 12/03 09:54
94F:推 cedric0928 : 事务所先找到再说,自己在那边放话很台湾味 12/03 10:08
95F:推 juven030129 : 半个月前BDO就接美超微审计了阿,这间在台湾的会员 12/03 10:14
96F:→ juven030129 : 所没什麽规模,但在美国还是蛮大的 12/03 10:14
97F:推 qk3380888 : 只能说梁董真会玩 12/03 10:27
98F:→ ejnfu : 他之前就找到会计事务所啦,大家可能漏掉消息了吧 12/03 11:34
99F:推 kisusu : 唬我啊.jpg 12/03 12:14
100F:推 lightson : 找到和开始实质审查不一样 这是内部成立的委员会 12/03 13:16
102F:→ juven030129 : 篇里面讲的调查本来就不同机构 12/03 13:57
103F:→ chenpfu0394 : 18块大买了6000台.. 12/03 14:21
104F:推 wtmjs : 这样不就变安永自砸招牌???人家好歹全球四大耶 12/03 17:09
105F:→ wtmjs : 。 12/03 17:09
106F:推 kanpfer : 我信梁董 12/10 16:38